Tag Archive for: 2024

HELOC Vs Cash Out Refi: Which One is Better in 2024?

Are you thinking about tapping into your home equity to put more money into your life? If so, you might be wondering whether or not a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) or a Cash-Out Refinance is the best choice for you. Both options have their perks, however one may suit your needs better than the other in 2024. Today we will discuss HELOC Vs Cash Out Refi. Let’s get started by breaking  down the differences and comparing them in order to see which option will put more money into your pocket.

What is a HELOC?

First and foremost, what is a HELOC? A HELOC is a Home Equity Line of Credit, or an equity line on your property. Therefore, it operates like a credit card and you can draw from it as needed by using your home as collateral. To clarify, you only pay interest on the amount you borrow, not on the entire line of credit. Here are some key points about HELOCs:

  • First, Low to no upfront costs: Many HELOCs have little to no initial fees if it is kept for a few years. Even if they do charge, it is normally only in the $400-$500 range.
  • Next, Flexible borrowing: You can borrow as much or as little as you need, as long as you stay within your credit limit.
  • Finally, Variable or fixed rates: Choose a rate that fits your financial plan. There are a variety of options available that can fit your needs.

What is a Cash-Out Refinance?

A Cash-Out Refinance on the other hand replaces your existing mortgage with a new, larger one. Therefore, you receive the difference in cash. This option can be helpful if you need a large sum of money and would prefer a single monthly payment. Here are some key points about a cash-Out Refinances:

  • First, Higher upfront costs: Expect to pay between $3,000 and $8,000 in closing costs.
  • Next, Fixed interest rate: Your new mortgage has a fixed rate, giving you predictable payments.
  • Finally, Longer loan term: You start a new mortgage term, which can be up to 30 years.

5 Benefits of HELOCs

Here are five reasons why a HELOC might be a better choice than a Cash-Out Refinance in 2024:

  1. Lower Costs: It often costs little to nothing to refinance into a HELOC.
  2. More Funds Available: HELOCs usually allow you to borrow a higher percentage of your home’s value compared to Cash-Out Refinances.
  3. Keep Your Low Mortgage Rate: You don’t have to refinance your existing low-rate mortgage into a higher-rate loan.
  4. Fast and Simple: HELOCs are fast and simple to set up, often with less paperwork.
  5. No Regrets: With a HELOC, you’re not committing to a new long-term, higher-rate mortgage, potentially saving you money in the long run.

Which One is Better for You?

When choosing between a HELOC and a Cash-Out Refinance it depends on your financial goals, as well as the current market conditions. Here are some scenarios to help you decide:

Choose a HELOC if:

  • Low upfront costs.
  • Flexibility in borrowing.
  • You plan to pay off the borrowed amount quickly.
  • Receive 80% to 85% LTV.
  • Interest on mortgage is 3% to 4% and will not be affected by HELOC. 
  • Less paperwork and closing in 1 to 3 weeks.

Choose a Cash-Out Refinance if:

  • You need a large sum of money all at once.
  • Fixed monthly payments.
  • Payments are included within the life of the mortgage.
  • Receive up to 75% LTV.
  • Interest on mortgage will increase to 7%.
  • More paperwork and closing in 3-4 weeks. 

Real-Life Example

Today we are going to use the numbers right from David Ramsey’s website. On his website he states that the average debt in America for real estate, car, and credit card totals $290,000. It is important however to understand that these amounts can be even higher for some people. Therefore these numbers can multiply to an even higher number of savings for you depending on your situation. 

Total Debt $290K
Current Mortgage 4%
Total Debt Payments Per Month $2,700 
Savings Goal Per Month $700 


Refinance: Mortgage, Car, Credit Card Into One Payment
Interest Rate 7%
Mortgage After Refinance $295K
Savings Goal Per Month $700
Cost Over the Life of the Loan $250K
Cost After Just One Year $113,000


HELOC: Take Your Debt and Move it into a Home Equity Line of Credit
Fixed Interest Rate 9%
Consolidate the Car and Credit Cards $57,000
Savings Goal Per Month $700
Cost Over the Life of the Loan $6,000 to $7,000

In sum, a HELOC is usually better for those who want low initial costs and flexible borrowing options. On the other hand, a Cash-Out Refinance might suit you if you need a large sum of money at once and prefer the stability of fixed payments.


