Tag Archive for: peer to peer lending

2024 Real Estate Investing: Most Popular Questions Asked and Answered

Today we will be answering a few popular questions in real estate investing. On average, we talk to 20 to 25 investors a day. Many of them are facing a number of hurdles that are not only impacting them, but their investments as well. By looking at the patterns that we have seen over the years, it allows us to better meet the needs of our clients. What are the hurdles and how can you avoid them? Let’s take a closer look.

#1: How do I get 100% financing?

Everyone wants to get into real estate investing with 100% financing. How can they get the money they need for their rental property or fix and flip? While there are some lenders who offer 100% financing, they will only do so if you have already done 1 or 2 deals. For those who have not, it is important that they look into other options. If you are looking for 100% financing on a property it is important that you open up to other financing options other than traditional loans. Many traditional lenders will only lend 80% to 90%. Become a real Real Estate Investor by building your confidence to go ask people for the money you need for your investments. By finding good deals and demonstrating your confidence, the sky is the limit to your success.


HELOC stands for home equity line of credit. A HELOC allows you to take money out of your property or a rental property. You can then use these funds to bridge the lending gap for your next investment.

Real peoples money:

Real people are those within the community who are in search of better returns on their funds. There are a ton of people out there who have $20K to $100K to invest and are looking for better returns. 

Start using creative financing:

Creative financing includes credit cards, which can be used to fund the rehab, staging, and even a Vrbo. However, it is important to keep in mind that the credit card needs to be a business credit card at 0% in order to be beneficial to you and your investment needs. 

What is stacking and how can it help you reach your financing needs?

The lending journey begins with your primary mortgage company who will give you 80% to 90% financing. This creates a funding gap that leaves you searching for additional financing options in order to get up to 100% financing. Gap funding options can include HELOCS, family friends, real peoples money, and even establishing a partnership. 

#2: Be prepared. 

Inflation is causing everything to become tighter and as a result it is harder to find financing for your investments. In order to be successful, investors need to be prepared before they go out and look for properties. This will give them a better chance of being approved for the lending that they need. Here at The Cash Flow Company we are searching  for deals where we can lend people money, get it back, and lend it back out again. What do you need to do to be prepared?


It is imperative that you have all of your numbers in line before talking to lenders. Keep in mind that wholesalers often stretch the value of the property. That is why it is important that you look at the numbers yourself to prevent frustration. When you are coming to lenders make sure that you know your values, know how appraisers look at properties, and make sure that your numbers are in line. These numbers include purchase, rehab, and rent. At the end of the day your goal is to create income and wealth. 

For example:

Someone reached out who is buying a single family house and he is going to make it into a two unit property. This single family property will sell for $200K. However, his belief was that the property will be worth $400K because he is splitting it into two properties. Unfortunately, that is not how the market works. 

#3: The future of real estate investing.

Many people wonder what the future of real estate investing is. How can they make money on buying rentals? Making money on rental properties right now is becoming a struggle because properties are $600K to $800K. While this is a concern for many investors, there are some options available to make investments more profitable. 

What is a padsplit?

A padsplit is when a property is divided into multiple single units. For example, a 3 bedroom could be divided into a 6 or 8 bedroom property. Just to clarify, each of the bedrooms would have a bathroom and all they would share is the kitchen space. Each unit could bring in a rental amount of $1,000, which could potentially total $6,000 to $8,000 per month depending on how many units you have. With an overall monthly rent of $3,500, the investor would have the cash flow they need to be successful. This method provides the flexibility and affordability that many people are looking for.

#4: Credit score obstacles.

Your credit score can often hinder your success in real estate investing. Over half of our calls are from people who have a score that is too low for them to get what they want. For example, we have a guy from Texas who is trying to get his property refinanced.  While the property is great and he has an amazing tenant, his credit score is too low for him to get the rate he needs to cash flow. By working on your credit scores and setting things up right, you can achieve the credit score you need to get what you want. 

Business credit cards.

Getting business credit cards is the #1 thing that will help you achieve your goals in real estate investing! Those who are able to get business charges off of their personal credit cards will in turn open up a lot of funding options. Struggles with credit scores is often the cause of people getting out of real estate investing. Don’t let this happen to you! 

