Tag Archive for: real estate investing

HELOC: Make Real Estate Investing Easier, Faster, and Cheaper

At The Cash Flow Company, we always strive to make investing easier for you. One tool that can significantly help is the HELOC. A HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, is essential for making real estate investing simpler, faster, and more cheaper. Therefore, by opening a HELOC, you gain flexibility, allowing you to fund deals yourself or secure contracts quickly. In fact, it’s surprising that not all investors have a HELOC on at least one of their properties. The benefits are so apparent that it’s wild more people don’t use them. Let’s dive into why a HELOC is a game-changer for real estate investors.

What is a HELOC?

A HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, is like a big credit card for your home. It lets you borrow against the equity in your property. This can be your own home or a rental property. To clarify, you can get a HELOC on a home with no mortgage or even one that already has a mortgage.

Why Use a HELOC for Real Estate Investing?

Using a HELOC can make your investing journey easier, faster, and cheaper. Here’s how:

  1. Flexibility: Access funds whenever you need them. You can write a check or wire money instantly.
  2. Lower Costs: Save on interest rates, fees, and other costs associated with traditional loans.
  3. Speed: No waiting for loan approval. Be a true cash buyer and grab deals quickly.

How Does a HELOC Work?

Think of a HELOC as a revolving line of credit, much like a credit card. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Get Approved: Apply at a bank or credit union.
  2. Draw Period: Use the funds for up to 10 years. You can pay it back and use it again, just like a credit card.
  3. Flexibility: Use it for down payments, purchases, or even repairs.

Examples of HELOCs in Action

Example 1:
Imagine you own a property worth $300,000 and get a HELOC for $200,000. You find a great deal on another property for $150,000. You can use your HELOC to buy it quickly, without waiting for a traditional loan approval.

Example 2:
Let’s say you own a property worth $400,000 and owe $250,000 on it. You get a HELOC for $75,000. Someone comes to you with a good deal on a property for $75,000. You can write a check from your HELOC and buy it immediately.

Benefits of a HELOC

First, Lower Interest Rates: Typically lower than credit cards and even some private loans. For example, while credit cards can have rates in the 20s, HELOCs often have rates around 8-9%.

Second, No Extra Fees: Save on appraisals, underwriting, and other processing fees. This can save you thousands of dollars per deal.

Third, Convenience: Use checks or debit cards linked to your HELOC for quick access to funds.

Why Aren’t More Investors Using HELOCs?

Many investors don’t use HELOCs because they find them confusing. But, with a bit of understanding, they can see how beneficial it can be. Even a small HELOC can cover down payments or monthly payments, making investing smoother.

How Much Can You Get with a HELOC?

The amount you can borrow depends on your property’s value and the current economy. Banks might lend up to 80-90% of your home’s value. Even if you start with a lower amount, you can always refinance later as the economy improves.

Setting Up Your HELOC

  1. Pay Down One Property: Focus on reducing the mortgage on one property to free up equity.
  2. Apply for a HELOC: Once you have enough equity, apply for a HELOC to use for future investments.

HELOC Tools and Resources

At The Cash Flow Company, we provide a HELOC questionnaire to help you determine the best options for you. Visit our website and check under the Tools section.

Apply for a HELOC today!

In conclusion, a HELOC can be a powerful tool for real estate investors. By not only offering flexibility and lower costs, but speed as well, it makes investing easier and more efficient. Therefore, if you want to streamline your investing process, consider setting up a HELOC. With the right strategy, you can use your home equity to seize opportunities quickly and grow your wealth faster. Visit our website to explore HELOC options and get started today.

Watch our most recent video: HELOC: Make Real Estate Investing Easier, Faster, and Cheaper



Why You Need the Loan Cost Optimizer

Today we are discussing why you need the Loan Cost Optimizer. This is an excellent tool that helps you find the best loan for your investment needs. Just like a house, a contractor, or a realtor, loans cost money and, more importantly, impact your bottom line. So, why do you need this tool in your real estate investment toolbox? Let’s take a closer look! 

Loans are complicated!