In conclusion, a HELOC often provides more flexibility, as well as lower upfront costs than a Cash-Out Refinance will. However, your choice depends on your specific needs and financial situation. Therefore, think about your goals, how much money you need, and how quickly you plan to repay the loan. Most importantly, remember that interest rates and market conditions can change. What works best now might not be the best choice in the future. Always keep an eye on the market and consult with a financial advisor to make an informed decision.By making the right choice, you can save money, reduce stress, and improve your overall financial well-being.

Need More Information?

If you have questions or want more personalized advice, check out our website or give us a call. We’re here to help you make the best financial decision for your future.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: HELOC Vs Cash Out Refi: Which One is Better in 2024?


Interest rates are currently high, but they’re likely to start falling in 2024. What can you do now so that you’re prepared to build wealth when interest rates drop?

It’s important to look at the patterns of those interest rates so we can project where they’ll be over the next few years.

Real estate investing is one of the most accessible ways to create generational wealth. It takes two things to be successful:

  1. Leverage: knowing how to use other people’s money (bank loans, etc.) to turn a profit
  2. Math: know how the numbers work so you can use them to your advantage.

Even though interest rates are currently high, if we understand how to use leverage and math to our benefit, we’ll be creating wealth in no time.

Falling Interest Rates Generate Generational Wealth… If You’re Prepared.

If you buy when interest rates are high, you’re going to increase your income as rates fall by refinancing. This puts money back in your pocket. You’re also going to increase your net worth even if you don’t sell.

Refinancing when rates fall is a great way to create the income you need to begin a sustainable investment cycle. 

Also, this strategy also naturally lets you diversify lines of credit, cross liens, etc. that allow you to increase your portfolio.

Time to Buy

Here’s the bottom line: rates are going to fall, and if you buy now, you’ll build income without needing to invest in additional investments. 

This is the time to be buying investment properties.

We’re moving into a market where there’s going to be a lot of demand for properties. As rates fall, more people will be looking to buy. Get ahead of that rush, and use the dropping rates to put money in your pocket.


It’s important to keep your finger on the pulse as a real estate investor — especially if you’re serious about generating wealth. We have a weekly Investor Mortgage Report that keeps you updated on DSCRs, bank rates, private money, and market trends so you can be an informed investor.

Things change rapidly. Rates may rise through the end of 2023, but the moment they start to fall, you want to be prepared.

If you’d like to be put on the Investor Report email list, or if you have questions about how to get started as an investor, reach out to us at Mike@TheCashFlowCompany.com.


Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


Interest rates are currently high. This can create a discouraging market for new investors, but it’s important to look at the patterns of those interest rates so we can learn how to create wealth investing in real estate.

Real estate investing is one of the most accessible ways to create generational wealth. It takes two things to be successful:

  1. Leverage: knowing how to use other people’s money (bank loans, etc.) to turn a profit
  2. Math: know how the numbers work so you can use them to your advantage.

Even though interest rates are currently high, if we understand how to use leverage and math to our benefit, we’ll be creating wealth in no time.

It Comes Down to Numbers (and Interest Rates)

We’re all in real estate investing to create income, wealth, a better life. Interest rates are a significant aspect of that. We need to understand exactly how to leverage high interest rates to help you create the wealth you’re here for.

Here’s the good news: interest rates will likely go down soon.

If you buy a property when rates are high, you can refinance when rates drop to increase both your income and equity. 

For Example…

  • Let’s say you have a 4-plex that you’re going to purchase with the following figures:
    • 4-Plex (Initial Numbers)
      • Loan Amount: $500,000 
      • Interest Rate: 8.5% 
      • Monthly Payments: $3,800

    As we said earlier, rates are likely to decrease soon. We’re heading into a big election year which tends to drop rates, and the Fed is hitting their apex. So what happens when the rates decrease and we look at refinancing?

