Tag Archive for: HELOC

The Key to Creating Leverage

Today we are going to discuss the key to creating leverage in real estate investing. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we see success from the money side because money is the key factor in real estate. In regards to the foundation of this business, it is imperative that you have the leverage you need in order to build your portfolio. What is the trick that can help you accelerate your success? Let’s take a closer look!

Taking care of your leverage.

How can people take care of their leverage on certain properties or on their portfolio? Whether there are two properties or 10 properties, it is important to create leverage over someone else. This can be accomplished by picking one property and focusing on paying it down quickly. In doing so, it will free up the equity in that property, and will provide you more leverage. 

What is the benefit to paying one property off?

By paying down or off one property within your portfolio, you can then get a line of credit or a HELOC on the property. This provides the leverage you need to invest in other deals. We have seen a number of clients who are able to invest in new deals quickly because they had free cash flow. Just to clarify, we are not talking about these clients having money in their pocket. To say it another way, by either paying off a property completely or paying it down to a lower loan to value, you create more options for leverage. How can you take advantage of this additional leverage? One of the options is a HELOC. A HELOC is a Home Equity Line of Credit. Investors can take out a HELOC on the paid off property in order to take advantage of great deals quickly and easily. 

Free up the equity and create more leverage! 

In the world of leverage, an LTV of 75% does not free up any equity. This is due to the fact that investors are paying down each property equally as opposed to paying a little more towards a single property. For example, if there was a deal available for $150K, you would not have enough equity available to purchase the property. Just to clarify, lenders will not lend over 75% on an investment property. How can you set yourself up for success and use the equity in your properties? The answer is by focusing on paying one property down faster. In doing so, you will in turn free up the equity and create more leverage. Remember, those who will accelerate in this business are those who create financial flexibility. 

Contact us today! 

Use your equity to your advantage! Do you need some guidance on where to get started? Here at The Cash Flow Company we can help you get on the path to success! Contact us today to find out more about the The Key to Creating Leverage

Watch our most recent video to learn more about The Key to Creating Leverage.


#1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use

Today we are going to discuss the #1 trick successful investors use. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we see success from the money side because money is the key factor in real estate. The foundation of this business is leverage in order to build portfolios. What is the trick that can help you accelerate your success and take advantage of more opportunities? Let’s take a closer look!

Taking care of your leverage.

How can people take care of their leverage on certain properties or on their portfolio? Whether there are two properties or 10 properties, it is important to create leverage over someone else. This can be accomplished by picking one property and focusing on paying it down quickly. In doing so, it will free up the equity in that property, and will provide you more leverage. 

What is the benefit to paying one property off?

By paying down or off one property within your portfolio, you can then get a line of credit or a HELOC on the property. This provides the leverage you need to invest in other deals. We have seen a number of clients who are able to invest in new deals quickly because they had free cash flow. Just to clarify, we are not talking about these clients having money in their pocket. To say it another way, by either paying off a property completely or paying it down to a lower loan to value, you create more options for leverage. How can you take advantage of this additional leverage? One of the options is a HELOC. 

What is a HELOC and how can it help you?

A HELOC is a Home Equity Line of Credit. Investors can take out a HELOC on the paid off property in order to take advantage of great deals quickly and easily. These deals can come up in actions or on properties where someone needs to sell a property quickly. In many cases, you can get HELOCS at 70% to 75%, as long as the LTV is lower. Whether it’s $50K or $100K HELOC, you will have the money set aside for future investments that just make great sense. Just to clarify, you do not pay for the money from the HELOC unless you use it. These funds are just set aside in case you need them. The really good people who grow their wealth will be able to sit back and grab these deals quickly because they have the money to do so.

Let’s look at the numbers!

5 properties

Each  Total for 5 properties
Property Value  $200K $1,000,000
LTV (loan to value) 75% $150K $750K
Equity  $50K $250K

In the world of leverage, an LTV of 75% does not free up any equity. This is due to the fact that investors are paying down each property equally as opposed to paying a little more towards a single property. For example, if there was a deal available for $150K, you would not have enough equity available to purchase the property. Just to clarify, lenders will not lend over 75% on an investment property. How can you set yourself up for success and use the equity in your properties? The answer is by focusing on paying one property down faster. In doing so, you will in turn free up the equity and create more leverage. Remember, those who will accelerate in this business are those who create financial flexibility. 

