Tag Archive for: credit score

Why 2024 Is a Great Time to Get a DSCR Loan

Are you a real estate investor looking for a smart loan option in 2024? Look no further! The DSCR loans, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan, might be the perfect fit for you. But why is this year a great time to get one? Well, it’s simple. DSCR loans focus on the property’s income as opposed to your personal finances. Consequently, they offer fast approvals and excellent rates. Today we will explore all the reasons why 2024 is a great time to take advantage of a DSCR loan. Let’s dive in!

What is a DSCR Loan?

A DSCR loan, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan, is a fantastic tool for real estate investors. It’s often called a “no personal income loan.” Why? Because it doesn’t look at your personal income or tax returns. Instead, it focuses on the income from the property itself.

Why Choose a DSCR Loan?

1. No Personal Income Needed

First, the best part about DSCR loans is that you don’t need to prove your personal income. Whether you just started your business or have no job, it doesn’t matter. Therefore, as long as the property’s cash flow, you’re good to go. For example, if you have a rental property that makes enough money to cover its expenses, you can qualify for a DSCR loan.

2. Quick Approval Process

Next, because there’s no need for personal income verification, the approval process is fast. More importantly, you don’t need to wait for tax returns or employment verifications. This means you can get your loan quickly and start investing sooner.

3. Perfect for Rental Properties

Moreover, DSCR loans are ideal for rental-ready properties. This means that the property is ready to rent out without needing major repairs. For instance, if you have a duplex that’s ready to rent, a DSCR loan is a great choice.

How to Qualify for a DSCR Loan

Step 1: Property Income

Firstly, the key factor is the income from the property. Again the property must make enough money to cover its bills. These expenses include the mortgage, taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and flood insurance. If the property can cover these expenses, you’re on the right track.

Step 2: Rental Ready

Secondly, the property needs to be rental ready. This means it should be in a condition where tenants can move in right away. If it needs major repairs, it won’t qualify for a DSCR loan.

Step 3: Good Credit Score

Additionally, while your personal income doesn’t matter, your credit score. A good credit score can help you get better rates. However, the loan itself won’t show up on your personal credit report since it’s made to your business.

Why 2024 Is a Great Time for a DSCR Loan

Better Rates Than Conventional Loans

Surprisingly, in 2024, DSCR loans have better rates than conventional loans. Usually, conventional loans are cheaper, but this year, it’s different. Many DSCR loans offer lower rates, making them a more attractive option.

Tools and Resources

Don’t forget to use tools like the DSCR calculator available on The Cash Flow Company’s website. This tool helps you check if your property will cash flow, which is crucial for qualifying for a DSCR loan.


In conclusion, 2024 is an excellent year to consider a DSCR loan. With no need for personal income verification, there are fast approvals, and better rates than conventional loans, DSCR loans are a perfect choice for real estate investors. If you have rental-ready properties and a good credit score, now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity.

If you’re interested in learning more, visit The Cash Flow Company’s website! Start taking advantage of DSCR loans today!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Why You Need DSCR Loans In Today’s Real Estate Market


DSCR Loans: Why You Need a Good Credit Score

Welcome to The Cash Flow Company! Today, we’re diving into why you need a good credit score for a DSCR loan. We’ve touched on DSCR loans before, however it’s essential to understand how your credit score fits into the picture. When you’re investing in real estate, having access to the right type of loan is crucial. Therefore, DSCR loans are a fantastic option for many investors because they focus on the income generated by the property rather than your personal income. However, in order to get the most out of a DSCR loan, you need a good credit score. This score impacts several aspects of your loan, from approval to interest rates and loan terms. Let’s break it down.

First, Why Credit Scores Matter

Your credit score is a significant factor in DSCR loans because underwriting is now mostly electronic. A computer evaluates your application, therefore your credit score heavily influences the outcome. Here’s how:

  1. Approval Rates: A better credit score means you are more likely to get approved.
  2. Interest Rates: Good credit scores often secure lower interest rates.
  3. Loan Terms: Higher credit scores can lead to better loan terms.

Second, Impact on Cash Flow


Let’s look at a simple example. Suppose you are looking at a property with a loan amount of $250,000. Taxes are $150 a month, and insurance is another $150 a month.