    • 4-Plex (Refinanced!)
      • Loan Amount: $500,000 
      • Interest Rate: 7.5%
      • Monthly Payments: $3,496 (+ $360 income/month)

Even if interest rates only drop by 1%, you still end up with over $4,000/year more in your pocket.

Similarly, because of the  shifting value, that initial $500,000 now has a value of $550,000 (10% higher than before).

If all you do is refinance when rates drop by 1%, you can easily build income and equity. Imagine the strides you can take when interest rates drop even further.

This same strategy applies to portfolio/multi-family homes. When rates drop, you can look into refinancing any investment property to explore these possibilities and take advantage of this opportunity to build generational wealth.


Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


Fun fact: What the Fed is doing now will create more opportunities for generational wealth and income in the very near future.

Interest rates are currently high. This can create a discouraging market for new investors, but it’s important to look at the patterns of those interest rates so we can project where they’ll be over the next few years.

Real estate investing is one of the most accessible ways to create generational wealth. It takes two things to be successful:

  1. Leverage: knowing how to use other people’s money (bank loans, etc.) to turn a profit
  2. Math: know how the numbers work so you can use them to your advantage.

Even though interest rates are currently high, if we understand how to use leverage and math to our benefit, we’ll be creating wealth in no time.

It Comes Down to Numbers (and Interest Rates)

We’re all in real estate investing to create income, wealth, a better life. Interest rates are a significant aspect of that. We need to understand exactly how to leverage high interest rates to help you create the wealth you’re here for.

Here’s the good news: interest rates will likely go down soon.

If you buy a property when rates are high, you can refinance when rates drop to increase both your income and equity. 

For Example…

Let’s say you have a 4-plex that you’re going to purchase with the following figures:

  • 4-Plex (Initial Numbers)
    • Loan Amount: $500,000 
    • Interest Rate: 8.5% 
    • Monthly Payments: $3,800

As we said earlier, rates are likely to decrease soon. We’re heading into a big election year which tends to drop rates, and the Fed is hitting their apex. So what happens when the rates decrease and we look at refinancing?

  • 4-Plex (Refinanced!)
    • Loan Amount: $500,000 
    • Interest Rate: 7.5%
    • Monthly Payments: $3,496 (+ $360 income/month)

Even if interest rates only drop by 1%, you still end up with over $4,000/year more in your pocket.

Similarly, because of the  shifting value, that initial $500,000 now has a value of $550,000 (10% higher than before).

If all you do is refinance when rates drop by 1%, you can easily build income and equity. Imagine the strides you can take when interest rates drop even further.

This same strategy applies to portfolio/multi-family homes. When rates drop, you can look into refinancing any investment property to explore these possibilities and take advantage of this opportunity to build generational wealth.

Falling Interest Rates Generate Generational Wealth… If You’re Prepared.

If you buy when interest rates are high, you’re going to increase your income as rates fall. You’re also going to increase your net worth even if you don’t sell them. It’s a great way to create the income you need to begin a sustainable investment cycle. 

Also, this strategy also naturally lets you diversify lines of credit, cross liens, etc. that allow you to increase your portfolio.

Time to Buy

Here’s the bottom line: rates are going to fall, and if you buy now, you’ll build income without needing to invest in additional investments. 

This is the time to be buying investment properties.

We’re moving into a market where there’s going to be a lot of demand for properties. As rates fall, more people will be looking to buy. Get ahead of that rush, and use the dropping rates to put money in your pocket.


It’s important to keep your finger on the pulse as a real estate investor — especially if you’re serious about generating wealth. We have a weekly Investor Mortgage Report that keeps you updated on DSCRs, bank rates, private money, and market trends so you can be an informed investor.

Things change rapidly. Rates may rise through the end of 2023, but the moment they start to fall, you want to be prepared.

If you’d like to be put on the Investor Report email list, or if you have questions about how to get started as an investor, reach out to us at Mike@TheCashFlowCompany.com.