Contact us today! 

Use your equity to your advantage! Do you need some guidance on where to get started? Here at The Cash Flow Company we can help you get on the path to success! Contact us today to find out more about the #1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use. 

Watch our most recent video to learn more about #1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use


2024 Real Estate Investing: Most Popular Questions Asked and Answered

Today we will be answering a few popular questions in real estate investing. On average, we talk to 20 to 25 investors a day. Many of them are facing a number of hurdles that are not only impacting them, but their investments as well. By looking at the patterns that we have seen over the years, it allows us to better meet the needs of our clients. What are the hurdles and how can you avoid them? Let’s take a closer look.

#1: How do I get 100% financing?

Everyone wants to get into real estate investing with 100% financing. How can they get the money they need for their rental property or fix and flip? While there are some lenders who offer 100% financing, they will only do so if you have already done 1 or 2 deals. For those who have not, it is important that they look into other options. If you are looking for 100% financing on a property it is important that you open up to other financing options other than traditional loans. Many traditional lenders will only lend 80% to 90%. Become a real Real Estate Investor by building your confidence to go ask people for the money you need for your investments. By finding good deals and demonstrating your confidence, the sky is the limit to your success.


HELOC stands for home equity line of credit. A HELOC allows you to take money out of your property or a rental property. You can then use these funds to bridge the lending gap for your next investment.

Real peoples money:

Real people are those within the community who are in search of better returns on their funds. There are a ton of people out there who have $20K to $100K to invest and are looking for better returns. 

Start using creative financing:

Creative financing includes credit cards, which can be used to fund the rehab, staging, and even a Vrbo. However, it is important to keep in mind that the credit card needs to be a business credit card at 0% in order to be beneficial to you and your investment needs. 

What is stacking and how can it help you reach your financing needs?

The lending journey begins with your primary mortgage company who will give you 80% to 90% financing. This creates a funding gap that leaves you searching for additional financing options in order to get up to 100% financing. Gap funding options can include HELOCS, family friends, real peoples money, and even establishing a partnership. 

#2: Be prepared. 

Inflation is causing everything to become tighter and as a result it is harder to find financing for your investments. In order to be successful, investors need to be prepared before they go out and look for properties. This will give them a better chance of being approved for the lending that they need. Here at The Cash Flow Company we are searching  for deals where we can lend people money, get it back, and lend it back out again. What do you need to do to be prepared?


It is imperative that you have all of your numbers in line before talking to lenders. Keep in mind that wholesalers often stretch the value of the property. That is why it is important that you look at the numbers yourself to prevent frustration. When you are coming to lenders make sure that you know your values, know how appraisers look at properties, and make sure that your numbers are in line. These numbers include purchase, rehab, and rent. At the end of the day your goal is to create income and wealth. 

For example:

Someone reached out who is buying a single family house and he is going to make it into a two unit property. This single family property will sell for $200K. However, his belief was that the property will be worth $400K because he is splitting it into two properties. Unfortunately, that is not how the market works. 

#3: The future of real estate investing.

Many people wonder what the future of real estate investing is. How can they make money on buying rentals? Making money on rental properties right now is becoming a struggle because properties are $600K to $800K. While this is a concern for many investors, there are some options available to make investments more profitable. 

What is a padsplit?

A padsplit is when a property is divided into multiple single units. For example, a 3 bedroom could be divided into a 6 or 8 bedroom property. Just to clarify, each of the bedrooms would have a bathroom and all they would share is the kitchen space. Each unit could bring in a rental amount of $1,000, which could potentially total $6,000 to $8,000 per month depending on how many units you have. With an overall monthly rent of $3,500, the investor would have the cash flow they need to be successful. This method provides the flexibility and affordability that many people are looking for.

#4: Credit score obstacles.

Your credit score can often hinder your success in real estate investing. Over half of our calls are from people who have a score that is too low for them to get what they want. For example, we have a guy from Texas who is trying to get his property refinanced.  While the property is great and he has an amazing tenant, his credit score is too low for him to get the rate he needs to cash flow. By working on your credit scores and setting things up right, you can achieve the credit score you need to get what you want. 

Business credit cards.

Getting business credit cards is the #1 thing that will help you achieve your goals in real estate investing! Those who are able to get business charges off of their personal credit cards will in turn open up a lot of funding options. Struggles with credit scores is often the cause of people getting out of real estate investing. Don’t let this happen to you! 

Increasing your credit score quickly.

We have a lot of different options available to investors that will help them get their credit score back on track in a matter of weeks!

Usage loan

A usage loan is used to pay down credit cards by using a private loan. As a result of paying down the credit cards, it raises your credit score. By increasing your credit score it will then allow you to refinance and buy your next investment property.

Business credit cards

We can not stress enough how important business credit cards are! By setting up business credit cards instead of personal credit cards it will help to increase your funding options. The majority of business credit cards do not report your usage. Therefore they are not hurting your DTI or your credit score. Make the change today and see the effects it can have on your credit score! 

#5: Small steps vs Giant leaps

Oftentimes real estate investors make the process of getting started into such a big deal that their brain shuts off. As opposed to looking at one property a day, many attend a class that says that they need to purchase their first property within the first 30 days. This method is not always realistic for most people. Instead, you need to focus on the steps that stretch you a little bit as opposed to shutting you down. Consistency is the tortoise in real estate investing. By looking at one property a day and talking to one contractor a day, you will be better prepared to purchase your first investment property. Remember, it’s better to have 2 properties that are successful than to have 5 that are struggling.

Are you on the right path? 

Would you like to find out more about the popular questions in real estate investing? Contact us today! Do you have a property in mind? Send us the numbers and we will see if it is a good investment opportunity for you. Since funding is such a critical piece in real estate investors’ success, it is important that you know your numbers ahead of time to make things easier, cheaper, and faster. Also remember that by building your team now, you can set yourself up for the generational wealth that you want. 

Watch our most recent video 2024 Real Estate Investing: Most Popular Questions Asked and Answered to find out more.


Why You Need More Money to Invest in 2024

2024 is approaching quickly! Will you have the money you need? Investing in 2024 will require more liquidity than ever before. What is liquidity? Liquidity is the money that is available to you to help fund deals. These funds are not from lenders, but are instead from you. This includes funds that you bring into your investments, the amount that you put down on a property, and the money that you have to carry on a project. Let’s take a look at why you need more money to invest in 2024.

Changes In Lending

Banks and credit unions are currently driving down their loan to value percentages, which is making it difficult for investors to qualify. As the new year approaches, Lenders are going to require you to be more liquid, have more reserves, and put more money down. So, by having more liquidity, you will have more opportunities, as well as a huge advantage in 2024 over those who don’t act now.  

Fill Your Buckets Now

The term, “save it for a rainy day” is exactly what you need to be focusing on in today’s market. There are four “liquidity buckets” that should be filled to the brim for not only buying properties, but making payments, doing construction, or any other expenses that may come your way. These four buckets are HELOCS, Unsecured Lines of Credit, Business Credit Cards, and Peer to Peer Lending. All of these resources cost little to nothing for you to have on hand for the New Year. 

Save Today So You Can Invest Tomorrow

The goal is to gather as much money as you can now by filling your liquidity buckets to the brim! As investors, we are all going to need these extra funds for down payments, escrow, paying contractors, as well as any other expenses that come our way. Investors who take the time to prepare, will set themselves up for success come the new year! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about why you need liquidity. 

If you have any questions on liquidity, finding HELOCs, or have any other questions, please reach out to us!

We would be happy to help guide you to become more successful in 2024. 


Investing in 2024: Why you need a HELOC

Investing in 2024 will look completely different compared to years past. Investors will need more liquidity due to the increasing lending squeeze from banks. What do I mean by liquidity? Liquidity is the money that is available to you to help fund deals. These funds are not from lenders, but are instead from you. Now is the time to fill your liquidity buckets to the brim. One of the best cash reserves is a HELOC. What is a HELOC and how can it help you save for a rainy day? Let’s take a closer look.