  • Good Credit (Mid to High 700s): You might get an interest rate of 7.375%, making your monthly payments about $1,727. Including taxes and insurance, your total payment is $2,027. If your rent is $2,100, your property cash flows positively.
  • Not-So-Good Credit (Below 680): You might get a higher rate, say 8.75%. This increases your monthly payment to $1,967. Adding taxes and insurance, your total payment is $2,267. With the same rent of $2,100, your property now has negative cash flow.

Third, Easier Loan Approval

A higher credit score makes it easier to qualify for a DSCR loan. Lenders prefer borrowers with good credit because it suggests reliability and lower risk.


Imagine two investors:

  • Investor A: Good credit score (750). They get approved easily and enjoy better terms.
  • Investor B: Lower credit score (650). They struggle to get approval and face higher rates and less favorable terms.

Fourth, Better Loan-to-Value (LTV)

LTV is the ratio of your loan amount to the value of the property. Your credit score affects this too.

How It Works

  • Good Credit: You might only need to put down 15-20%.
  • Poor Credit: You might have to put down 25-30%.

For a $300,000 property, this difference could mean needing an extra $30,000 upfront.

Finally, More Options and Lower Costs

When you have a good credit score, more lenders want to work with you. This competition can lead to lower costs, like reduced origination fees or better interest rates.


With a high credit score, you might have multiple lenders vying for your business, which often results in better deals. Lower credit scores limit your options and can lead to higher costs.


In conclusion, having a good credit score is vital for securing a DSCR loan and maximizing your real estate investment potential. Not only does a high credit score make it easier to get approved for loans, but it also helps you secure better interest rates and more favorable loan terms. Consequently, this leads to improved cash flow and the ability to invest in more properties with less money down.

Watch our most recent video: DSCR Loans: Why You Need a Good Credit Score

Tools and Resources

At The Cash Flow Company, we have tools to help you. Check out our Credit Score Checklist on our website for easy tips on improving your score.

Visit The Cash Flow Company and click on “Tools” to download our Credit Score Checklist.


5 Simple Steps to Starting a Successful Business

Many real estate investors and contractors wonder how they can get everything done that they need to. From setting up the EIN to naming the business, it can all be daunting. Today we are going to discuss the 5 steps to starting a successful business in order to get you on the right path quickly and easily. 

What are the 5 simple steps to starting a successful business?

#1: Make sure that your personal credit is set up for success. This will look differently for each person, so be sure to focus on the areas that need improvement.

#2: Define your business by deciding what the business is and how many businesses you want.

#3:  Decide the name for your business. It does help to have a parent company with no specified direction. Not only will it simplify things for you, but more importantly it will smooth things out for the banks for future financing needs. 

#4: Create an EIN by registering the company with the secretary of state.Setting this up correctly will ensure that you are seen as a business not only to lenders, but to clients as well. 

#5: Define your goals. Be very clear with your goals! Where do you want to go with your business, how many properties do you need, do you need to buy machinery? All of these goals need to be established first and foremost when starting your business. 

You are not alone!

There are a lot of companies out there who can help you through the process of setting things up correctly. They can help you find the right bank for your needs, register for an EIN, and even complete a DBA to change the name that you are working under. Contact us today to find out what you need to do to get started and ways you can set yourself up for success.

Establishing your goals are the key to success! 

Even though we have goals as #5 on our list, it really should be first and foremost in all of your business decisions. Those who don’t have their goals established will only focus on completing a checklist, which will result in more work. Maybe your goal is to buy five more properties this year. Another person’s goal might be to scale their business so that they can bring on two more employees. No matter what the goal is, make sure that you achieve it using your company name. In doing so, you will be able to work backwards and determine the steps you need to take in order to complete your goal.

Fitting into the lending box.

Those who establish their goals in the beginning are able to create a roadmap to success. As a result they can then begin looking for banks, as well as vendors, who have the products they need to succeed. Just to clarify, vendors can include home depot, lowes, and the gas company. These are just a few of the companies that can help you build business credit if you do it correctly. It is important that you get into the charge accounts as well. This will help you to not only grow your business, but build  your business credit score as well.

Build the migration from personal credit to business credit.

Finding the right vendors can help you begin the transition from personal credit to business credit. By having business credit you will be able to open more doors that will allow you to reach your business goals. Do you need a business credit card? Contact us today to find out more! 