Increasing your credit score quickly.

We have a lot of different options available to investors that will help them get their credit score back on track in a matter of weeks!

Usage loan

A usage loan is used to pay down credit cards by using a private loan. As a result of paying down the credit cards, it raises your credit score. By increasing your credit score it will then allow you to refinance and buy your next investment property.

Business credit cards

We can not stress enough how important business credit cards are! By setting up business credit cards instead of personal credit cards it will help to increase your funding options. The majority of business credit cards do not report your usage. Therefore they are not hurting your DTI or your credit score. Make the change today and see the effects it can have on your credit score! 

#5: Small steps vs Giant leaps

Oftentimes real estate investors make the process of getting started into such a big deal that their brain shuts off. As opposed to looking at one property a day, many attend a class that says that they need to purchase their first property within the first 30 days. This method is not always realistic for most people. Instead, you need to focus on the steps that stretch you a little bit as opposed to shutting you down. Consistency is the tortoise in real estate investing. By looking at one property a day and talking to one contractor a day, you will be better prepared to purchase your first investment property. Remember, it’s better to have 2 properties that are successful than to have 5 that are struggling.

Are you on the right path? 

Would you like to find out more about the popular questions in real estate investing? Contact us today! Do you have a property in mind? Send us the numbers and we will see if it is a good investment opportunity for you. Since funding is such a critical piece in real estate investors’ success, it is important that you know your numbers ahead of time to make things easier, cheaper, and faster. Also remember that by building your team now, you can set yourself up for the generational wealth that you want. 

Watch our most recent video 2024 Real Estate Investing: Most Popular Questions Asked and Answered to find out more.


Where to Find Gap Funding


Where to Find Gap Funding

In the past few days we have spoken with 4 clients who lost properties because they didn’t secure financing beforehand. While getting into real estate investing requires a lot of planning, it is imperative that investors set up their money correctly from the very beginning.  This often includes finding gap funding options prior too shopping for properties. Those who take the time to set things up correctly will have more opportunities than those who wait!

What is gap funding?

Gap funding is borrowing money from someone for the down payment, carry, or any money that you have to put into the deal. When you are buying a property, the first lender requires something in order to approve the loan. This could be a down payment, reserves for payments, or they may require you to do the fix up. Many investors don’t have the additional funds that are needed in order to meet the lenders requirements. Real estate investors might go out and find a family member, friend, or someone in the real estate community who can lend them that money to bridge the gap. It is important to make sure that your primary lender allows gap funding before purchasing a property. If the lender doesn’t allow gap funding, it could jeopardize the deal. 

How do you find gap funding?

There are a lot of people out there who have anywhere between $10K to $50K that they are looking to invest. By working with you, they have a chance to receive a better return on their investment. So how do you find gap funding? There are real estate groups throughout the community that provide opportunities for investors to meet. While peer investors are not often interested in diving into real estate themselves, they are interested in getting a better return on their money. While you can start by asking family and friends, many fear that it will create an awkward situation. By finding peer investors in the community who have $100K or $200K set aside, you will be able to compete in today’s market!

Ready, set, GO!

In order to be successful in real estate it is important that you find and secure funding prior to purchasing properties. Thankfully there are a lot of options out there to help investors. These include HELOCs, credit cards, and peer lending, just to name a few. Here at The Cash Flow Company we have seen people use multiple ways to get the gap covered. Those who take the time to  gather pre-approvals, will be ready to go when the next deal comes!

Contact us today to find out more about gap funding and what you need to do to get pre-approved.

Watch our most recent video to learn Where to Find Gap Funding


How to Compete in Today’s Real Estate Market (2024)

In the past few days we have had 4 clients who lost properties that would have been really good flips. The reason that they lost the deal was because they didn’t secure financing beforehand. While getting into this business requires a lot of planning, it is imperative that investors set up their money correctly from the very beginning.  Those who do will be able to compete in today’s market and have more opportunities for the best deals! 

New investors prepare!

