Tag Archive for: DSCR loan

Why You Need DSCR Loans In Today’s Real Estate Market

In today’s ever-changing real estate market, finding the right financing option is crucial for investors. That’s why DSCR loans, also known as Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans, are gaining popularity. Not only do they simplify the loan process, but they also focus on the income generated by the property itself. Consequently, investors can bypass the need for personal income documentation. Let’s dive into why DSCR loans are essential for modern real estate investors and how they can help you grow your portfolio.

What is a DSCR Loan?

A DSCR loan stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan. It’s a unique type of loan designed for real estate investors who have rental properties. The best part? You don’t need to show personal or business income documentation. Instead, this loan focuses on the income from the property itself.

How Does a DSCR Loan Work?

DSCR loans are straightforward. They look at the property’s cash flow. In other words, they check if the rental income covers the property’s bills. These bills include the mortgage, taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and flood insurance. If the property can pay its way, you’re good to go!

Why DSCR Loans Are Perfect for Investors

No Personal Income Needed

Unlike other loans, DSCR loans don’t care about your job or tax returns. This is a great product if you’re new to investing or if you write off a lot of your income. For instance, if you just started your business or don’t have a steady job, it doesn’t matter. The property’s income is what counts.

Quick Approval Process

Since there’s no need for income verification, DSCR loans speed up the approval process. This means you can act fast when you find the perfect property.

Focused on Rental Properties

DSCR loans are made for rental-ready properties. This means the property should be ready for tenants to move in. To clarify, it’s not for fix-and-flip projects that need significant work. For example, if the property needs a new roof or a complete kitchen makeover, a DSCR loan isn’t the right fit. But, if it’s ready to rent, you’re in luck!

How to Qualify for a DSCR Loan

Step 1: Property Income

The property must generate enough income to cover its expenses. This is the most critical factor.

Step 2: Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)

Lenders look at how much you’re borrowing compared to the property’s value. The lower the LTV, the better your chances.

Step 3: Personal Credit Score

Even though your income doesn’t matter, your credit score does. A good credit score helps in getting favorable loan terms.

Benefits of DSCR Loans Over Conventional Loans

Right now, DSCR loans are often cheaper than conventional loans. Also, they also don’t appear on your personal credit report. This can be a big advantage if you own multiple rental properties. Conventional loans on the other hand can show up on your credit report and affect your credit score.

DSCR Loans and Business Structure

To clarify, DSCR loans are business loans. This means you need to have an LLC or a corporation established prior to applying. The loan is made out to your business, not to you personally. Therefore, it doesn’t show up on your credit report, and in turn keeps your personal credit clean.

Tools to Help You

Here at The Cash Flow Company, we offer a free DSCR calculator. This tool helps you figure out if a property will cash flow before applying for a DSCR loan. Just enter the numbers, and the calculator does the rest. It compares your rental income to your expenses to see if you break even.

Flexibility and Options

Even if your property doesn’t cash flow right away, there are options available. Sometimes, you might get a lower LTV, but it’s worth it if you believe the property value will increase.


DSCR loans are an excellent tool for real estate investors. They offer flexibility, quick approval, and most importantly they don’t require personal income documentation. Whether you’re starting out or have been in the game for a while, DSCR loans can help you build your real estate portfolio.

If you’re interested in learning more, visit The Cash Flow Company’s website! Start taking advantage of DSCR loans today!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about:Why You Need DSCR Loans In Today’s Real Estate Market


No Income: Your Best Investment Loan Option

Today we are going to discuss what your best investment loan option is if you do not have any income! That’s right! There are loan options available to you even if you don’t have a job, just changed jobs, or write everything off on your taxes. What is available to you and how do you get started? Let’s take a closer look!

Your best loan option!

One of the most versatile loan options available for investors is a DSCR loan. A DSCR loan is only available to investors and stands for the debt service coverage ratio. How do you qualify? As long as your rental property will cover the debt, you will be able to qualify for a DSCR loan. Unlike traditional loans, a DSCR loan will not take into consideration when you started your job or how long you’ve been self-employed. Instead, the lender’s primary focus is whether or not the income from the property qualifies for the loan.