Play the game to win it.

Real estate investing is all about leverage. In order to be successful in this community, you need other people’s money, loans, and debt. This will allow you to buy properties, as well as fix up properties. Investors and contractors who take the time to work on their credit will be able to open more doors than they would have otherwise. It is important to remember that times have changed and will continue to do so. Those who can set things up correctly, take the steps to get there, and focus on the quickest steps will have a greater chance of winning the real estate game!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about the 5 Simple Steps to Starting a Successful Business.

Are you starting a business and not sure where to begin? Contact us today to get on the right path! 


DSCR Loans: What Type of Properties Qualify?

Today we are going to discuss DSCR loans and look at what type of properties qualify. DSCR loans are an excellent product because they can provide more flexibility than traditional lenders. Unlike Fannie and Freddie, or traditional lenders, DSCR loans do not have the same guidelines. Instead, DSCR loans are regulated by a few big investors and do not force people to fit into a computerized box. DSCR loans create an opportunity for investors to find the perfect loan to meet their needs. 

Unique properties require unique loans.

Many unique properties include ones that need a smaller loan, a rural loan, mixed use, or properties that are above 4 units.  Keep in mind that some lenders are not always able to meet your needs. Unlike traditional loans, DSCR lenders all follow different guidelines and requirements. While one will do a DSCR ratio of 1, another lender will require 1.1 to get their best rates. Your credit score also plays a role in loan approval. Some lenders will go down to a 620 credit score, while others will say that 680 is the lowest they will go. There are so many different options that are available to investors. Be sure to take your time to find the best option for you and your property.  

The lending box.

There is a lending box that 60% to 70% of investors fit into. This box requires them to have a 700 credit score, 75% LTV, and a 1 to 4 unit property. For these investors, it becomes a matter of price shopping to see which lender has the best price for their property. If you don’t fit into this box don’t worry! There are a multitude of loan options available that can provide the flexibility you need to succeed. Do you have a VRBO, Airbnb property, pad rental, or a rural property? Find the right loan and the right amount for your next investment project. Whether it’s $50K or $300K, DSCR lenders have the versatility that can open the door to endless possibilities.

We are here to help!

Are you in need of a DSCR loan for a unique property? Here at The Cash Flow Company we are happy to run through the numbers to see which loan is best for you. Most importantly, there is no need to run your credit! Don’t get stressed trying to fit into a lending box! Keep your options open and find the right DSCR lender today! 

Contact us today to find out more about DSCR loans! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: DSCR Loans: What Type of Properties Qualify?


Business Owners: This Makes a HUGE Impact on Your Credit Score

Many business owners wonder what will make the biggest impact on their credit score. The answer is using personal credit for business expenses! If you max out your personal credit card with business expenses and fail to make payments on time, then it will show up on your credit report. In order to be successful, it is imperative that you maintain your credit score. Those who do will be able to get approved for business credit cards and loans in the future. How can you prevent any further strain on your credit score? Let’s take a closer look. 

What is the credit utilization rate and how does it affect you?

The credit utilization rate is the sum of your balances divided by the amount that you were approved for. If you are above 20% of your credit utilization rate, it will lower your credit score. For example, if you have a $10K personal credit card and use $3K of it, then it will decrease your credit score. However, if you have a $5K business credit card and use $4800, your credit score will not be impacted. In many instances, your credit score will by using a business credit card as opposed to a personal credit card.

Business credit cards are a key to success.

Once you get into business credit cards, the banks will start offering you business loans as well. I receive offers almost weekly that are offering a $30K business loan or a term loan. Investors are always finding ways to bring money into their business so that they aren’t in a cash crunch. Part of that is using credit cards for down payments and escrow. By just going through one extra step to apply for business credit cards, you can continue to use credit cards without affecting your score.

Buying a property has never been easier!

A business credit card is a tool that will not only help you pay for business expenses, but it can also be used to purchase a property. There are services out there who can help you use your credit card to purchase a property as long as things are set up correctly. For example, if you have a $10K limit on a business credit card and want to buy a property for $5K, they can take it directly off of the credit card. That $5K can be used to pay the title company for the earnest money or down payment. In doing so, you can put the property under contract easily by just using a business credit card. Once the property is refinanced or sold, the money can be paid back. 