Those who are new to real estate investing should focus on setting up the proper financing immediately! The last thing that you want to do is to put a property under contract and not close . This could burn the relationship that you created with the realtor or wholesaler. Instead of being at the top of their list for good properties, you will instead move to the bottom of the pile.  Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to give you the competitive advantage. Part of that is making sure that you do everything correctly. It is a business! As a business it is important that you get pre-approved for the loans you need. 

Don’t miss out on deals!

Oftentimes real estate investors miss out on amazing deals because they are not prepared. Whether you are new or just into a new adventure, it is important to set yourself up for success from the beginning. If you are going to get into the real estate game, make sure that you are not only looking for properties, but that you are also keeping the money flowing. What do we mean by keeping the money flowing? Maybe you need 100% financing, need a second, or you’re new to flips and need to know what to do. By talking to lenders as you find properties and getting pre-approved, it will help you to move forward quickly on deals. 

Choose the right lender for the deal.

One of the most important things that you need to do as a real estate investor is to create a good relationship with lenders. Those who have a good relationship with their lender will be able to consult with them prior to purchasing in order to see what financing options are available. One thing to keep in mind is that your lending needs will not only change over time, but they will change depending on the property. For example, financing on a fix and flip will be different from the financing on a rental property. It is important to look around and evaluate your lending options annually in order to find the best options for you. 

How do you get pre-approved?

Before seeking out a pre-approval, it is imperative that you know what type of property you are looking for. Are you going to focus on flips, rentals, 1 to 4 units, or multi units. Those who do can then make sure that the lender lines up with what they are trying to do. By getting pre-approved can help you go into a deal with reassurance. How can you find the right lenders? The answer is by talking to those in the real estate community. They can guide you to the lenders who are closing, those who work with new investors, and also tell you about requirements that the lenders might have. 

Get the competitive advantage.

As you talk to lenders it is important to consider what their requirements are, and areas that you need to focus on. While one lender might require more money down, another may require a higher credit score. Find out all of the steps that you need to complete in order to guarantee pre-approval. Just to clarify, these steps can be done in conjunction with looking at properties. For example, you can work on improving your credit score or look for private money options while searching for properties. By taking your time to work through the process, you will have a competitive advantage.

What is gap funding?

Gap funding is borrowing money from someone for the down payment, carry, or any money that you have to put into the deal. When you are buying a property, the first lender requires something in order to approve the loan. This could be a down payment, reserves for payments, or they may require you to do the fix up. Many investors don’t have the additional funds that are needed in order to meet the lenders requirements. Real estate investors might go out and find a family member, friend, or someone in the real estate community who can lend them that money to bridge the gap. It is important to make sure that your primary lender allows gap funding before purchasing a property. If the lender doesn’t allow gap funding, it could jeopardize the deal. 

How do you find gap funding?

There are a lot of people out there who have anywhere between $10K to $50K that they are looking to invest. By working with you, they have a chance to receive a better return on their investment. So how do you find gap funding? There are real estate groups throughout the community that provide opportunities for investors to meet. While peer investors are not often interested in diving into real estate themselves, they are interested in getting a better return on their money. While you can start by asking family and friends, many fear that it will create an awkward situation. By finding peer investors in the community who have $100K or $200K set aside, you will be able to compete in today’s market!

Ready, set, GO!

One of the biggest hurdles in real estate investing is finding the funding you need to purchase properties! Thankfully there are a lot of options out there to help investors. These include HELOCs, credit cards, and peer lending, just to name a few. Here at The Cash Flow Company we have seen people use multiple ways to get the gap covered. Those who take the time to gather pre-approvals, will be ready to go when the next deal comes!

Contact us today to find out more about gap funding and what you need to do to get pre-approved.

Watch our most recent video to learn How to Compete in Today’s Real Estate Market (2024).


Peer to Peer Lending: How to Win Big in Real Estate Investing

How can you win big in real estate investing? The answer is peer to peer lending or other people’s money. Throughout the past 12 years we have done business with a lot of people using OPM, also known as other people’s money. What is other people’s money? It is finding people within the community who have money that they want to invest. In using this form of leverage, it not only provides the funding you need, but it also gives the peer lender a better return on their money as well. Let’s take a closer look to see if OPM can help you win big in real estate investing!

