Avoid These 4 Credit Score Mistakes for Your DSCR Loan


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Avoid These 4 Credit Score Mistakes for Your DSCR Loan

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans are a game-changer for real estate investors. However, credit score does play a crucial role in the process. By avoiding some common credit score mistakes it can make all the difference. Let’s dive into four key credit score mistakes that you need to avoid and see how they impact your DSCR loan.

1. Cash Flow

Your credit score directly affects your loan interest rate, which in turn impacts your cash flow.


For this example we will use a loan amount of $250,000. If you have a good credit score (mid to high 700s), you might get a 30-year fixed rate at 7.375%. The monthly payment would be around $1,727. With taxes and insurance, your total payment would be $2,027. If the rent is $2,100, you have a positive cash flow.

However, if your credit score is lower (around 660), the interest rate might rise to 8.375%. This increases the monthly payment to $1,967, making your total payment $2,267. Now, your expenses exceed your rent, leading to negative cash flow. Therefore, keeping a good credit score is essential for maintaining a healthy cash flow.

2. Loan to Value (LTV)

Your credit score also affects how much you need to put down on a property, which is known as the loan to value ratio (LTV).


If you have a strong credit score, you might only need to put down 15-20% of the property’s value. For a $300,000 property, this means a down payment of $45,000 to $60,000. But with a lower credit score, your down payment requirement might increase to 25-30%, or $75,000 to $90,000. This higher down payment can limit the number of properties you can purchase and tie up more of your capital.

3. Approval

A higher credit score makes it easier to get your DSCR loan approved. Lenders view you as less risky, increasing your chances of approval.


Consider a scenario where your DSCR loan application is on the edge of approval. With a good credit score, your lower interest rate ensures your property has a positive cash flow, making it more likely for the loan to get approved. On the other hand, a lower credit score increases your interest rate, potentially leading to negative cash flow, and thus, your loan application might be rejected.

4. Options

A good credit score gives you more options. As a result, more lenders will compete for your business, which results in better loan terms.


With a high credit score, you will find multiple lenders who are eager to offer you a DSCR loan. This competition can lead to lower origination fees and better interest rates. Conversely, a lower credit score means fewer lenders will be willing to work with you, and those who do may charge higher fees and interest rates, reducing your overall profitability.


In conclusion, your credit score is a vital tool in real estate investing. It affects your cash flow, LTV, loan approval, and the options available to you. By avoiding these common credit score mistakes, you can make your investment journey smoother and more profitable. Always remember, maintaining a good credit score is within your control and can significantly impact your success as a real estate investor.

For additional tips and tools that will improve your credit score, visit our website at The Cash Flow Company and check out our Credit Score Checklist.

Finally, watch our most recent video to find out more about how you can:Avoid These 4 Credit Score Mistakes for Your DSCR Loan
