Qualifying for a DSCR Loan

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Qualifying for a DSCR loan can feel a bit different from qualifying for a traditional loan. This is due to the fact that a DSCR loan is based on the properties ability to pay for itself as opposed to being based on your income. Today we are going to walk through a quick guide to qualifying for a DSCR loan in order to help you to see whether or not your property qualifies. 

First: Understand the role of the property income: 

The property’s income must cover the mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, HOA fees and other costs.

Second: Use the DSCR calculator:

The Cash Flow Company offers a free DSCR calculator tool that can see if a property qualifies.

Third: Adjust LTV Ratios if needed:

If your DSCR is below 1, consider adjusting your LTV. Dropping to 75% or even 70% can make a big difference.

Fourth: Use realistic rent numbers:

It is important that you use accurate rent numbers. An appraiser will check the rent for the neighborhood, so you need to be realistic with your calculations.

Fifth: Consider interest rates and how they affect DSCR:

Interest rates impact DSCR. If rates go up, your DSCR might drop below 1, meaning that the property may no longer qualify. 

Finally: Make sure it’s a good investment:

Once you have a DSCR above 1, double check that the property will either make money or cost you monthly. 

Contact Us Today! 

Is a DSCR loan right for you? Contact us today to find out more about DSCR loans!

Free Tools For You! 

We also have free tools available! Download the DSCR Quick Calculator today to see if a DSCR loan is the best option for your investment properties! 

Learn more!

Visit our YouTube channel to learn more about real estate investing and how you can get on the fast track to success! 