In a nutshell, loans can be complicated. However, it’s all about simple math. There are a number of things that affect the total cost of your loan including interest rates, loan term, and fees. This tool on the other hand, allows you to compare different loan scenarios both quickly and easily. Not only are you able to input different scenarios, but you can also compare costs in order to find the best deal. There is no need to be overwhelmed trying to find the right loan! </p>

Example 1

: Short-Term Fix and Flip

  • Loan Term: 3 months
  • Interest Rate: 8%
  • Fees: $2,000

Total Cost: $4,000

Example 2: Long-Term Renovation

  • Loan Term: 12 months
  • Interest Rate: 6%
  • Fees: $5,000

Total Cost: $11,000

With this in mind, even though the interest rate is lower in the long-term loan, the additional fees make it more expensive.


In conclusion, using a Loan Cost Optimizer can help find the best loan for your deal. In fact, understanding and comparing the total costs, will allow you to make smarter decisions. More importantly it allows you to maximize your profits as well!

Visit our website and try our Loan Cost Optimizer today! It’s free and easy to use. You don’t have to commit to anything, just see how it works and find the best loan for your next project.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Why You Need the Loan Cost Optimizer


Real Estate Investing: How to Make Money Now Versus Later

Welcome to the world of real estate investing! Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, it’s essential to understand the different strategies that can help you make money now versus later. Let’s dive into how you can maximize your investments both short-term and long-term.

Making Money Now

Interest-Only Loans

An interest-only loan is a type of mortgage where you only pay the interest on the loan for a set period of time. This means that your monthly payments are lower because you’re not paying down the principal balance yet. By switching to an interest only loan you have an easier time qualifying, improve your cash flow, and can also be approved for higher loan amounts! 

Making Money Later

Long-Term Investment Strategy

Real estate investing isn’t just about making money now; it’s also about building wealth over time. Here’s how long-term strategies can help you achieve that.

Different Philosophies in Real Estate Investing:

Some investors aim to buy properties and pay them off as a retirement plan. Others prefer to keep refinancing and taking out cash to reinvest. It is important to keep in mind that by refinancing, it can help you to take advantage of lower interest rates and property appreciation. It also allows you to pull out cash from your properties to reinvest or cover personal expenses.

Immediate Cash Flow vs. Long-Term Wealth:

  • Immediate Cash Flow:

      • Great for investors who need cash now.
      • Interest-only loans provide more monthly cash flow.
  • Long-Term Wealth:

    • Ideal for investors focusing on future growth.
    • Refinancing and property appreciation build wealth over time.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Strategy:

  • Personal financial goals
  • Current market conditions
  • Risk tolerance

Combining Both Strategies for a Balanced Portfolio:

  • Use interest-only loans to improve cash flow now.
  • Plan to refinance and invest in long-term properties for future wealth.


Real estate investing offers various strategies that can help you make money now and build wealth for the future. It is important to assess your personal goals, consider market conditions, and choose the right approach for your investment needs. For personalized advice and loan options, contact The Cash Flow Company. We’re here to help you succeed in your real estate investing journey!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Real Estate Investing: How to Make Money Now Versus Later


Loan Cost Optimizer: Find the BEST Loan for Your Deal

Today we are going to discuss our Loan Cost Optimizer! This crucial financial tool helps you find the best loan for your real estate deal. Just like a house, a contractor, or a realtor, loans cost money and, more importantly, impact your bottom line. So, why wouldn’t you shop around and find the right one? 

Understanding Loan Costs.

In a nutshell, loans can be complicated. However, when you break it down, it’s all about simple math. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Interest Rates: How much you pay to borrow the money.
  • Loan Term: The length of time you’ll be paying back the loan.
  • Fees: These include origination fees, appraisal fees, inspection fees, and more.

Therefore, each of these factors affects the total cost of your loan.

Why Use a Loan Cost Optimizer?

A Loan Cost Optimizer helps you compare different loan scenarios. By entering details about your project, you can see which loan costs you the least. Here’s how it works:

  1. Input Different Scenarios: Enter details like loan amount, interest rate, fees, and loan term.
  2. Compare Costs: See the total cost for each scenario.
  3. Find the Best Deal: Choose the loan that saves you the most money.


Let’s look at some examples to see how this works.

Example 1: Short-Term Fix and Flip

  • Loan Term: 3 months
  • Interest Rate: 8%
  • Fees: $2,000

Total Cost: $4,000

Example 2: Long-Term Renovation

  • Loan Term: 12 months
  • Interest Rate: 6%
  • Fees: $5,000

Total Cost: $11,000

With this in mind, even though the interest rate is lower in the long-term loan, the fees in addition to the longer term make it more expensive.