Create the flexibility you need to succeed! 

Business credit cards provide the flexibility you need to be successful.. The most important benefit to using them is that they will not impact your credit score if you run up the balances. Almost every investor runs up their balance. You are not alone! Don’t fall for the deceptive leverage of personal credit cards. By using more than 20%, it will not only affect your credit score, but it will also cost you more. 

Don’t let your business expenses affect your personal life.

While investors are trying to use the leverage that they have available, using personal credit just makes it harder. If you are a business owner who is doing flips and rental using your personal credit cards, it will affect your personal life. For example, if your wife wants to get a new car or you need a HELOC, you may not have the credit score or DTI that you need to qualify. Just to clarify, DTI is your debt to income ratio.The lenders who will be lending you money are going to see that you have $75K in credit cards and you will have to account for that in your income.

Make the change today!

Business credit cards make life easier for you in so many ways! Protect your credit score by separating business expenses from personal expenses today. Don’t make things harder on yourself! Those who make the switch to business credit cards will create the flexibility needed for business expenses, while maintaining your credit for future loans or projects.

Contact us today to find out more about business credit cards and how you can improve your credit score today!

Watch our most recent video to discover why This Makes a HUGE Impact on Your Credit Score.


Why You Need to Understand the Lender Pie

Real estate investors often find that the biggest hurdle they face is learning the lending side of real estate. For over 23 years I have been working with investors. Many of them are just starting out and are learning how to build both income and wealth. Wealth in real estate investing is achieved by using other people’s money for leverage. It is important that you understand the lending pie, what it looks like, and how you can make it work for you. This in turn will also help you to better understand how to play the game and win in real estate. 

All lenders are looking for three things that make up their decision if they are going to lend to you. This includes your credit score, LTV, and your income.

1. LTV 

LTV stands for the loan to value. It is determined by evaluating how much money you have in a property, how much equity you have, and what is your piece of this property. Remember if your LTV or credit score is not the perfect piece of the pie, then you may have to compensate for that with a higher rate. We want to make sure that you understand this so that you pay the least amount when you’re investing. Investing is all about creating more wealth and income by paying less on the money that you are borrowing.  

2. Income and Reserves

Income and reserves can either come from you or from the property. If you’re looking at a DSCR or fix and flip, and you are going to sell it, then it is the income that the lenders will evaluate. Reserves include the amount of money you have put away in case something comes up. In regards to rental properties, it is how many months of reserves you have in case the property goes unrented for 3 to 6 months. If you’re a flipper, the reserves can help you make payments over the next 6 to 9 months until your property is sold. Depending on the situation, lenders may want a lower LTV, or may require a higher credit score to help balance things out.  

3. Credit score 

Lenders will evaluate your credit score and how you have paid people in the past before considering loan approval. Lending is primarily based on algorithms, and your credit score is a big determining factor. It is vital to your success as a real estate investor. The higher credit score will get you more money, a higher LTV, and it will provide more flexibility on income requirements. It is imperative for new investors to get their credit score as high as possible because it will lower the interest rates, the lower the mortgage payment, and decrease the amount of income you will need.

In conclusion

It is important that real estate investors understand the lending pie and how it impacts their success. While the lending pie is a mix between credit score, LTV, and income, the pieces are not always equal. This is because everyone’s pie is just a little bit different when lenders are looking. While LTV and income are more difficult to change, your credit score is a place where you can make the biggest impact. Be on the lookout for future videos that focus on credit and easy ways to raise your scores. 

Our goal is to make sure that you are as successful as possible. Contact us to find out more about the lending pie and how you can raise your credit scores. 

Watch our most recent video about The Lender Pie: 3 Key Loan Qualifications in Real Estate to find out more.


The Biggest Piece of the Lender Pie

One of the biggest hurdles that many investors face is learning the lending side of real estate. Today we are going to go over the lender pie and how it affects you as an investor. For over 23 years I have been working with investors. Many of them are just starting out and learning how to build both income and wealth. Wealth in real estate investing is achieved by using other people’s money for leverage. It is important that you understand the leverage side, what it looks like, and how you can make it work for you. All lenders base their lending decision on three factors, which are your credit score, LTV, and your income. The biggest piece of the lender pie is credit score!