What is a HELOC?

A HELOC, also known as home equity line of credit, provides a revolving line of credit that can be used at any time. HELOCs are normally used for large expenses, paying off high interest rate debt, and any additional expenses that you may face. Investors are feeling the pressure of the lending squeeze from both banks and credit unions. They are both driving down their loan to value percentages and putting more pressure on investors. What started at 90% LTV a year ago, has now plummeted to 75% LTV, and in some cases even 70% LTV. Loan to values are shrinking fast, so now is the time to lock everything in before it drops even further! Make sure that you get HELOCS wherever you can! This can be on your primary residence, as well as on all of your investment properties. Remember, you don’t have to use the funds from the HELOCS immediately, the money is just reserved for a rainy day. While it may cost a few hundred to close your HELOC later on, it is a great resource to have when buying properties, making payments, doing construction, or any additional expenses that come your way. 

The Time is NOW!

The goal before the end of the year is to fill your liquidity buckets! By opening a HELOC you can fill your liquidity bucket to the brim in preparation for  2024. As investors, we are all going to need these extra funds for down payments, escrow, paying contractors, as well as any other expenses that come our way.  Lenders are going to require you to be more liquid, have more reserves, and put more money down. Investors who take the time at the end of this year to prepare, will have more opportunities and a huge advantage in 2024 over those who don’t act now. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about why you need liquidity. 

If you have any questions on liquidity, finding HELOCs, or have any other questions, please reach out to us!

We would be happy to help guide you to become more successful in 2024. 



2024 Real Estate Investing – Why You Will Need More Liquidity

Investing in 2024 will require more liquidity than ever! What do I mean by liquidity? Liquidity is the money that is available to you to help fund deals. These funds are not from lenders, but are instead from you. This includes funds that you bring into your investments, the amount that you put down on a property, and the money that you have to carry on a project. Those expenses will be more important in 2024 than they have been within the last decade. What does liquidity mean in your world and how do you find it? Let’s take a look at the four “liquidity bucket” options that you can fill up now in preparation for the new year!

Liquidity Buckets for Success

1. Lock in HELOCS

Banks and credit unions are driving down their loan to value percentages. What started at 90% LTV a year ago, has now plummeted to 75% LTV, and in some cases even 70% LTV. Loan to values are shrinking fast, so lock it in now before it drops even further! Make sure that you get HELOCS wherever you can! This can be on your primary, as well as on all of your investment properties. Remember, you don’t have to use the funds from the HELOCS, the money is just reserved for a rainy day. While it may cost a few hundred to close later on, it is a great resource to have when buying properties, making payments, doing construction, or any additional expenses that come your way. 

2. Unsecured Lines of Credit

You can normally find unsecured lines of credit at larger banks such as Chase, Wells Fargo, and American Express. They have lines of credit that you can sign up for as long as you have good credit. Surprisingly, investors can receive $5K, $10K, $15K, and even $100K in unsecured lines of credit. Once again, it won’t cost you anything. By setting them up and having them on hand, the funds from the unsecured lines of credit will be available when you need them.

3. Business Credit Cards

As an investor you should already have business credit cards established. It is imperative that investors move all business expenses off of their personal credit cards and onto their business credit cards as soon as possible. This improves personal credit scores, provides opportunities for higher credit limits, and can act like a  line of credit up to your available limit. Business credit cards provide the flexibility that you need to secure your future success.

4. Peer to peer lending 

This form of lending is also known as other people’s money. These funds can come from neighbors, friends, and even groups that you are a part of. It is important to communicate with people in real estate groups, those in the community, and other groups that you are involved in. In talking about your real estate adventures and what you are doing, it will create opportunities to find others who are looking for better returns on their investments as well. There is a potential for a win-win solution for everyone involved. Peer to peer lending is the biggest untapped portion of funding available. Reach out to us for more information on how to get started.

Fill your Liquidity Buckets Today

The goal is to fill your liquidity buckets now! As investors, we are all going to need these extra funds for down payments, escrow, paying contractors, as well as any other expenses that come our way. Investors who take the time at the end of this year to prepare, will have more opportunities and a huge advantage in 2024 over those who don’t act now.  Lenders are going to require you to be more liquid, have more reserves, and put more money down. So, by having more liquidity, you will be able to easily open the doors to success.