Tips for Using the Loan Cost Optimizer

This is an excellent tool that real estate investors can use in order to find the best loan option for their needs. It’s as easy as one, two, three! First, enter accurate details to ensure you get the best comparisons. Second, compare multiple loans to find the best option. Finally, consider the entire cost. This cost includes both the fees as well as the terms. To clarify, the entire cost is not just the interest rate. Additionally, there are a few more things that you need to keep in mind as well. Let’s take a look.

`1. Each Project is Different

Since every project has unique needs, it is important that you find the best loan every time. For example, sometimes you might need 100% financing, while other times, you can put more money down. With this in mind, let’s see how different scenarios can affect your choice:

  • Quick Flips: Higher interest rates along with lower fees might be better.
  • Longer Projects: Lower interest rates in addition to higher fees could be more cost-effective.

2. Keep Your Costs Low

In order to make the most money from your investments, keep your loan costs low. Here’s how:

  • Negotiate Fees: Don’t be afraid to ask for lower fees.
  • Shop Around: Compare offers from different lenders.
  • Match Loans to Projects: Use the Loan Cost Optimizer to find the best fit for each project.


Ultimately, using a Loan Cost Optimizer can help you find the best loan for your deal. In fact, by understanding and comparing the total costs, you can not only make smarter decisions but more importantly maximize your profits as well!

Ready to get started? Visit our website and try our Loan Cost Optimizer today! It’s free and easy to use. You don’t have to commit to anything, just see how it works and find the best loan for your next project.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Loan Cost Optimizer: Find the BEST Loan for Your Deal


What is an Interest-Only Loan?

Are you a real estate investor looking for ways to boost your cash flow and make your investments more manageable? If so, you might want to consider an interest-only loan. These loans are becoming more popular among investors who want lower monthly payments and more flexibility with their finances.

How Does an Interest-Only Loan Work?

For the first few years (usually 5, 7, or 10 years), you only pay interest. After this period, you start paying both interest and principal. This means your payments will go up, but by then, you might be earning more rent or have other ways to cover the higher payments. Consequently, you can plan your finances better knowing when the higher payments will begin.

When is an Interest-Only Loan a Good Idea?

Interest-only loans can be great for:

  • Investors wanting to improve cash flow: Lower payments mean more money in your pocket each month. Therefore, you can handle your financial obligations more easily.
  • People planning to sell or refinance soon: If you plan to sell or refinance before the interest-only period ends, you can benefit from lower payments without worrying about the higher payments later. Thus, this can be a strategic move to maximize your investment.
  • Short-term projects: If you’re working on a project that will increase your income soon, like renovating a property to increase rent, this can help bridge the gap. As a result, you can complete your projects without financial strain.


Let’s say you own a rental property, but your current loan payments are too high compared to your rental income. By switching to an interest-only loan, your monthly payments go down. This helps you qualify for more loans, improve cash flow, and even take out more money to invest in another property. Consequently, you can grow your investment portfolio more effectively.


In conclusion, interest-only loans can be a powerful tool for real estate investors. They offer better cash flow, easier loan qualification, and more flexibility with your money. If you think an interest-only loan might be right for you, talk to a lender or financial advisor to explore your options. Therefore, taking advantage of interest-only loans can help you achieve your real estate investment goals more efficiently.

Ready to explore interest-only loans further? Visit our website, TheCashFlowCompany.com, to learn more. We offer a simple inquiry form where you can share your details. Don’t worry, we don’t do hard credit pulls or make frequent calls. We’re here to provide helpful advice and see if an interest-only loan is right for you. If it works, great! If not, no pressure.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: What is an Interest-Only Loan?


Intro to Interest Only Loans: Top 3 Benefits for Real Estate Investors

Interest-only loans are becoming a popular choice for real estate investors. Why? Because they offer unique advantages that can make a big difference in your investment strategy. Today we will explore the top three benefits of interest-only loans and how they can help you qualify more easily, improve your cash flow, and access larger loan amounts. Let’s dive in and see why an interest-only loan might be the right move for your next investment.

What is an Interest Only Loan?

An interest-only loan is exactly what it sounds like. You only pay the interest on the loan for a set period of time. Unlike typical mortgages where you pay both interest and a bit of the principal, an interest-only loan keeps your payments low by only covering the interest.

Benefits of Interest Only Loans

Interest-only loans offer several advantages, especially in today’s market. Here are the top three benefits for real estate investors:

1. Easier Qualification

One of the biggest benefits of an interest-only loan is that it can make it easier to qualify for financing.