You can also check out our YouTube channel for more investment tips and tricks.


2024 Real Estate Market Predictions


What have we seen in 2023 and how does it inform our real estate market predictions for 2024?

When you’ve been in the real estate investing industry for as long as we have, you start noticing trends. 

2023 has been an interesting year for investors as we’ve faced exceptionally high interest rates. At times, this has been stressful, but how can we use this information to help us prepare for the next year of opportunities?

What Have We Seen in 2023?

High interest rates! 

Currently, rates are between 7% to a little over 7% for people looking to buy an owner-occupied property with a 30-year fixed mortgage.

According to Realtor.com, we’re also facing a shortage of homes for sale. Although there is high interest in buying single-family homes, there’s a shortage in the market. 

Affordability has also been a challenge for buyers and investors alike. All buyers need to afford and qualify for the mortgage in order to move forward.

All in all, it’s been a tough market for real estate. Smart investing has been more necessary than ever before.

2024: A Shifting Market


Moving into 2024, we’re going to see even more repercussions from the pent up demand from 2023. People want to buy homes, and the market is going to get competitive. 

Affordability Concerns

So many young adults are living with friends or family out of necessity. Multi-family households are increasingly common in response to affordability concerns.

As these adults get older, the desire to live in their own space will only get stronger.

Election Year Impact

Even though the Fed isn’t tied to either Democrats or Republicans, there’s always pressure on them to make sure the American people feel good about the housing market. 

Pay attention to how interest rates respond to election pressures.

Dropping Rates

The Fed has nearly reached their max which means lower rates are coming! And not just on housing; credit cards, student loans, etc. will all start seeing lower interest rates. 

Although it’s tricky to pinpoint exactly how low the rates will drop, our real estate market predictions are confident that lower rates are coming.

The Economics Behind the 2024 Market

As interest rates go down, you’ll have the opportunity to increase your cash flow just by refinancing or being smart with your purchases. 

The lower the interest rate, the more money goes into your own pocket in each deal.

But how does the math work?

If you’re looking at your finances, and you think you can afford approximately $2,000 for a monthly mortgage payment, here’s the breakdown:

  • In total, you can afford $2,000 a month in payments 
  • Subtract $100 for taxes
  • Subtract $100 for insurance
  • TOTAL: Investor can afford about $1,800/month that goes towards the mortgage

Now, let’s run that through different interest rates. 

Even though you can afford only $1,800/month towards a mortgage, the interest rate significantly changes the loan amount which in turn changes the types of property you can pursue:

Even a change from a 7% to a 6% interest rate results in an 11% increase in the price of a home you can afford. 

As interest rates go down, more people can access what’s on the market. 

If you’re in real estate investing, having homes ready to flip in 2024 to meet that pent up demand as interest rates drop can make a huge difference for you.

Make a Game Plan

Even though rates are still high, based on these evidence-based real estate market predictions, you should start buying and getting properties ready to flip by the end of this year.

Real estate markets move quickly, so you’ll want to be ready for those falling rates when the market demand spikes. 

If you’re wondering why should I buy when interest rates are so high? here’s the deal: If you buy right now when interest rates are high, you can cash flow them as rates fall. This makes your properties more valuable when you flip them, and cash flow is going to increase.

We’re Here to Help

As a real estate investor, you’ve got to keep up on interest rates. If you need somewhere to start, you can contact us to sign up for our weekly mortgage report. It comes to your inbox and tells you what’s happening in the mortgage industry that impacts you as an investor.

We’re also happy to answer any questions you have about preparing for this upcoming year. For questions or to sign up for our mortgage report, email us at Info@TheCashflowCompany.com.

Remember, prepare now to keep the money train rolling in 2024!


How can real estate investors WIN in the changing 2024 market?

We’re expecting to see more foreclosures and more properties available at discounts in the coming year which is ideal for real estate investors in the business of fix and flips and rentals. 