In preparing now and filling your liquidity buckets to the brim, you will set yourself up for success come the new year! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about why you need liquidity. 

If you have any questions on liquidity, finding HELOCs, or have any other questions, please reach out to us!

We would be happy to help guide you to become more successful in 2024. 


This is the #1 Roadblock in Real Estate Investing

It is incredibly easy to get burnt out as a real estate investor. However, by knowing the roadblocks ahead of time, you can avoid many of the common mistakes. Real estate investing, unlike other businesses, relies heavily on leverage and funding. Almost everything we do from buying and holding rentals, to doing flips, and even dividing land, it is all heavily dependent on funding. Money from banks, private lenders, or even other people’s money, are vital to your success. So what’s the #1 roadblock in real estate investing? The answer is not understanding your cash flow and not knowing the numbers ahead of time.

Rushing to obtain generational wealth

Unfortunately, people go to conferences and get hyped up to make generational wealth in a short period of time. While you need emotions to guide your business, it is important to take a step back and know your numbers before diving in. Generational wealth is difficult to achieve in a three month period, however a three year timeline is feasible. By not rushing into investment opportunities, it allows you to form a game plan for success.

Understanding all of your expenses

This week we had a person contact us who didn’t understand how escrow worked, thus creating further financial strain for the client. Escrow can be very confusing for investors. This is a portion of the loan that a lending company puts aside for repairs to the property. Many people do not fully understand how much money is needed up front in order to start the construction process. In addition, many underestimate how much the interest will be every month for the property. If you have a $400K loan, and you’re at 12%, you will in turn pay $4K a month out of your pocket. Thankfully the title company provides a settlement statement that includes a complete breakdown showing exactly what you are buying, and what you owe to everyone. By fully understanding your budget and planning for expenses, you can avoid spiraling debilitating debt. 

Do your research and plan ahead

Investors who do not know their numbers will soon find themselves in a spiral of financial distress.  Not only that, but by not having enough money to make payments it will result in pure panic and overwhelming desperation. Many investors attempt to resolve this crisis by using personal credit cards, or a HELOC to get back on track. In doing so, they put their whole life into jeopardy. People can make a lot of money at this, and there is a lot of money to be made. It is imperative that you know your numbers, take emotions out, and do your research before diving in. People tend to overestimate what they can do in a few months, and tend to underestimate what they can do in a few years. 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about the #1 Roadblock in Real Estate Investing.

Want more information on real estate investment roadblocks or have any other questions? Contact us today! 


What should you know before you get a HELOC?

First, know where to go for HELOCs. This is typically local credit unions and large national banks.

But before you call these institutions, make sure you have these 5 things ready:

  1. How much your property is worth.
  2. How much you owe on it.
  3. Align your LTVs. So if it’s a rental property, make sure your current mortgage and your current value is 70-75% or less, or HELOCs are probably not going to be available to you.
  4. What your credit score is. Know what it is and know what it needs to be. Most places will require a minimum 680, but 700 is better. The higher your credit score, the higher your loan-to-value.
  5. What type of property it is. Especially with a rental, know its condition and whether it’s a single-family, duplex, etc.

A final tip on HELOCs: each bank or company will give you a HELOC on between one and three of your properties. So if you want a HELOC on five, ten, or twenty properties, you’ll have to set up accounts at different banks.

As an alternative, you could also look into lines of credit, which span multiple properties.

Help to Get a HELOC (and More)

We want to make it easier for you to get the best, cheapest leverage possible for your investments.

If you have any questions or have a loan you’d like us to price out, reach out to us at Info@TheCashFlowCompany.com. If you just want more information on real estate investing, you should check out the videos on our YouTube channel.

Read the full article here.

Watch the video here:


If you want to buy properties quickly… here’s how to use a HELOC.

A HELOC allows you to buy properties with cash, without having the actual cash. So how does this work to buy properties with a HELOC?

Once you’ve set up a HELOC, you could go into the bank at any time and ask them to draw the money out or wire it.

