ARV = After Repair Value
AFSF = Above Ground Finished Square Feet
Atty = Attorney
BPO = Broker Price Opinion
BKR = Broker
BNK = Bank
BRW = Borrower
CLTC = Combined Loan to Value
CMA = Current Market Value (use as BPO)
Comp = Comparable Sale
CR = County Road
DSCR = Debt Service Coverage Ratio
EIN = Employer Identification Number (Business version of an SSN)
E&O = Errors and Omissions Insurance
EOI = Evidence of Insurance
EOM = End of Month
EOY = End of Year
I/O = Interest Only
Int = Interest
ISAOA = It’s Successors and/or Assigns
JMT = Judgement
LTV = Loan to Value
L/F = Late Fee
L/O = Loan Officer
MTG = Mortgage
MSG = Message
NMLS = Nationwide Multistate Licensing System
Orig = Origination
O&E = Ownership and Encumbrances (title check to see who owns and who’s owed)
POA = Power of Attorney (ask title if needed, we have a template if they don’t provide one)
PA = Purchase Agreement (Sales Contract)
PFS = Personal Financial Statement
PP = Purchase Price
PPA = Partial Payment Arrangement (Monthly stream of payments)
P/O = Payoff
Pts = Points
OPM = Other Peoples Money
SFR = Single Family Residence
SOW = Scope of Work
SQ FT = Square Feet
SPO = Spouse
SS = Short Sale
SSA = Short Sale Agreement
TIN = Tax ID Number (could be an EIN, SSN Or an ID# for a legal or illegal immigrant to file their taxes)
TFSF = Total Finished Square Feet
TSF = Total Square Feet
VOM = Verification of Mortgage
VOE = Verification of Employment
WS = Wholesale
To apply for fix and flip loans please follow this link.
If you have any question regarding the DSCR loans you can email us at or call us at 303.539.3000.
Looking for more info on DSCR loans and or other investment loans, check out our Youtube Channel.