Breaking even.

The debt service coverage ratio is what a DSCR loan is based off of and is where your property breaks even. While every property has a different break even point, this is the value that lenders will be looking at to determine whether or not the property qualifies for a DSCR loan

Expenses: Expenses include: The mortgage payment (including interest), taxes, insurance, flood, and HOA. 

Income: The rent received from the property.

For example:

If your rent is $1,000, then your expenses need to be $1,000 or less in order to qualify for a DSCR loan. The best scenario would be if your rents were $1,500 and the expenses were $1,000. This would create a $500 cash flow for the property.

Contact us today!

Don’t miss out on this best kept real estate secret! Find the best product today that not only provides ultimate flexibility but meets all of your investment needs as well. Here at The Cash Flow Company we are happy to run through the numbers with you to see what product is best for you. Contact us today to find out more about how you can qualify!

Watch our most recent video: How Can I Qualify for a Loan for My Real Estate Investments? 


How Can I Qualify for a Loan for My Real Estate Investments?

Today we are going to answer one of the biggest questions that real estate investors have, “How can I qualify for a loan for my real estate investments?” Thankfully there are a multitude of products available for investors to not only purchase new properties, but to refinance as well. Whether or not you have a job, just changed jobs, or write everything off on your taxes, there are products out there for you. What are your options and how do you get started? Let’s take a closer look!

Your best loan option!

One of the most versatile loan options available for investors is a DSCR loan. A DSCR loan is only available to investors and stands for the debt service coverage ratio. How do you qualify? As long as your rental property will cover the debt, you will be able to qualify for a DSCR loan. Unlike traditional loans, a DSCR loan will not take into consideration when you started your job or how long you’ve been self-employed. Instead, the lender’s primary focus is whether or not the income from the property qualifies for the loan.

What does DSCR mean?

The debt service coverage ratio is where your property breaks even. Just to clarify, that is when the income from the property and the expenses break even. While every property has a different break even point, this is the value that lenders will be looking at to determine whether or not the property qualifies for a DSCR loan. The expenses that lenders take into consideration are the mortgage payment (including interest), taxes, insurance, flood, and HOA. For example, if your rent is $1,000, then your expenses need to be $1,000 or less in order to qualify for a DSCR loan. The best scenario would be if your rents were $1,500 and the expenses were $1,000. This would create a $500 cash flow for the property.

Find the versatility you need to succeed.

Nowadays, DSCR loans are not only for 1 to 4 unit  properties. Instead DSCR loans can cover 8 to 10 unit properties and even mixed use properties! That’s not all! There are also a lot of refinancing options available for investors who want to get cash out of their properties. Don’t miss out on this best kept real estate secret! Find the best product today that not only provides ultimate flexibility but meets all of your investment needs as well. 

Contact us today!

Here at The Cash Flow Company we are happy to run through the numbers with you to see what product is best for you. Contact us today to find out more about how you can qualify!

Watch our most recent video: How Can I Qualify for a Loan for My Real Estate Investments? 


DSCR Loan: Can I Buy Down My Rate?

Many investors ask whether or not they can buy down their rate when using a DSCR loan. The answer is yes! This is one of the many options available for investors who are searching for a DSCR loan. It is important to find the best one for your property to not only create greater cash flow, but create wealth as well. While rents are increasing, they are thankfully not increasing very fast. However, rates are still high and are falling between 7 and 8. These are the times when you really need to work your numbers and products in order to find the right DSCR loan for your rental property.  

Are you above the break even point for DSCR ratios?

A DSCR loan has always been a 30 year product, meaning that it is amortized over 30 years. However, there are other options out there that will typically give you the benefit of qualifying. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we typically see people who are just below the break even point on DSCR ratios. Just to clarify, the break even point on DSCR ratios is normally 1 or 1.1 depending on the lender. 

How do you change the numbers in your favor?

Many investors are wondering how they can change their numbers even when rents, taxes, and insurance are not going to change. In order to make an impact on your numbers you are going to have to change your interest rate, look at interest only loans, or find a 40 year product. By looking outside of the typical 30 year box, you will be able to find a number that fits your property. 

Let’s look at buying down your rate.

Buying down your rate means that you are paying an extra point, which is 1% of your loan to the lender in order to get a better rate. A better rate would be a better payment, and which would allow you to qualify.

Loan amount $250K
Net Rent $1,725
Pay down interest (1%)  7.35%
Monthly payment  $1,722
Break even point (Rents – Monthly payment) $3 under

While there is not much cash flow right now, it does allow investors to get into the property. It also creates an opportunity to build an asset. 

Set yourself up for success.

There is no reason to get into real estate investing unless you are creating wealth by creating cash flow. Just to clarify, creating wealth is setting yourself up for long term success. On the other hand, cash flow is what you are creating right now. It is important that you not only look at making the right moves now, but also understand how everything will line up for the future. For example, a property that was purchased for $25K 20 years ago is now worth $400K. There is a lot of money to be made in real estate investing. Set yourself up for success by going through the numbers and focusing on finding the best product. 

Start looking for the best product for you!

Now is the time to look into different products to see which is best for you and your property. By buying down your rate you will have the opportunity to create the cash flow you need to succeed. Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to help you find the best product for you! Contact us today to walk through the numbers.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about DSCR Loan: Can I Buy Down My Rate?


DSCR Loan Options: Interest-Only

Today we are going to explore the interest only DSCR loan option. It is important that people look at all of their options when they are searching for a DSCR loan in order to find the best one for your property. While rents are increasing, they are thankfully not increasing very fast. However, rates are still high and are falling between 7 and 8. These are the times when you really need to work your numbers and products in order to find the right DSCR loan for your rental property.  

Are you above the break even point for DSCR ratios?

A DSCR loan has always been a 30 year product, meaning that it is amortized over 30 years. However, there are other options out there that will typically give you the benefit of qualifying. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we typically see people who are just below the break even point on DSCR ratios. Just to clarify, the break even point on DSCR ratios is normally 1 or 1.1 depending on the lender. 

How do you change the numbers in your favor?

Many investors are wondering how they can change their numbers even when rents, taxes, and insurance are not going to change. In order to make an impact on your numbers you are going to have to change your interest rate, look at interest only loans, or find a 40 year product. By looking outside of the typical 30 year box, you will be able to find a number that fits your property. 

Let’s look at an interest only loan.

An interest only DSCR loan means that you are only paying the interest on the property for a period of time during that loan. Normally these loans are available for 5, 7, or 10 years. While you’re not paying down on the property, you are instead creating the cash flow you need to qualify. 

Loan amount $250K
Net Rent $1,725
Interest only loan 7.65%
Monthly payment $1,594
Break even point (Rents – Monthly payment) + $131

On this property, the expenses are under the break even point by $131. For an interest only loan this property would qualify because it is cash flowing. 

Set yourself up for success.

There is no reason to get into real estate investing unless you are creating wealth by creating cash flow. Just to clarify, creating wealth is setting yourself up for long term success, while cash flow is what you are creating right now. It is important that you not only look at making the right moves now, but also understand how everything will line up for the future. For example, a property that was purchased for $25K 20 years ago is now worth $400K. There is a lot of money to be made in real estate investing. Set yourself up for success by going through the numbers and focusing on finding the best product. 

There is a downside.

By using an interest only loan or an amortized loan you will be paying it down slower. However, over time the property will go up in value. This helps to balance things back out when the time comes to sell the property. In these different times you have to use different strategies in order to be successful. For example, when rates are a little higher, you need to find a product that will break even or better yet cash flow. When the rates go back down you can then refinance it and get a better payment. Keep in mind that  what may appear as a downside now, could be beneficial later as long as the property breaks even.

Start looking for the best product for you!