Don’t let financing restrictions keep you down!

Over the past few years the Fed has been tightening things up, causing the lending pools to shrink. This is where OPM can help real estate investors. It can provide the funding they need without having to navigate the bank’s restrictions and increasing requirements. Just to clarify, OPM and peer to peer lending have been around since before banks were established. By going back to the basics you can get the funding you need to win big in the long run!

OPM can benefit everyone! 

Within our community, there are a ton of people who are looking to do something better with their money. Nowadays neither the stock market or banks are providing good returns on investments. By becoming an OPM lender or a peer lender, you have the opportunity to get 10% back on your investment as opposed to 5% from traditional methods. Real estate investors also benefit because they can not only fill their liquidity buckets for current projects, but future investments as well.

Follow the golden rule to succeed in this game!

It is important that you follow the golden rule when working with OPM lenders. The relationship can either be a positive one or a negative one depending on how prepared and honest you are. Real estate investors need to have everything set up correctly, ensure the deal is secure, and most importantly form an honest relationship with their OPM lender. In doing so, real estate investors will set themselves up for success.

What can OPM be used for?

Other people’s money or peer to peer lending can be used for anything and everything! Whether it’s for a down payment, fix up costs, or just setting money aside for a rainy day, there is something for everyone. As long as you set everything up correctly, this form of lending provides an easy and low risk option for not only the investor, but the peer lender as well. Whether it’s a portion of a project or an entire purchase, OPM provides the flexibility real estate investors need.

Now is the time to set yourself up to win! 

Peer to peer lending has something for everyone! This low risk option provides the flexibility you need to win in real estate investing. With confidence and a secured deal, the sky’s the limit to your success. Here at The Cash Flow Company we strive to help investors reach their investing goals. Contact us today to find out more about other people’s money and how you can get on the fast track to success.

Watch our most recent video, Peer to Peer Lending: How to Win Big in Real Estate Investing to find out more.


How to Protect Your Peer Lenders


How to Protect Your Peer Lenders

Today we are going to discuss peer to peer lending, as well as how to protect your peer lenders. What is peer to peer lending? To put it briefly, it is one person lending to another person. By working with people within the community, it helps others who want to make better returns on their hard-earned money. More importantly, it helps you achieve your investment goals quickly! 

There is something for everyone.

There is something for everyone with peer to peer lending. Whether it’s $5,000 to $3,000,000, someone in the community has the money you need. For example, funds can be used for down payments, fix up costs, small business start up costs, and even used to cover the entire project! This form of lending provides more flexibility, simpler underwriting, faster closing, and no prepayment requirements. It’s an excellent option for real estate investors. 

How can you guarantee success? 

It is important that real estate investors protect their peer’s money by putting them in secure deals. To clarify, a secured deal is with real estate and cash flowing. The first step in creating a secured deal is closing with a Title company and proper paperwork. This protects both the real estate investor, as well as the peer, to ensure everything remains honest.  Most importantly, don’t gamble with your peer’s money. Pay them back as agreed and be truthful. In doing so it will establish a positive relationship that will ensure future deals. By doing these things, you’ll create a win-win situation. 

Make the lending switch today!

Ultimately, every investor needs peer to peer lending! It’s a fast, cheap, and dependable funding option! 

Contact us today to find out how you can win in the real estate game.

Watch our most recent clip to find out more!



Why You Should Use Peer to Peer Lending

Today we are going to discuss what peer to peer lending is and why should you use it. As a result of all of the changes that have happened in the market over the past few years, real estate investors are looking for alternative funding. It is an excellent option that not only allows you to work with people in the community, but it creates flexible funding for your next deal. Let’s take a closer look at why you should make the switch! 

Removing the middle man.

Peer lending has been around for centuries, long before formal banks were established. Nowadays banks are increasing their requirements and shrinking their lending pool. In doing so, real estate investors are searching for alternative funding that is flexible and simpler. By using this form of lending, real estate investors no longer have to worry about meeting bank requirements. Instead, it removes the bank entirely and reintroduces the human factor. 

There is something for everyone.

There is something for everyone with peer to peer lending. Whether it’s $5,000 to $3,000,000, someone in the community has the money you need. For example, funds are used for down payments, fix up costs, small business start up costs, and even used to cover the entire project! This form of lending provides more flexibility, simpler underwriting, faster closing, and no prepayment requirements. It’s an excellent option for real estate investors. 

Make the lending switch today!

Every investor needs peer to peer lending! It’s a fast, cheap, and dependable funding option! 

Contact us today to find out how you can win in the real estate game.

Watch our most recent clip to find out more!


What is Peer to Peer Lending For Real Estate Investing

Today we are going to discuss peer to peer lending and why it’s beneficial for real estate investing. What is peer to peer lending? To put it briefly, it is one person lending to another person. By working with people within the community, it helps others who want to make better returns on their hard-earned money. Let’s take a closer look! 

Removing the middle man.

This form of lending has been around for centuries, long before formal banks were established. Nowadays banks are increasing their requirements and decreasing their lending. By using peer to peer lending, real estate investors no longer have to worry about meeting bank requirements. Instead, it removes the bank and reintroduces the human factor. Just to clarify, this doesn’t have to be done with family and friends, it can be anyone in your community. 

There is something for everyone.

There is something for everyone with peer to peer lending. Whether it’s $5,000 to $3,000,000, someone in the community has the money you need. For example, funds can be used for down payments, fix up costs, small business start up costs, and even used to cover the entire project! This form of lending provides more flexibility, simpler underwriting, faster closing, and no prepayment requirements. It’s an excellent option for real estate investors. 

How can you guarantee success? 

It is important that real estate investors protect their peer’s money by putting them in secure deals. To clarify, a secured deal is with real estate and cash flowing. The first step in creating a secured deal is closing with a Title company and proper paperwork. This protects both the real estate investor, as well as the peer, to ensure everything remains honest.  Most importantly, don’t gamble with your peer’s money. Pay them back as agreed and be truthful. In doing so it will establish a positive relationship that will ensure future deals. By doing these things, you’ll create a win-win situation. 

Make the lending switch today!

Every investor needs peer to peer lending! It’s a fast, cheap, and dependable funding option! 

Contact us today to find out how you can win in the real estate game.

Watch our most recent clip to find out more!


Peer to Peer Lending – Why You Need it NOW

Today we are going to discuss why you need peer to peer now! This form of lending allows you to work with people in the community who have just as big of a need as you do. In today’s market more people are looking for new sources to meet their needs. Let’s take a closer look.

Who are peer to peer lenders?

Whether they are in retirement and needing extra income, or have money in an IRA, these individuals are looking for a better investment.  These individuals are going through the same crunch as you are in this market. By switching these lenders can have anywhere between 6% to 8% secured while helping you with your investment needs. It creates a win-win for both people!

Changes with affordability.

We all know what is happening with affordability in today’s market. Banks are not only charging more than they have in years past, but they are increasing their requirements as well. The lending pie is now heavily dependent on your credit score, while taking the LTV and income into consideration as well. In looking at the changes in rates, DSCR loans are rising into the 9% and 10% range. Fix and flips have increased as well and are now into the 11% to 13% range. 

Benefit of taking out the middleman.

Peer to peer lending allows us to work directly with humans again by taking out the middleman. This form of lending has been around since before banks were established. Many good investors have a few relationships established already. This not only helps to provide funding, but it also creates the flexibility they need to close deals quickly. Additional benefits are flexible terms, no prepay requirements, simpler underwriting, and fewer closing costs. 

Do it right to succeed.

As a real estate investor it is important that you take the time to make everything secure. In doing so, you will create a good relationship with your lender. This relationship not only helps you financially, but it also creates the flexibility you need to succeed. Any investor or business owner should be looking at alternative lending! Whether it’s for a down payment or funding for an entire project, there is money available.

Don’t make it complicated

It is not uncommon for people to feel uneasy asking family and friends to become financially involved. Whether it is a family member, friend, or a complete stranger, the most important thing you need to do is put them in a good deal. If you are not diligent about this, then it will make things uncomfortable and puts a strain on relationships. What is a good deal? These are deals that have cash flow, or properties that will be easy to flip. Take your time, crunch the numbers, and make sure it is a good deal for both of you.