1.  Credit score 

Lenders will evaluate your credit score and how you have paid people in the past before considering loan approval. Lending is primarily based on algorithms, and your credit score is a big determining factor. 

2.  LTV 

LTV stands for the loan to value. It is determined by evaluating how much money you have in a property, how much equity you have, and what is your piece of this property. LTV is one of the biggest factors that lenders look at when

 determining if they are going to lend to you, how much they will lend, and what it is going to cost.  

3.  Income and Reserves

Income and reserves can either come from you or from the property. If you’re looking at a DSCR or fix and flip, and you are going to sell it, then it is the income that the lenders will evaluate. Reserves include the amount of money you have put away in case something comes up. In regards to rental properties, it is how many months of reserves you have in case the property goes unrented for 3 to 6 months. If you’re a flipper, the reserves can help you make payments over the next 6 to 9 months until your property is sold.  

Which factor is the most important to lenders? 

The answer is that It’s always a mix between the three. However, your credit score has the largest impact on the other two pieces in the lending pie. Here is an example that illustrates how your credit score can affect both your LTV and the flexibility on income requirements.

Example: Credit score 

Your credit score is the most important factor in being approved or denied for a loan. If you have a good property, but a bad credit score in the 500’s, it won’t matter for most lenders. To clarify, a good property could be one that is 50% or 60% LTV. However, most lenders won’t even look at you. This is due to the fact that all lenders have guidelines and have to take into consideration certain things. If you have a 600 or even 620 credit score, then you are going to be limited. Your credit score is vital to your success. The higher credit score will get you more money, a higher LTV, and it will provide more flexibility on income requirements. It is imperative for new investors to get their credit score as high as possible because it will lower the interest rates, the lower the mortgage payment, and decrease the amount of income you will need.

In conclusion

The lending pie provides the perfect visual of how important leverage is for investors. Again, leverage is how you create wealth and income. While the pieces of the pie are not always equal, it is imperative that you understand how your credit score, income, and LTV work together. Remember, a lender is going to look at every piece and make sure that your pie is where it needs to be for approval. While LTV and income are more difficult to change, your credit score is a place where you can make the biggest impact. Be on the lookout for future videos that focus on credit and easy ways to raise your scores.

Our goal is to make sure that you are as successful as possible. Contact us to find out more about the lending pie and how you can raise your credit scores. 

Watch our most recent video about The Lender Pie: 3 Key Loan Qualifications in Real Estate to find out more.


From Denial to Approval: Credit and Interest Explained

Our goal today is to show how interest rates, credit scores, and LTV can affect your ability to not only qualify for a loan, but also to cash flow on the property. As a result, investors are walking a very fine line between being denied or approved for a loan. Learn how to shift from denial to approval today!

Type of property Purchase price Appraisal 


rents in area 

Amount down Financing 

30 year loan







Rental $250k $1,950 20% 80%

($200K loan) 

$300 75%
Credit Score DSCR rate Payment amount 

principle and interest

Payment amount plus fees  Cash flow 

based on appraisal 

Client 1 680 9.75% $1,718 $2,018 -$68.00
Client 2 720 8.99% $1,608 $1,908 +$42.00
Client 3 780 8.75% $1,573 $1,873 +77.00

The power of credit scores.

Your credit scores not only affect your rates, but they also will impact your cash flow on the property. Do you need to raise your credit score in order to qualify? We can help you get your credit scores back on track with our 911 loan. Contact us today to find out more. As credit scores go up, you will be able to not only capture more monthly income, but you will also create wealth.

How do rates affect cash flow?

As rates continue to rise, your payments are going to increase as well. This in turn causes your cash flow to suffer, and in most cases it will be a negative. Cash flow positive on the other hand, means that there are going to be more properties available for more investors. So keep your eye out for this change!

Rates are decreasing!

Over the past three weeks rates have been decreasing. We may be at the peak right now and many are predicting that rates are going to significantly drop in 2024. It is imperative that you stay up to date and keep track of current trends. We have created a Weekly Investor Mortgage Report for you! Reach out through our website or email to find out more.

Keep increasing your leverage!

In real estate investing leverage is the key to success. It is what makes your wealth and creates your income. By using banks, other people’s money, and filling your leverage buckets, you will set yourself up for success.  