Now is the time to look into different products to see which is best for you and your property. By using an interest only DSCR loan you will create the cash flow you need to succeed. Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to help you find the best product for you! Contact us today to walk through the numbers.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about DSCR Loan Options: Interest-Only


What Makes a DSCR Loan Easy for Investors

Are you looking for a loan that is easy to qualify for with very few requirements? Then we have your solution. We call it the Easy Rental Loan, but other lenders in the industry call it a DSCR loan. A DSCR is also known as a debt service coverage ratio loan, measures your ability to cash flow in order to pay your monthly costs. There are two key items that you need in order to qualify for a DSCR loan. Let’s take a look.

Two key items for the Easy Rental Loan are:

  1. A decent credit score
  2. A lease that covers the monthly cost of your property

The Monthly costs include

  1. Mortgage payment
  2. Property taxes
  3. Insurance
  4. HOA fee

Benefits of the Easy Rental Loan:

If your property positively cash flows, meaning that you make more than you spend on the property, then you can qualify for an easy rental loan. Better yet, you can still qualify for affordable, long term fixed rates with a 30 year fixed term. 

What makes the Easy Rental Loan Easy:

A DSCR loan makes it easy for investors to apply and qualify. You don’t have to worry about submitting tax returns, being in business for two or more years, or having too many financed properties. It really doesn’t get easier than that

Contact us today!

So if you’re looking for a fast, efficient, and easy solution to fund your rental properties, then look no further. We have the easy rental loan waiting for you.

Ready to chat? Great! Our team here at The Cash Flow Company is here to help. We are eager to set you on a path that helps you make the kind of money you need to live the life you want.

Watch our most recent clip to find out more about the Easy Rental Loan.


From Denial to Approval: Credit and Interest Explained

Our goal today is to show how interest rates, credit scores, and LTV can affect your ability to not only qualify for a loan, but also to cash flow on the property. As a result, investors are walking a very fine line between being denied or approved for a loan. Learn how to shift from denial to approval today!

Type of property Purchase price Appraisal 


rents in area 

Amount down Financing 

30 year loan







Rental $250k $1,950 20% 80%

($200K loan) 

$300 75%
Credit Score DSCR rate Payment amount 

principle and interest

Payment amount plus fees  Cash flow 

based on appraisal 

Client 1 680 9.75% $1,718 $2,018 -$68.00
Client 2 720 8.99% $1,608 $1,908 +$42.00
Client 3 780 8.75% $1,573 $1,873 +77.00

The power of credit scores.

Your credit scores not only affect your rates, but they also will impact your cash flow on the property. Do you need to raise your credit score in order to qualify? We can help you get your credit scores back on track with our 911 loan. Contact us today to find out more. As credit scores go up, you will be able to not only capture more monthly income, but you will also create wealth.

How do rates affect cash flow?

As rates continue to rise, your payments are going to increase as well. This in turn causes your cash flow to suffer, and in most cases it will be a negative. Cash flow positive on the other hand, means that there are going to be more properties available for more investors. So keep your eye out for this change!

Rates are decreasing!

Over the past three weeks rates have been decreasing. We may be at the peak right now and many are predicting that rates are going to significantly drop in 2024. It is imperative that you stay up to date and keep track of current trends. We have created a Weekly Investor Mortgage Report for you! Reach out through our website or email to find out more.

Keep increasing your leverage!

In real estate investing leverage is the key to success. It is what makes your wealth and creates your income. By using banks, other people’s money, and filling your leverage buckets, you will set yourself up for success.  

In Conclusion.

This example paints a very clear picture showing how 3 different people compare side by side on the same property. Nowadays, investors can either be denied or approved just based on their credit score, or where the markets are. While being denied is discouraging, it is important that you understand why you didn’t qualify in order to make a change. If you want to impact where you are and where you are going in 2024, then check out our website. We have a lot of ways to positively impact your credit, as well as a weekly newsletter. We are here to help you get on the path to success. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more on How High Interest Rates Impact Real Estate Investments.


DSCR Loan and Your Credit Score


DSCR Loan and Your Credit Score

Today we are going to discuss why getting a DSCR loan can be easy and rewarding with the right credit score. By ensuring that your credit is in the best position, you’ll be on your way to success!  Not only would you be getting a loan that’s perfect for you, but you would also increase your cash flow.

First and Foremost, Review Your Credit Score

Next, consider your credit score. You can get a DSCR loan with a score in the low 600s, but it will cost you more. To clarify, a lower credit score can add up to one or more percentage points. This can in turn increase your interest rate, which can increase your monthly payment by $200 to $400.

Example: Let’s say you have a credit score of 620. You might get a loan with a 7% interest rate instead of 6%. On a $200,000 loan, that extra 1% could mean paying $2,000 more per year in interest.

If you need tips to raise your score, check out resources like our YouTube channel for advice on improving your credit.


By reviewing your credit score and getting yourself in the best position, you will in turn get a better interest rate! If you find any step challenging, don’t worry. Our team is here to help you. We’re eager to set you on a path that helps you make the money you need to live the life you want.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: DSCR Loan and Your Credit Score


DSCR Loans: Does Your Rent Cover Your Costs?

Today we are going to discuss the importance of asking “does your rent cover costs” when considering a DSCR loan. Getting a DSCR loan can be both easy as well as rewarding. Let’s take a closer look! 

First and Foremost: Check Your Rent Coverage

First, ask yourself: does your rent cover all your costs? This includes:

  • Mortgage payment
  • Taxes
  • Insurance
  • HOA fees

While it’s not always necessary, by having your rent cover these costs can in turn help you get better rates as well as higher loan-to-value products. At the very least, aim to charge rent that covers your monthly payments. However, if it does, then you’ve passed the first step!

Example: Begin by imaging that you own a rental property. Your mortgage payment is $1,200, your taxes and insurance are $200, and your HOA fee is $100. Therefore, your total monthly cost is $1,500. However, if you charge $1,600 in rent, you are even able make a little extra.


In sum, determining your DSCR ratio you can determine if a DSCR loan is right for you. And that’s it! If you find any step challenging, don’t worry. Our team is here to help you. We’re eager to set you on a path that helps you make the money you need to live the life you want. Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to ensure that all of your questions are answered prior to purchasing a property. Contact us today to find out more! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more.


Why a DSCR Loan is Perfect for Real Estate investors

Many investors ask why a DSCR loan is perfect for real estate investing. To clarify, a DSCR loan stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan and is designed specifically for real estate investors. This type of loan helps you buy rental properties, whether they are long-term or short-term rentals. However, It’s not for flips or homes you plan to live in.

Why Choose a DSCR Loan?

Choosing a DSCR loan can be a smart move for several reasons:

  1. Easy Qualification: You don’t need to worry about how long you’ve been in business or your personal income. Even if you started your business yesterday, you could qualify.
  2. Focus on Property Income: The loan qualification is based on the income generated by the property, not your personal income.
  3. 30-Year Loan Options: You get a good 30-year loan product, which can provide stability and predictability.

How Does a DSCR Loan Work?

The key to a DSCR loan is that it focuses on the property’s ability to generate enough income to cover its expenses. Here’s how it works:

  1. Property Income: The income from the rental property should at least cover the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, and any HOA or flood insurance fees.
  2. Credit Score: Your personal credit score is important. The higher your score, the better the terms and rates.
  3. Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): This is the amount of the loan compared to the property’s value. Lower LTV means less risk for lenders and better terms for you.

Who Can Benefit from a DSCR Loan?

DSCR loans are perfect for:

  • New Investors: If you’ve just started your real estate investment journey, you can qualify even without a long business history.
  • Tax Savvy Investors: If you write off a lot of expenses on your taxes, which can reduce your reported income, this loan can still work for you.
  • Expanding Portfolios: Investors looking to add more rental properties can benefit from the flexible qualification criteria.


Imagine you are an investor who just started a year ago. You found a great rental property, but traditional lenders won’t approve your loan because you don’t have two years of business income. A DSCR loan can help. As long as the rental income covers the mortgage and other expenses, you can get the loan and grow your investment portfolio.

Get Started with a DSCR Loan Today

A DSCR loan is an excellent loan for real estate investors. Is it right for your investment needs? Contact us at The Cash Flow Company. We have the tools and expertise to help you understand your options and find the best loan for your needs.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Why a DSCR Loan is Perfect for Real Estate investors