Example: Let’s say you want to buy a rental property, but the current rent isn’t high enough to qualify for a regular loan. By switching to an interest-only loan, your monthly payments are lower. As a result, this reduces your expenses and improves your chances of meeting the lender’s requirements.

2. Improved Cash Flow

Next, interest-only loans can significantly boost your cash flow. With lower monthly payments, you have more money available each month.

Example: Imagine you own several rental properties. With an interest-only loan, your payments are smaller, giving you more cash each month. Consequently, this extra money can be used for renovations, paying off other debts, or simply enjoying a higher income.

3. Greater Loan Amounts

Finally, interest-only loans can help you access larger loan amounts. Since your payments are lower, you might qualify for more money.

Example: Suppose you’re an investor looking to cash out on a property to fund another project. By opting for an interest-only loan, you reduce your payments and can pull out more cash. This gives you the capital needed to start your next investment sooner.

How to Get Started with an Interest Only Loan

Ready to explore interest-only loans further? Visit our website, TheCashFlowCompany.com, to learn more. We offer a simple inquiry form where you can share your details. Don’t worry, we don’t do hard credit pulls or make frequent calls. We’re here to provide helpful advice and see if an interest-only loan is right for you. If it works, great! If not, no pressure.

In conclusion, interest-only loans are a fantastic tool in the right market and for the right investor. They help you qualify easier, improve your cash flow, and access more funds. Whether you’re building, renovating, or just want better cash flow, consider if an interest-only loan fits your strategy.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Intro to Interest Only Loans: Top 3 Benefits for Real Estate Investors



How Can I Qualify for a Loan for My Real Estate Investments?

Today we are going to answer one of the biggest questions that real estate investors have, “How can I qualify for a loan for my real estate investments?” Thankfully there are a multitude of products available for investors to not only purchase new properties, but to refinance as well. Whether or not you have a job, just changed jobs, or write everything off on your taxes, there are products out there for you. What are your options and how do you get started? Let’s take a closer look!

Your best loan option!

One of the most versatile loan options available for investors is a DSCR loan. A DSCR loan is only available to investors and stands for the debt service coverage ratio. How do you qualify? As long as your rental property will cover the debt, you will be able to qualify for a DSCR loan. Unlike traditional loans, a DSCR loan will not take into consideration when you started your job or how long you’ve been self-employed. Instead, the lender’s primary focus is whether or not the income from the property qualifies for the loan.

What does DSCR mean?

The debt service coverage ratio is where your property breaks even. Just to clarify, that is when the income from the property and the expenses break even. While every property has a different break even point, this is the value that lenders will be looking at to determine whether or not the property qualifies for a DSCR loan. The expenses that lenders take into consideration are the mortgage payment (including interest), taxes, insurance, flood, and HOA. For example, if your rent is $1,000, then your expenses need to be $1,000 or less in order to qualify for a DSCR loan. The best scenario would be if your rents were $1,500 and the expenses were $1,000. This would create a $500 cash flow for the property.

Find the versatility you need to succeed.

Nowadays, DSCR loans are not only for 1 to 4 unit  properties. Instead DSCR loans can cover 8 to 10 unit properties and even mixed use properties! That’s not all! There are also a lot of refinancing options available for investors who want to get cash out of their properties. Don’t miss out on this best kept real estate secret! Find the best product today that not only provides ultimate flexibility but meets all of your investment needs as well. 

Contact us today!

Here at The Cash Flow Company we are happy to run through the numbers with you to see what product is best for you. Contact us today to find out more about how you can qualify!

Watch our most recent video: How Can I Qualify for a Loan for My Real Estate Investments? 


Personal Credit vs Business Credit: When and Where to Start

Here at The Cash Flow Company we have seen so many people become overwhelmed and confused by credit! Alex Erlich, a credit advisor and educator, is joining us today to discuss personal credit vs business credit with a focus on when and where to start. Don’t let the numbers overwhelm you! We are here to help walk you through the process!  

The importance of planning ahead!

In order to be successful in real estate investing it is important that you plan ahead. There is a common expression stating that “you should always get things before you need them, because when you most need them you’re least likely to get them.” This is especially true in real estate investing. Investors who got lines of credit a few years ago will be at a greater advantage than those who are trying to get them now. Those who apply now will need to be in a better position with their personal credit in order to be approved for the same products. 