In conclusion.

As a real estate investor you need to set yourself up for success by finding peer to peer lenders within your community. Over the past few years we have seen things tighten up and become stricter. In doing so, it has created the perfect opportunity to reintroduce this alternative lending source. There are billions and even trillions of dollars out there that can be used for your lending needs! 

Contact us to find out more and how we can help you with your investment needs.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about Peer to Peer Lending – Why You Need it NOW.


2024 Real Estate Investing: 5 Key Steps to Succeed

Today we are going to discuss the 5 key things that real estate investors need to do in 2024 in order to succeed. It is going to be a different market this year compared to years past. Rates are going to flatten out and everything that we have seen in red from the National Association of Realtors, the Mortgage Brokers, and Fannie Mae will be changing. They are expecting rates to hover between 6% and 7% this year. Predictions indicate that the Fed is going to lower their rates starting in May 2024. However, the first quarter is going to be a little tougher for the consumer until we see that shift in rates. Just to clarify, consumers are those who are renting or buying. 2024 is the year that you are going to succeed and get better deals! Let’s take a closer look at the 5 key steps.

1. Build a cushion

Over the past 6 months, we have seen that for the mid to higher level properties you are going to have to build a 15% to 20% cushion. Due to affordability, you will need to build a cushion to make sure that you aren’t overpaying. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we are advising people to go back and look at the last 3 months of sales to see where they are heading. Make sure to watch what price you’re buying things at. This will ensure your success when you sell, refinance, or even if you keep the property as a rental.  

2. Look at more homes and do more research.

If you are going to be investing in this market, then you need to be willing to look at more properties. It is important to remember that you will need a 15% to 20% discount from where you were buying it a year ago. You will need to put in a little more effort and work. Those who look at 100 homes compared to 10 homes will find good properties. By spending 2 to 3 hours a day looking at properties, you will be successful in 2024.

3. Go smaller

In this market there is a shortage of homes compared to the number of people looking for properties. In order to find the more affordable properties, you will have to go smaller. What do we mean by smaller? The property would be less square footage or a smaller price point. In some cases both the square footage and the price point will be significantly less than they would have been a few years ago. By expanding your search area, you will find greater affordability. This might mean that you are looking into smaller communities in other states to find the best deals. 

4. Don’t buy bad properties

When the market is going, then every property sells. This includes properties on corners, busy streets, overlooking commercial properties, and ones that are next to big apartment complexes. These are the properties that are normally going to take a hit and sit on the market longer. As the market changes, buyers will have more choices. They also become more selective because of the cost. In order to be successful, you need to buy good properties that are in good areas.

5. Open up where you are getting your funding from

Investors need to start looking for peer to peer lenders to help fund their next deal. Here at The Cash Flow Company we have been using peer to peer lending since 2008. There are a lot of people right now who have money and are looking for something to do with it. As an investor you can make 2024 easier, better, and more profitable than ever before. A peer to peer lender provides an easy and cheap funding source no matter what amount is needed. These lenders can help with a down payment, fix and flip project, or even fund repairs for rental properties.  

Contact us at The Cash Flow Company if you have any questions or would like to find out more about investing in 2024. 

Watch our most recent video to discover more about 2024 Real Estate Investing and the 5 Key Steps to Succeed


Secured vs Unsecured Peer to Peer Lending

What is peer to peer lending, and what is the difference between secured and unsecured? Peer to peer lending is asking anyone that you know, or even people you don’t know, for money. While family and friends can be part of this, that is not what we are talking about. Instead we are referring to people in your community or those in the real estate community. These individuals want to make money, however, they don’t want to own properties. Roughly 98% of peer to peer money comes from these groups of people, not family and friends. So what is the difference between secured and unsecured peer to peer lending? Let’s take a closer look.

The struggles with budgets.

There are a lot of people right now who are struggling with their budgets. This is because everything has gone up, from taxes and insurance to the cost of gas. Everything is putting a strain on budgets. This is where peer to peer lending can help people to escape their financial struggles. Peer lenders, who have money in their IRA, are looking for better returns. At the same time real estate investors and business owners are looking for better lending options. By working with real people again, both the borrower and lender can benefit from peer to peer lending.