In Conclusion.

This example paints a very clear picture showing how 3 different people compare side by side on the same property. Nowadays, investors can either be denied or approved just based on their credit score, or where the markets are. While being denied is discouraging, it is important that you understand why you didn’t qualify in order to make a change. If you want to impact where you are and where you are going in 2024, then check out our website. We have a lot of ways to positively impact your credit, as well as a weekly newsletter. We are here to help you get on the path to success. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more on How High Interest Rates Impact Real Estate Investments.


The Lender Pie: 3 Key Loan Qualifications in Real Estate

The biggest hurdle that many investors face is learning the lending side of real estate. Today we are going to go over the lender pie and how it affects you as an investor. For over 23 years I have been working with investors. Many of them are just starting out and learning how to build both income and wealth. Wealth in real estate investing is achieved by using other people’s money for leverage. It is important that you understand the leverage side, what it looks like, and how you can make it work for you. This will in turn allow you to better understand how to play the game and win in real estate. Let’s take a look at the three things that lenders are looking for when making their decision for approval.

All lenders are looking for three things that make up their decision if they are going to lend to you. This includes your credit score, LTV, and your income.

1. LTV 

LTV stands for the loan to value. It is determined by evaluating how much money you have in a property, how much equity you have, and what is your piece of this property. LTV is one of the biggest factors that lenders look at when determining if they are going to lend to you, how much they will lend, and what it is going to cost.  

2. Income and Reserves

Income and reserves can either come from you or from the property. If you’re looking at a DSCR or fix and flip, and you are going to sell it, then it is the income that the lenders will evaluate. Reserves include the amount of money you have put away in case something comes up. In regards to rental properties, it is how many months of reserves you have in case the property goes unrented for 3 to 6 months. If you’re a flipper, the reserves can help you make payments over the next 6 to 9 months until your property is sold.  

3. Credit score 

Lenders will evaluate your credit score and how you have paid people in the past before considering loan approval. Lending is primarily based on algorithms, and your credit score is a big determining factor. 

Which factor is the most important to lenders? 

The answer is that It’s always a mix between the credit score, LTV, and income. This is because everyone’s pie is just a little bit different when lenders are looking. Let’s take a look at a few examples and how one piece of the pie can impact the other two. 

Example 1: LTV

First let’s start by looking at LTV. The more money you have into the property the lower the LTV. This lower LTV allows the lender to be more flexible when it comes to your income requirements, or even your credit score. An example of this would be an individual who has owned a rental for a long time and is refinancing it with a 60% LTV. When your LTV is lower, they can overlook and maybe stretch the DTI or even lower the credit score requirements. On the other hand, if you have a property and you are into it for 90%, the lender will then be very diligent in making sure that you hit both the income and credit requirements. Remember if your LTV or credit score is not the perfect piece of the pie, then you may have to compensate for that with a higher rate. We want to make sure that you understand this so that you pay the least amount when you’re investing. Investing is all about creating more wealth and income by paying less on the money that you are borrowing.

Example 2: Income 

The question is, does your personal income make the payments, or can it make the payments on this new debt? The more income you have to cover the expenses, the more lenders can look at a higher LTV or they could even lower credit limitations. On the other side of it, if you have more reserves, the lenders can look at giving you a higher LTV. Just to clarify, reserves include 401K, IRA, stocks, bonds, and savings. Reserves are anything that is liquid. Let’s say your expenses are $1000 a month. This includes your mortgage, HOA, flood insurance, taxes, and insurance payment. If this property is bringing in $300K, the lenders will be a little more flexible on your credit and LTV because they know that this property is able to sustain. However, if the expenses are $1000 and you’re only bringing in $1100, then there is less of a cushion. The lender will see the income as being less sufficient to take any hits or damage if the property goes vacant for a month or the market shifts. They may want a lower LTV or require a higher credit score to help balance things out. 

Example 3: Credit score 

Your credit score is the most important factor in being approved or denied for a loan. If you have a good property, but a bad credit score in the 500’s, it won’t matter for most lenders. To clarify, a good property could be one that is 50% or 60% LTV. However, most lenders won’t even look at you. This is due to the fact that all lenders have guidelines and have to take into consideration certain things. If you have a 600 or even 620 credit score, then you are going to be limited. Your credit score is vital to your success. The higher credit score will get you more money, a higher LTV, and it will provide more flexibility on income requirements. It is imperative for new investors to get their credit score as high as possible because it will lower the interest rates, the lower the mortgage payment, and decrease the amount of income you will need.