Separating personal and business credit.

By separating personal and business credit, it will prevent further strain on your personal credit, increase loan eligibility, and create more leverage. What exactly do we mean by leverage? Leverage is how much you are eligible for and what it looks like on paper. Leverage is the King in real estate. Having more leverage allows for more opportunities, not only your business, but for your personal life as well. 

The ideal Credit Score

MyFico.com is the best place to obtain credit score information. This site not only provides an overall credit score, but it also separates scores into 40 different categories. It can be an information overload, however, by going straight to the source it provides you a cost free and spam free way to gather all of the information you need. So what is the ideal credit score that lenders are looking for? The ideal credit score range should be between 680 and 720. However, with the current economy, banks are increasing their minimum requirements to 720 and above. How do you get from 680 to 720? We can help you discover ways to improve your scores quickly to get you back in the game.

Don’t let your personal credit score impact your business success!

The faster you can separate your personal credit from your business credit, the better your personal credit score will be. We can guide you through the steps. From establishing your business, to finding the right business credit cards, and even providing a 911 loan, we have the tools to help you win.

Contact us today to find out more about setting yourself up for success.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about Personal Credit vs Business Credit: When and Where to Start


How to retire by 65 years old

Today we are going to discuss how to retire by 65 years old! Nowadays many people are getting into real estate investing later in life because they are trying to build wealth for retirement. This additional pocket of money not only provides additional options for them, but financial security as well. Are you interested in building wealth, increasing your cash flow, and retiring by 65? Let’s take a closer look at why it is never too late to invest in real estate!

Example: Making money for later

Within three short years you can set yourself up for the future that you want! After you have purchased the properties, you can then begin to pay them off. Just to clarify, the only things that you would need to pay are the taxes and the insurance once the properties are paid off. Here is an example of how you can create the options and security you need before age 65!

Number of properties 10
Cash flow $300 (per property) or $3000 (10 properties) 
Property #1 Paid off in 5 years
Property #2  Paid off using Property #1 
Property #3 Paid off using Property #2
By age 65 You own 3 properties free and clear! 
Property #1, #2, and #3  Worth $400K each totaling $1.2 million
Property #1, #2, and #3  They bring in $2100 each per month

Supplemental income options.

First, the money that you are making off of the rental properties can supplement social security as well as retirement. A second option is to take out a new loan. This would allow you to get money out of a paid off property. Finally, you could sell a property every three years, which would get you to age 95 by just using the proceeds from the property. Keep in mind that you will have some taxes, however, it provides more flexibility and financial security in the long run. Just to clarify, once the 10 properties hit maturity, they will be $600K each for a total of $6 million! 

Start now!

It’s never too late to get started in real estate investing! Set yourself up for the future you want by building your supplemental income today. Those who do it correctly by using BRRRR will have a lot of options down the road. Do you want to learn more about setting yourself up to retire at age 65? Contact us today

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: How to retire by 65 years old


How to build wealth at age 50

Today we are going to discuss how to build wealth at age 50! Nowadays many people are getting into real estate investing later in life because they are trying to build wealth for retirement. As a result, they are able to create an additional pocket of money that provides not creates more options for them, but financial security as well. Building wealth for your retirement and increase your cash flow today? It’s never too late to invest in real estate!

Example: Building equity

Purchasing properties prior to age 65:

Year 1 Buy 2 properties
Year 2  Buy 3 properties
Year 3  Buy 5 properties
Total  10 properties
Property value $250K (per property)
National average 4% We will use 3% for this example
Buying strategy BRRRR
Equity after 3 years $600K in equity  (per property)

What is BRRRR?

To put it briefly, BRRRR stands for buy, rehab, rent, refinance, and repeat. In fact, these properties are undervalued properties that you fix up and rent. Therefore, once they are fixed up then you are able to refinance typically at  75%. Another benefit to starting later in life is that you aren’t using your own money for your investment properties. Instead, you are using the strategies in order to buy these properties. By putting multiple strategies together, you have the opportunity to create more than most people have for retirement within only 3 years time.

Start now!

It’s never too late to get started in real estate investing! Set yourself up for the future you want by building your supplemental income today. Those who do it correctly by using BRRRR will have a lot of options down the road. Do you want to learn more about setting yourself up for the life you want? Contact us today

Watch our most recent video to find out more about How to build wealth at age 50!