Peer to peer lending can replace traditional loans.

As investors, we want to replace some or all of the funding that we normally receive from traditional lenders. These traditional lenders include banks, hard money lenders, and private lenders. By replacing all of that with a peer to peer bucket of money, you can create a faster, easier, and cheaper lending option. There is no need to be fearful! Peer to peer has been around since before banks were even established. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to take the time to secure everything properly. This will give both you, the borrower, and the lender, the reassurance that the deal is secured with real estate vs unsecured.

Creating better returns.

Those who use peer to peer lending will in turn get better returns than they would in other situations. For example, banks will normally give someone 5% and then lend out 9%. This creates a 3% to 5% profit for the bank. When you borrow directly from me, you will get cheaper money, and I will also get a better return because it is secured. A secured return is one that is secured by a piece of real estate. By taking the bank out of the middle, it makes it faster, easier, and cheaper money. Thus creating a win win situation for both the borrower and the lender.

Keep it simple and be prepared.

When we are talking about peer to peer lending we are not talking about begging people for money. We are also not saying that you need to go out and convince people. Going through the process correctly provides more opportunities for future lending. Once you have one peer to peer lender, you can easily jump to more by showcasing how you treat your peer lender, showing that you pay on time, and paid it back. Those who treat it like a bank loan or a real business will be able to expand their peer to peer bucket of money at a much faster pace. For those who struggle with communication, you can create a quick presentation or video to explain everything with links. Don’t make things complicated! 

What do you need to do to be prepared?

Peer to peer lending requires less paperwork than a traditional loan. You also don’t have to worry about being denied because of your bank statements or credit scores. With the way things have changed and shifted over the years, the lending pools are shrinking as well. By taking the time to get everything secured, you will create a win win situation. Let’s take a closer look at what you need.

  1. We are going to secure this with a piece of real estate by using a deed of trust or mortgage.
  2. Everything is recorded by title. 
  3. Wire money directly to title for the closing.
  4. We are going to make it so secured that it will make them feel reassured.
  5. You are going to build a nice case to show them the property.
    1. Rental – Maybe it’s already fixed up and already rented. Then you can show that money is coming in.
    2. Flip- Here’s the flip and if it’s new, here’s what I’m going to do to the property. If you are experienced, then you can show what you have done in the past.
  6. When the property is refinanced or paid off, then the title company is going to pay the peer lender back directly.

Find people who are engaged or looking 

Peer to peer lenders are everywhere! Many are in their retirement age or in a retirement zone and just need more money to live. With the rapidly increasing cost of living over the past few years, many people are looking for something that will provide a better and more secure return. 

  • Self Directed IRA

This is a group of people who have their 401K or IRA in a self directed plan. A self directed plan is one they can use to invest in anything. Those with this type of plan are used to working with private places such as a business preliminary stock or deeds. 

  • Equity Trust and Direction IRA

They have meetups and groups that you can attend so that you can get connected with others in the community. An added benefit is that they have people who can take care of the paperwork for you while you decide where to invest.

Peer to peer helps the community.

By using peer to peer lending as opposed to traditional lending, you’re putting money back into the community. By living here, working here, and investing here, you can see the benefits of your hard work. From fixing up properties to renting properties, we are going to improve the community around us. People who are lending will feel that they are helping the community, plus they can see where their money is. 

Now is the time

2024 predictions are indicating that rates will decrease dramatically. Now is the time to use peer to peer lending for your real estate needs. It is important that investors set up their peer to peer bucket of money as soon as possible. Don’t waste time waiting for loan approvals from banks. Instead, think outside the box, find your peer to peer community, and take the time to get everything secured vs unsecured. Peer to peer lending creates the flexibility you need to make investing easier and more profitable for both the borrower as well as the lender.  

Here at The Cash Flow Company we can help you navigate peer to peer lending. We have created systems to help navigate the process for both the borrower, as well as the lender. Contact us today to find out more.

Watch our most recent video to discover more about How to Escape Financial Struggles with Peer to Peer Lending.
