Tag Archive for: real estate investing

Friday Fun: Down Payment


Friday Fun: Down Payment

Friday Fun: Down Payment

With our two-step loan program, Quick to Buy, Quick to Refi, you don’t need to spend months or years saving up for a down payment. You can start your investment journey today. Our team is ready to show you how. Contact us today!


Buying a Duplex – What NOT To Do


Whether you’re getting ready to invest in your first rental units, or you’ve been renting for years, it’s always a good idea to learn from other people’s mistakes. In this video, Chandler David Smith tells us about the lessons he’s learned and what NOT to do as an investor. Check it out!

Ready to start investing? Need some guidance? Then contact our team. We’re ready to show you how to invest and invest right!


It’s a new year, so it’s time to set some new goals. What are yours? Do you want to buy your first rental property? Do you want to boost your cash flow? Do you want to evaluate your current portfolio and find ways to improve it without buying additional properties? The sky is the limit, but it all starts by setting goals, and setting them properly.

Motivational Monday – Setting Goals

Ready to set your investment goals for 2020? Our team is here and ready to help you create a personalized plan. Contact us to get started.

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Quick to Buy, Quick to Refi, a new 2-step loan strategy, helps you maximize your loan amounts while limiting the amount of cash you put into a project. It also helps you rapidly finish your projects and buy again, and again, and again.

What does that all mean? It means you no longer need to worry about missing out on great deals and getting stuck in expensive hard money loans.

The Quick to Buy, Quick to Refi strategy all starts with properly setting up your short AND long-term loans.

Now, even though your short-term loan will come first (to quickly buy an under market property from a wholesaler), a key step is to FIRST get pre-qualified for the long-term loan. Why? To ensure you’re able to maximize both loan amounts. If you can qualify for a larger loan upfront, then it’s likely your short-term lender will match that amount.

It also means you’re already going through the process for securing a long-term loan as you begin renovating a property with a short-term loan. Think, “Two birds, one stone.” By the time you finish renovations, you’re ready to refinance into a long-term loan.

But, hold on. You also need to know about the types of refinances. There are two you need to know about: “rate and term” and “cash out”. And yes, it matters you know the differences.

Ready to find out what about those differences? Then check out the whole video here and start capturing free equity, boosting your cash flow, and investing in more properties.

Want more videos with more tips to maximize your cash flow? Then check out our new video page, or subscribe to our new YouTube channel! Be sure to also check out all of our invest tools.

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2 Key Pillars of BRRRR

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BRRRR is great, but did you know there are 2 key pillars of BRRRR that most investors don’t know about? Whether you’re just starting out with real estate investing, or you’re an ol’ pro, you should consider taking advantage of these crucial steps to ensure you don’t miss out on cash boosting opportunities.

Take a look at this video and learn about the two key pillars of the BRRRR method.

If you invest in rental properties, then you need to:

  1. Buy under market properties (i.e. wholesale).
  2. Use the Quick to Buy, Quick to Refi strategy.

These steps help you maximize your loan amount while limiting the cash you need to put into each deal. They also ensure you’re able to buy more deals and build your portfolio at a faster pace.

Through research and conversations, we discovered many investors are confused about how to get going on a deal with little to no money. So, we’ve taken a step back and tried to figure out why that is.

We found out many investors don’t understand the power of the appraisal/ARV. When you get into a long-term loan, you get to use the appraisal value/ARV.  It doesn’t matter what you originally paid for the property or the amount of money you put in to fix it up. As long as you set up the loan properly, then you should be able to use the appraised value/ARV.

If you’re ready to maximize your cash flow, capture lots of free equity, and live the life you want, check out the full video.

Want more videos with more tips to maximize your cash flow? Subscribe to our new YouTube channel!

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