In conclusion

These examples create a great picture of what real estate investors need to understand about leverage. Again, leverage is how you create wealth and income. Remember that it is not just one piece of the pie that is taken into consideration in the lending process. Instead, a lender is going to look at every piece and make sure that your pie is where it needs to be for approval. While LTV and income are more difficult to change, your credit score is a place where you can make the biggest impact. Be on the lookout for future videos that focus on credit and easy ways to raise your scores.

Our goal is to make sure that you are as successful as possible. Contact us to find out more about the lending pie and how you can raise your credit scores. 

Watch our most recent video about The Lender Pie: 3 Key Loan Qualifications in Real Estate to find out more.


How High Interest Rates Impact Real Estate Investments

Today we are going to paint a picture of how high interest rates impact investments for those who fix and flip properties or have rentals. Our goal is to show how rates, credit scores, and LTV can affect your ability to not only qualify for a loan, but also cash flow on the property. We all know what is happening with the Fed and how it is impacting us, but what does that look like on paper? The example that we are reviewing today will provide an excellent visual of how everything plays a role in the real estate game. DSCR is the product we are using today because it is one of the most popular out there.

Type of property Purchase price Appraisal 


rents in area 

Amount down Financing 

30 year loan







Rental $250k $1,950 20% 80%

($200K loan) 

$300 75%
Credit Score DSCR rate Payment amount 

principle and interest

Payment amount plus fees  Cash flow 

based on appraisal 

Client 1 680 9.75% $1,718 $2,018 -$68.00
Client 2 720 8.99% $1,608 $1,908 +$42.00
Client 3 780 8.75% $1,573 $1,873 +77.00

What about Conventional and Fix and Flips?

This example is also representative of a conventional, and fix and flips as well. In a nutshell, the more you pay on interest, the less properties you can handle. 

What is the appraisal?

An appraisal determines the average of rents in the neighborhood and uses this amount in the underwriting. The amount can change depending on if you have a couple years of history with rents that exceed the determined amount. The increasing rates are making it extremely difficult for properties to hit the expected rent amount.

What is the DSCR rate?

DSCR rates are determined based on your LTV. A credit score below 680 typically lowers the LTV from 80% to 75%. Therefore, you would need to put in more money up front on each purchase. If you’re looking at a DSCR with a credit score of 679, you will either be declined or it will flip you into a non ratio DSCR. Which means that your rates are going to be higher. Is a DSCR loan right for you? Visit our website to find out more.

The power of credit scores.

Your credit scores not only affect your rates, but they also will impact your cash flow on the property. Do you need to raise your credit score in order to qualify? We can help you get your credit scores back on track with our 911 loan. Contact us today to find out more. As credit scores go up, you will be able to capture more monthly income and create wealth.

How do rates affect cash flow?

As rates continue to rise, your payments are going to increase as well. This in turn causes your cash flow to suffer, and in most cases it will be a negative. Cash flow positive on the other hand, means that there are going to be more properties available for more investors. So keep your eye out for this change!

Rates are decreasing!

Over the past three weeks rates have been decreasing. We may be at the peak right now and many are predicting that rates are going to significantly drop in 2024. It is imperative that you stay up to date and keep track of current trends. We have created a Weekly Investor Mortgage Report for you! Reach out through our website or email to find out more.

Keep increasing your leverage!

In real estate investing leverage is the key to success. It is what makes your wealth and creates your income. By using banks, other people’s money, and filling your leverage buckets, you will set yourself up for success.  

In Conclusion.

I wanted to paint this picture so you can understand how 3 different people compare side by side on the same property. Investors can either be denied or approved just based on their credit score, or where the markets are. While being denied is discouraging, it is important that you understand why you didn’t qualify and why properties are not cash flowing right now. If you want to impact where you are and where you are going in the New Year, then check out our website. We have a lot of ways to positively impact your credit, as well as a weekly newsletter. We are here to help you get on the path to success. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more on How High Interest Rates Impact Real Estate Investments.