No matter where you came from or whether you have a college degree, anyone with the willingness to work and learn can make good money in real estate. 

We’re here to share a few tricks so that, as opportunities show up in the coming year, you’re set for success. 

Preparing as Real Estate Investors

There are typically two sides of real estate investing: 1) finding good properties and 2) financing. 

As we said before, you need money to make the money. Today, we want to look at the financing side of things so you’re ready when the good properties show up. 

As an investor, it’s important that you’re attractive to lenders. Lenders, as a rule, want to lend you money, but it’s important to understand what they’re really looking for as well as how you can diversify your money bucket to maximize your success. 

Filling Your Real Estate Money Bucket

For any project you do, you need money. We refer to this collection of money as your money bucket

The money in your bucket comes from two sources: 1) a lender and 2) you.

Both of these areas of funding are going to come together and fill the bucket to finance your project. 

1. Be Honest With your Lender and Get Your Projects Done

This may seem obvious, but make sure you’re honest with your lender.

Make sure you’re upfront about your financial history. It should go without saying, but don’t try to hide that you’ve had a bankruptcy or defaulted on a loan in the past. 

If you’re concerned about your financial history, trust us: It’s much worse to hide it and make the lender find out on their own (which they will).

Once they find out, it will be harder for you to get a loan. And if you do find a loan, your options are going to be severely limited—not just because of the history, but even more so because you hid important information. 

Options are super important for real estate investors. 

Options drive down the costs of loans, and anytime you pay less for money, the more money there’s going to be in your bucket. 

Similarly, when you say you’re going to get a project done, get it done. Whether it’s a flip or a BRRRR, construct a solid timeline on the front end so you and your lender are on the same page.

It’s often a good idea to put in a bit of a cushion when talking to your lenders so that you don’t panic if there are minor delays in your project. 

Lenders want to see honest people who are doing their best. Most lenders are happy to support honest investors who are upfront with them with more money, more funding, more options. 

2. Your Credit Score Matters

The better your credit, the more options you’ll have. 

Impact of Credit: Banks love clients with high credit scores. The higher the score, the more options they’re likely to offer. 

As with finding a loan, the more options banks offer, the more likely you are to find a great deal.

Personal vs. Business cards: Using personal credit for investing can quickly turn into a problem. 

Using personal credit cards or lines of credit for business projects can drive people’s scores down.

We strongly recommend using business credit cards for your real estate investing. You should still make sure you’re paying everything on time, but that business credit card in your name isn’t going to be reported on your personal credit report.

This keeps your credit score higher as you’re looking for loans.

Lines of Credit: Having a variety of credit lines, and opening those strategically, helps real estate investors fill their money buckets. Lines of credit in business credit cards, HELOCs, etc. can get you more prepared for down payments, earnest money, repairs, and more. 

It’s helpful to have backup lines of credit that are ready for when you need money for time-sensitive deals. 

Fill your bucket and your options. 

3. Finding Real People’s Money as Real Estate Investors

When trying to fill your money bucket, you shouldn’t overlook your friends and family. 

Look out for real people in your life who are willing to invest in your project. Even if they only want to invest $10K, that can still help you cover your earnest money or smaller payments.

A lot of people are looking for private investments that offer better returns than traditional banks. Working with the real people in your life can make a huge difference in your ability to fund your project.

If you need help with navigating those personal investments, we’re happy to help. We have a lot of experience working with diverse money buckets and know how to keep notes for your financial records so those private loans are correctly accounted for.

Calling All Real Estate Investors: Prepare for 2024!

It’s important in 2023 to get ready for what’s coming in the future. 

Make sure you have lenders set up from hard money to neighbors and everyone in between. Check your credit scores now to ensure you have the options that will make your investing a success. 

You can also check out our free and easy tools to help get you ready for the upcoming market. We even have a free credit score checklist for you to use.

As always, we’re always happy to help! If you have any questions about the upcoming market, your loan options, or how to fix your credit, reach out to us at Info@TheCashFlowCompany.com.

You can also check out our YouTube channel to learn more about real estate investing.
