The Lending Faucet Has Been Shut Off. What Happens Now?
Categories: Motivational Monday, Resources, Tips
Everyone knows that you kill a business by cutting off their credit/finance. Once the credit is cut off, we are all in trouble.
Or, ARE we?
Did you hear the lending markets just explode/implode in on the investor market? What felt like overnight (within mere weeks,) the traditional funding faucet was virtually turned off. Lenders across the country are pumping the brakes on loans for investment properties due to COVID19-related closures, job losses, and resulting economic uncertainty.
What does this mean for folks who rely on that normally steady stream of capital for investment real estate funding? The existing and would-be landlords? The fix-and-flippers? The fix-and-holders? The short answer: Without credit or funding, investing in properties becomes problematic. Therefore, MAKING money becomes much tougher.
Notice that we said ‘tougher,’ and not ‘impossible?’ There IS another way…
Now is the perfect opportunity to create your very own banking system.
“What does that even mean,” you may find yourself asking? It means finding PEOPLE, not banks, with money—money that they would be willing to invest. This could be your mom, your best friend, your neighbor, or anyone else who has some extra funds that they want to put to work for their future financial benefit.
Don’t allow the banks to socially distance you from your investment income! Learn how to keep your business running steady now and in the future by having a consistent stream of OPM- or Other People’s Money- funding.
Join us for our next weekly Webinar, where we’ll be going over market updates and the basics of how to transition your lending stream from traditional lenders to OPM funds, all while keeping it legal, keeping it safe, and keeping it honest for you AND your funding partners!
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