Within hours of finding a property, it’s possible to go under contract, set up a closing, fund it, and own it. Once you own the property, you can always refinance later into a more traditional loan to pay back what you took from your HELOC.

This allows you to compete with cash buyers because this is exactly how they do it. Using a HELOC in this way gives you the power to get in front of the line.

How to Use Small HELOCs

HELOCs are a valuable tool in any investors’ toolbelt. It’s one of the easiest ways to ensure no good deal will get away from you.

Even if your HELOC isn’t big enough to fund the purchase of the whole property, you could still use it as a down payment. This way, you might not need to wait for lender approval to close.

Even if it’s not purchasing the whole property, maybe it’s putting the money down. So you don’t have to wait for your lender. You don’t have to figure out if they’re going to approve you or not.

How to Use Big HELOCs

If you want more HELOC power behind your investing punch, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, if you own multiple properties, you can put HELOCs on each of them. More lines of credit equals more cash available to you.

Second, you want to ensure you’re getting the best HELOCs. What makes HELOCs the best for real estate investors who compete with cash buyers? There’s one thing: high loan-to-values.

You’ll want to shop around to get the maximum amount you can from these lines of credit. Money is power in real estate investing, so choosing the HELOC with an extra point in fees shouldn’t distract you from your highest LTV option.

The best lenders will be able to give you 70-75% LTVs on your rental properties and 80-85% on your owner-occupied home.

Where to Find the Best HELOC

So where do you find the best HELOC? It’s something you’ll have to do a little research on.

If you don’t want to do your own research, we do it every month. We call all the banks and credit unions in our markets to find out who has the best loan to values, lowest rates, and easiest qualifications. Reach out at Info@TheCashFlowCompany.com if you want this list!

Read the full article here.

Watch the video here:


HELOC and a bank line of credit… which is better for your investments?

So what’s the difference between a true bank line of credit for your business and a HELOC?

Let’s go over 5 key differences you should know.

1. Qualifying for a HELOC or Bank Line of Credit

Typically with a bank line of credit, which is a line of credit on one or multiple properties, you could have one line of credit that covers all of your properties or just part of them. You have that flexibility. But, in order to qualify, you also have to provide all the paperwork, taxes, and everything a bank usually requires.

For a HELOC, qualifying is usually just as simple as getting an estimate or value on your property, and having a good credit score. There is often minimal paperwork and little concern about your income.

2. Applying

One major benefit of a HELOC is once you get one, they’re good for a set draw period. That period is usually 5 or 10 years. So once you get it, you have it at your disposal for that timeframe. You can use it over and over.

A bank line of credit that goes through your business is less set-it-and-forget-it. Some banks will want to look at your financials every year, and some every two years. You’ll have to re-qualify every couple of years.

With a bank line of credit, you have to bring in your paperwork every few years, so you have to be sure your business stays profitable. They also re-evaluate the property’s value, which can be pro or con depending on the market.

3. LTVs on a HELOC or Bank Line of Credit

What are they going to lend you? A HELOC on a non-owner-occupied property usually maxes out at 70% of your equity. In owner-occupied, that could be up to 80%.

Depending on your credit and your properties, a bank line of credit will probably have a maximum LTV of 75% average overall on the properties.

The LTVs on these two lines of credit aren’t that different. It’s more important that, whichever option you go with, you shop around to maximize your loan-to-value.

4. Costs

Typically, a HELOC costs a few hundred dollars to open up. So each property you put a HELOC on will have its own fees (the couple hundred bucks) and requirements every time. But remember, this lasts for 5-10 years, or until whenever you refinance it.

The cost for a bank line of credit will be somewhere between one and one and a half percent. They may need some appraisals to approve it. And remember – since it’s only a 1-2 year limit on bank lines of credit, these charges will happen at least every 2 years.

5. Source

Now, the biggest benefit of a bank line of credit: it’s in one source.

For HELOCs, you have a small amount available on each property. So if you need a large amount, you’ll have to go to each bank or credit union and pull out the amounts. You’ll have different accounts at different banks that you’ll have to manage the payments on. You may have two HELOCs, or you might have 10 – and you might have to put all 10 together to get enough funds for what you need.

Read the full article here.

Watch the video here:

