Tag Archive for: real estate investors

Why Real Estate Investors Should Compare Lenders

Today we are going to discuss why real estate investors should compare lenders. In the same way a house, a contractor, or a realtor, loans cost money as well. For this reason, by not finding the best loan, it can impact your bottom line. So, where do you start and how can you shop around for the right one? Let’s take a closer look!

 Understanding Loan Costs.

In a nutshell, loans can be complicated. However, when you break it down, it’s all about simple math. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Interest Rates: How much you pay to borrow the money.
  • Loan Term: The length of time you’ll be paying back the loan.
  • Fees: These include origination fees, appraisal fees, inspection fees, and more.

Each of these factors affects the total cost of your loan.

Why Use a Loan Cost Optimizer?

A Loan Cost Optimizer helps you compare different loan scenarios. After entering details about your project, you can then see which loan costs you the least. Here’s how it works:

  1. Input Different Scenarios: Enter details like loan amount, interest rate, fees, and loan term.
  2. Compare Costs: See the total cost for each scenario.
  3. Find the Best Deal: Choose the loan that saves you the most money.


Let’s look at some examples to see how this works.

Example 1: Short-Term Fix and Flip

  • Loan Term: 3 months
  • Interest Rate: 8%
  • Fees: $2,000

Total Cost: $4,000

Example 2: Long-Term Renovation

  • Loan Term: 12 months
  • Interest Rate: 6%
  • Fees: $5,000

Total Cost: $11,000

With this in mind, even though the interest rate is lower in the long-term loan, the fees in addition to the longer term make it more expensive.


Since every project has unique needs, it is important that you find the best loan every time. Therefore, by using a Loan Cost Optimizer you can discover how to keep your costs low, and find the best loan as well. In fact, investors who take the time to understand and compare the total costs, will not only make smarter decisions but more importantly maximize their profits !

Ready to get started? Visit our website and try our Loan Cost Optimizer today! As a matter of fact, it’s free and easy to use. You don’t have to commit to anything, instead, just see how it works and find the best loan for your next project.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Why Real Estate Investors Should Compare Lenders.


#1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use

Today we are going to discuss the #1 trick successful investors use. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we see success from the money side because money is the key factor in real estate. The foundation of this business is leverage in order to build portfolios. What is the trick that can help you accelerate your success and take advantage of more opportunities? Let’s take a closer look!

Taking care of your leverage.

How can people take care of their leverage on certain properties or on their portfolio? Whether there are two properties or 10 properties, it is important to create leverage over someone else. This can be accomplished by picking one property and focusing on paying it down quickly. In doing so, it will free up the equity in that property, and will provide you more leverage. 

What is the benefit to paying one property off?

By paying down or off one property within your portfolio, you can then get a line of credit or a HELOC on the property. This provides the leverage you need to invest in other deals. We have seen a number of clients who are able to invest in new deals quickly because they had free cash flow. Just to clarify, we are not talking about these clients having money in their pocket. To say it another way, by either paying off a property completely or paying it down to a lower loan to value, you create more options for leverage. How can you take advantage of this additional leverage? One of the options is a HELOC. 

What is a HELOC and how can it help you?

A HELOC is a Home Equity Line of Credit. Investors can take out a HELOC on the paid off property in order to take advantage of great deals quickly and easily. These deals can come up in actions or on properties where someone needs to sell a property quickly. In many cases, you can get HELOCS at 70% to 75%, as long as the LTV is lower. Whether it’s $50K or $100K HELOC, you will have the money set aside for future investments that just make great sense. Just to clarify, you do not pay for the money from the HELOC unless you use it. These funds are just set aside in case you need them. The really good people who grow their wealth will be able to sit back and grab these deals quickly because they have the money to do so.

Let’s look at the numbers!

5 properties

Each  Total for 5 properties
Property Value  $200K $1,000,000
LTV (loan to value) 75% $150K $750K
Equity  $50K $250K

In the world of leverage, an LTV of 75% does not free up any equity. This is due to the fact that investors are paying down each property equally as opposed to paying a little more towards a single property. For example, if there was a deal available for $150K, you would not have enough equity available to purchase the property. Just to clarify, lenders will not lend over 75% on an investment property. How can you set yourself up for success and use the equity in your properties? The answer is by focusing on paying one property down faster. In doing so, you will in turn free up the equity and create more leverage. Remember, those who will accelerate in this business are those who create financial flexibility. 

Contact us today! 

Use your equity to your advantage! Do you need some guidance on where to get started? Here at The Cash Flow Company we can help you get on the path to success! Contact us today to find out more about the #1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use. 

Watch our most recent video to learn more about #1 Trick that Successful Real Estate Investors Use


A Key Lesson In Real Estate Investing: Times Versus Time

Throughout the years I have been able to help thousands of clients become successful in real estate investing. Looking back over my journey, there are several things that I would do differently. While there are a number of lessons I would like to share with you, I feel that Times vs Time is the most imperative to your success.

What is Times VS Time?

The question that all investors ask is, how long does it take to be successful? Success is heavily reliant on the number of times you practice the steps before you become confident in the process. The more practice you have looking properties, comparing properties, and contacting lenders, the more knowledgeable and confident you will become.

It takes 100 times to walk through these steps before an investor becomes confident in the process. Some investors can achieve this in a week, while others may take 6 months to 6 years. Again, it’s not the amount of time it takes to be successful, it’s the number of times you practice.

How can investors set up for success

It is vital that you create a process that works for you and your business. In doing so, you are then able to follow the same steps each time. As a result, it further builds the confidence you need to succeed. There are five lessons in total including: Take the fast track, Set your business up to win, Create simple processes, and Scale with flexibility. There is a bonus one as well, which is Do whatever it takes!  


Watch our most recent video to find out more about these 5 valuable lessons that will put you on the fast track to success. 

Have more questions on how to get started with your business and how you can win in real estate investing? Call us today



How a Bank Collapse Impacts Real Estate Investors

Without a doubt, banks are experiencing a significant decrease of money flowing into the lending pool. But, how does this impact investors? There are three main ways a bank collapse could impact real estate investors today. What are they? Let’s dive in and discover more!

Banks are Lending Less

Nowadays, banks are being forced to swim upstream in search of the “best of the best clients.” But what makes a perfect client? Well, it’s those who have more cash in the bank, more revenue, and higher credit scores.

Investors Book of Debt

To put it briefly, savings accounts and CD’s that were booked years ago at low percentages are experiencing a dramatic increase. What started at a monthly profit of 3% to 4%, has become a deficit of 5% to 5.25%. For this reason, investors are now upside-down on their assets.

Book of Business

Now, the notes that banks wrote 3 to 5 years ago, are now coming due. What started at 3%- 4% interest rates, has skyrocketed to 8%-10%. As you can see, lending is no longer in the forefront of banks’ minds in the traditional sense. 

How Investors are Managing the Lending Squeeze

So, what can real estate investors do? To start, they can prepare by making sure they have cash, high credit scores, and keeping up on projects. At this point and time, money and credit are going to be your keys to success. They are what will ensure you are in the game as rates continue to rise.  

Undoubtedly, there’s a bank collapse on the horizon. But as long as you’re aware of the situation and are willing to put in some work, you’ll be okay. Plus, we can guide you through a bank collapse by helping you improve your credit sores, increase your cash flow, and explore alternative lending options. Contact us today

Do you need more resources on how to navigate a bank collapse? Watch our most recent video to learn more!


How Real Estate Investors Can Prepare for Bank Collapse

How can real estate investors prepare for the collapse of banks? What does that mean for them, and what does that mean for you as a real estate investor? We will coach you through this lending squeeze by not only looking at the challenges, but also highlighting lending alternatives that will help you stay afloat.

In the lending community, banks are experiencing a decrease of money flowing into the lending pool. Over 190 banks have been placed on the watch list because funds are leaving the bank at an accelerated pace. What does this mean for investors specifically?

There are three main ways this problem is impacting real estate investors today. Let’s dive in and discover more!

Changes to the Banks’ Lending Pool

1. Banks are Lending Less

Unfortunately, with the lending restrictions, banks are being forced to swim upstream in search of the “best of the best clients.” What makes up a perfect client? It’s those who have more cash in the bank, more revenue, and better credit scores. However, those specifications don’t always fit the majority of investors. 

2. Book of Debt

To put it briefly, savings accounts and CD’s that were booked years ago at low percentages are increasing dramatically. What started at a monthly profit of 3% to 4%, has become a deficit of 5% to 5.25%. This situation is forcing investors to sell bonds and get rid of old debt, so they are longer upside down on past assets.

3. Book of Business

Banks who wrote notes to businesses 3 to 5 years ago are now coming due. What started as 3%- 4% interest rates, has skyrocketed to 8%-10%. Unfortunately, because of this, many businesses can no longer qualify. What do banks do when notes become nonperforming? The government requires banks to put in more capital to help cover potential losses. Lending is not in the forefront of banks minds in the traditional sense. The primary option for investors is SBA loans, which are backed by the government, and therefore they do not have the same lending restrictions.  

Investors are Searching for New Lenders:

Why are they looking for new lenders? Investors are forced to explore uncharted waters to locate private lenders because banks are focused on the “best of the best.” This waterfall effect is forcing investors to cascade down to private lenders to keep their businesses afloat. With the influx of new clients, private lenders are also swimming upstream alongside banks, searching for borrowers with more experience, more money down, and more liquidity. Lenders who used to lend 75% ARV are now lending 75% LTV. This could result in investors spending 20%-30% more on each deal if you’re even able to qualify. 

Additional Aspect for Fix and Flip Properties

In regard to fix and flip properties, investors need to consider the current interest rates for homes. When rates go up, the ability for a buyer to buy a house goes down. In just two years’ time, a house for $295,000 in 2021 is now $500,000. The affordability of properties has stretched what investors can fit into their budget, and what they are able to qualify for depending on the DTI (debt to income). 

Managing the Lending Squeeze

How real estate investors prepare can will result in success when navigating these rough seas. The goal is to make sure you have cash, high credit scores, and that you are keeping up on projects.  Get into a deal now and hold it for 2-3 years to set yourself up for success.

Open your eyes to additional lending sources, such as “other people’s money” aka OPM, to fund part or even all of your projects. These are individuals within our community that can lend anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000. They are out there! It’s just a matter of knowing where to look and who to ask.

Money and credit are going to be your keys to making sure that you are in the game as the rates continue to increase. We can help guide you through the process of starting your business, increasing your credit scores, finding ways to improve your income, and helping with OPM options.

Need more help navigating these rough waters watch our most recent video!

We’ve raised millions of millions of dollars over the past 15 years by bringing in money from other investors who are just looking for a return. If you need coaching or help taking advantage of these opportunities give us a call! 


Why a DSCR Loan is Perfect for Real Estate investors

Many investors ask why a DSCR loan is perfect for real estate investing. To clarify, a DSCR loan stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan and is designed specifically for real estate investors. This type of loan helps you buy rental properties, whether they are long-term or short-term rentals. However, It’s not for flips or homes you plan to live in.

Why Choose a DSCR Loan?

Choosing a DSCR loan can be a smart move for several reasons:

  1. Easy Qualification: You don’t need to worry about how long you’ve been in business or your personal income. Even if you started your business yesterday, you could qualify.
  2. Focus on Property Income: The loan qualification is based on the income generated by the property, not your personal income.
  3. 30-Year Loan Options: You get a good 30-year loan product, which can provide stability and predictability.

How Does a DSCR Loan Work?

The key to a DSCR loan is that it focuses on the property’s ability to generate enough income to cover its expenses. Here’s how it works:

  1. Property Income: The income from the rental property should at least cover the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, and any HOA or flood insurance fees.
  2. Credit Score: Your personal credit score is important. The higher your score, the better the terms and rates.
  3. Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV): This is the amount of the loan compared to the property’s value. Lower LTV means less risk for lenders and better terms for you.

Who Can Benefit from a DSCR Loan?

DSCR loans are perfect for:

  • New Investors: If you’ve just started your real estate investment journey, you can qualify even without a long business history.
  • Tax Savvy Investors: If you write off a lot of expenses on your taxes, which can reduce your reported income, this loan can still work for you.
  • Expanding Portfolios: Investors looking to add more rental properties can benefit from the flexible qualification criteria.


Imagine you are an investor who just started a year ago. You found a great rental property, but traditional lenders won’t approve your loan because you don’t have two years of business income. A DSCR loan can help. As long as the rental income covers the mortgage and other expenses, you can get the loan and grow your investment portfolio.

Get Started with a DSCR Loan Today

A DSCR loan is an excellent loan for real estate investors. Is it right for your investment needs? Contact us at The Cash Flow Company. We have the tools and expertise to help you understand your options and find the best loan for your needs.

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Why a DSCR Loan is Perfect for Real Estate investors


Why You Need the Loan Cost Optimizer

Today we are going to discuss why you need the loan cost optimizer! When taking into consideration which loan is best for your fix and flip, it is imperative that you compare everything side by side. Whether it’s a hard money loan, a private loan, a bank loan, or even OPM (Other People’s Money), each situation is different. That is why it’s essential to know what works best for you. Let’s get started!

Understanding Leverage

Leverage is key in real estate investing to create wealth. Think of leverage like a tool. When used right, it helps you build faster and better. Here’s what you need to know to ensure you get the best leverage:

Consider the Cost and Value

Just like hiring a contractor, you need to look at what you’re paying for and what you’re getting. It’s not always about the cheapest option but the best value. Typically, you might hear that hard money is more expensive than private money, but let’s dig deeper to see if that’s true.

How to Choose the Best Loan

  1. Compare Costs: Use our free Loan Cost Optimizer tool on our website to compare lenders and see who offers the best deal.
  2. Check Funding Speed: Make sure your lender can close the deal quickly to avoid losing it.
  3. Evaluate All Fees: Look at points, interest rates, and other fees to get the full picture.


In sum, the best loan for your fix and flip is the one that costs you the least and funds on time. By using the cost loan optimizer you can see everything side by side before making a decision. At The Cash Flow Company, our goal is to help you get the best lending options available. If you have a question or a deal to discuss, reach out to us. Visit our website, download our Loan Cost Optimizer, and compare lenders to find the best deal for you.

Watch our most recent video to discover more about: Why You Need the Loan Cost Optimizer


What is the Best Loan for Your Fix and Flip?

Today, let’s dive into a topic we talk about daily: What is the best loan for your fix and flip? Is it a hard money loan, a private loan, a bank loan, or even OPM (Other People’s Money)? Each situation is different, and it’s essential to know what works best for you. Let’s get started!

Understanding Leverage

Leverage is key in real estate investing to create wealth. Think of leverage like a tool. When used right, it helps you build faster and better. Here’s what you need to know to ensure you get the best leverage:

Consider the Cost and Value

Just like hiring a contractor, you need to look at what you’re paying for and what you’re getting. It’s not always about the cheapest option but the best value. Typically, you might hear that hard money is more expensive than private money, but let’s dig deeper to see if that’s true.

Types of Loans for Fix and Flips

Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans are popular for fix and flips because they are quick to get and don’t require perfect credit. They are usually more expensive, but they can fund faster.

Example: If you find a great deal that needs to close in a week, a hard money loan might be your best option.

Private Money Loans

Private money loans come from individual investors. These can be more flexible with terms but may take longer to secure.

Example: Your friend or a local investor might lend you money with terms you both agree on.

Bank Loans

Bank loans usually have the lowest interest rates but come with strict qualifications and a longer approval process.

Example: If you have a great credit score and plenty of time, a bank loan can save you money on interest.

Other People’s Money (OPM)

OPM can be funds from partners or investors. This type can be highly flexible but depends on your agreements with them.

Example: Partnering with an investor who puts up the cash while you manage the flip.

Factors to Consider

Speed of Funding

In real estate, speed can make or break a deal. Sellers prefer buyers who can close quickly with no hassle. So, you need to know which lender can fund the fastest.

Down Payment

Down payments can vary. With hard money, you might get 100% financing, but usually, you’ll need 10-20% down.

Example: If you’re buying a $300,000 property, a 10% down payment means you need $30,000 upfront.

Points and Interest Rates

Points are fees paid to the lender, usually as a percentage of the loan amount. Interest rates can range from 10% to 12% or more.

Example: On a $270,000 loan with 1 point, you’ll pay $2,700 upfront. At 12% interest, you’ll pay $2,700 monthly.

Additional Fees

Lenders may charge other fees like escrow fees, draw fees, underwriting, and appraisal fees. These can add up, especially on smaller loans.

Example: A $200,000 loan might come with $1,900 in fees, affecting your overall cost.

How to Choose the Best Loan

  1. Compare Costs: Use our free Loan Cost Optimizer tool on our website to compare lenders and see who offers the best deal.
  2. Check Funding Speed: Make sure your lender can close the deal quickly to avoid losing it.
  3. Evaluate All Fees: Look at points, interest rates, and other fees to get the full picture.


In sum, the best loan for your fix and flip is the one that costs you the least and funds on time. At The Cash Flow Company, our goal is to help you get the best lending options available. If you have a question or a deal to discuss, reach out to us. Visit our website, download our Loan Cost Optimizer, and compare lenders to find the best deal for you.

Watch our most recent video to discover more!


Personal credit cards tanking real estate investors’ credit scores is the #1 thing slowing investors down. The solution? A business credit card.

Especially in the beginning, it’s tempting to use personal credit cards to kickstart your investing adventures. However, the high spending demands of real estate investing can drive up usage and tank your personal credit score. In order to protect your personal score, business credit cards are typically the best option.

Switching to business cards may seem daunting at first, but if you know how to prepare and what to look for, it should be smooth sailing.

Requirements for Business Credit Cards

Business credit cards are one of the best ways to make real estate investing easier and more profitable. But what do you need before you start looking for a business credit card?

1. A Business

Typically, you need to have an operating business for at least a year (though there are exceptions)  before applying for a business card. 

This isn’t quite as tricky as it may sound. You need a business account, website, billing information, etc. Essentially, you need proof that you are, in fact, operating an investment business. 

2. A Good Personal Credit Score

Even though you’re applying for a card that won’t report on your personal credit score, approval for the business card is based on your personal credit score.

If you need to raise your personal credit score before applying for a business card, we can help you with that! Usage loans essentially transfer some of that credit card spending into a separate loan that won’t tank your credit score.

Both we and our sister company Hard Money Mike offer usage loans.

3. 1–2 Personal Credit Cards

Obviously, you will need to use your personal credit cards for your investment needs in the beginning. However, if you’ve been using those well, then banks are more likely to approve a business credit card.

All in all, if you have a business, a good credit score, and a couple of credit cards already, it’s fairly easy to start the process of switching to business cards. 

Tools to Help You Find the Right Business Card

We want to make it easy for you to succeed as a real estate investor—no strings attached. The more you know and the more resources you have, the better equipped you are to find the right deals for you.

We’ve already done some of the work for you:

1. Business Credit Card Marketplace

Here at the Cashflow Company, we’ve partnered with Nav to help you find the right business card for you. By inputting a few pieces of information, we’ll let you know what cards match your needs (and won’t report on your personal credit score).

2. Credit Score Checklist

You can use our free credit checklist download to check the health of your credit score. What can you do to improve that score? Does it need some CPR? What are your options?

3. Other Real Estate Investing Tools

Explore our other tools to optimize your investment strategy. We have various calculators, questionnaires, optimizers, and analyzers to walk you through the various steps of the game.

Contact Us!

Credit scores are a very important piece of leverage. We want you to feel equipped and confident that you’re protecting that credit score in a smart way with business credit cards.

If you want to discuss your credit score, a usage loan, or business credit cards, contact us at Info@TheCashFlowCompany.com. We’re always happy to help!


Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


Lenders want to see your own money going towards your projects through personal investments. 

In real estate investing, leverage comes from using other people’s money to generate wealth and income. 

The better your leverage, the easier and more profitable real estate investing becomes. 

But how do you find the right loans that can give you that leverage?

One of the things lenders look for is whether or not you’re personally invested in what you’re asking them to put money into.

Use Personal Investments to Demonstrate Commitment

If you’re also investing your own money in your project, lenders know you’re serious about the job. 

Using other people’s money (OPM) also demonstrates that your friends and family are willing to invest in your project. Lenders like to see you have skin in the game, even if it’s as simple as borrowing from a line of credit.

Especially if you’re a newer investor, the less you ask of lenders and the more at risk you take on, the more lenders will be attracted to you.

Personal investments demonstrate your commitment to follow through and finish a project — just what lenders are looking for!

Learn More

Read the full article here.

Watch the YouTube video here:
