Tag Archive for: new investors

Why You Need DSCR Loans In Today’s Real Estate Market

In today’s ever-changing real estate market, finding the right financing option is crucial for investors. That’s why DSCR loans, also known as Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans, are gaining popularity. Not only do they simplify the loan process, but they also focus on the income generated by the property itself. Consequently, investors can bypass the need for personal income documentation. Let’s dive into why DSCR loans are essential for modern real estate investors and how they can help you grow your portfolio.

What is a DSCR Loan?

A DSCR loan stands for Debt Service Coverage Ratio loan. It’s a unique type of loan designed for real estate investors who have rental properties. The best part? You don’t need to show personal or business income documentation. Instead, this loan focuses on the income from the property itself.

How Does a DSCR Loan Work?

DSCR loans are straightforward. They look at the property’s cash flow. In other words, they check if the rental income covers the property’s bills. These bills include the mortgage, taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and flood insurance. If the property can pay its way, you’re good to go!

Why DSCR Loans Are Perfect for Investors

No Personal Income Needed

Unlike other loans, DSCR loans don’t care about your job or tax returns. This is a great product if you’re new to investing or if you write off a lot of your income. For instance, if you just started your business or don’t have a steady job, it doesn’t matter. The property’s income is what counts.

Quick Approval Process

Since there’s no need for income verification, DSCR loans speed up the approval process. This means you can act fast when you find the perfect property.

Focused on Rental Properties

DSCR loans are made for rental-ready properties. This means the property should be ready for tenants to move in. To clarify, it’s not for fix-and-flip projects that need significant work. For example, if the property needs a new roof or a complete kitchen makeover, a DSCR loan isn’t the right fit. But, if it’s ready to rent, you’re in luck!

How to Qualify for a DSCR Loan

Step 1: Property Income

The property must generate enough income to cover its expenses. This is the most critical factor.

Step 2: Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)

Lenders look at how much you’re borrowing compared to the property’s value. The lower the LTV, the better your chances.

Step 3: Personal Credit Score

Even though your income doesn’t matter, your credit score does. A good credit score helps in getting favorable loan terms.

Benefits of DSCR Loans Over Conventional Loans

Right now, DSCR loans are often cheaper than conventional loans. Also, they also don’t appear on your personal credit report. This can be a big advantage if you own multiple rental properties. Conventional loans on the other hand can show up on your credit report and affect your credit score.

DSCR Loans and Business Structure

To clarify, DSCR loans are business loans. This means you need to have an LLC or a corporation established prior to applying. The loan is made out to your business, not to you personally. Therefore, it doesn’t show up on your credit report, and in turn keeps your personal credit clean.

Tools to Help You

Here at The Cash Flow Company, we offer a free DSCR calculator. This tool helps you figure out if a property will cash flow before applying for a DSCR loan. Just enter the numbers, and the calculator does the rest. It compares your rental income to your expenses to see if you break even.

Flexibility and Options

Even if your property doesn’t cash flow right away, there are options available. Sometimes, you might get a lower LTV, but it’s worth it if you believe the property value will increase.


DSCR loans are an excellent tool for real estate investors. They offer flexibility, quick approval, and most importantly they don’t require personal income documentation. Whether you’re starting out or have been in the game for a while, DSCR loans can help you build your real estate portfolio.

If you’re interested in learning more, visit The Cash Flow Company’s website! Start taking advantage of DSCR loans today!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about:Why You Need DSCR Loans In Today’s Real Estate Market


What is a HELOC?


What is a HELOC?

Today we are going to discuss not only what a HELOC is, but how it can help you succeed in real estate investing. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we always strive to make investing easier for you. One tool that can significantly help is the HELOC. To clarify, a HELOC stands for a Home Equity Line of Credit. It  is essential for making real estate investing simpler, faster, and more affordable. By opening this account, you gain flexibility, allowing you to fund deals yourself or secure contracts quickly. In fact, it’s surprising that not all investors have a HELOC on at least one of their properties. The benefits are so apparent that it’s wild that more people don’t use them. Let’s dive in! 

What is a HELOC?

Again, a HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, and is like a big credit card for your home. It lets you borrow against the equity in your property. This can be your own home or a rental property. To clarify, you can get a HELOC on a home with no mortgage or even one that already has a mortgage.

How Does it Work?

Think of it as a revolving line of credit, much like a credit card. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Get Approved: Apply at a bank or credit union.
  2. Draw Period: Use the funds for up to 10 years. You can pay it back and use it again, just like a credit card.
  3. Flexibility: Use it for down payments, purchases, or even repairs.


Example 1:
Imagine you own a property worth $300,000 and get a HELOC for $200,000. You find a great deal on another property for $150,000. You can use your HELOC to buy it quickly, without waiting for a traditional loan approval.

Example 2:
Let’s say you own a property worth $400,000 and owe $250,000 on it. You get a HELOC for $75,000. Someone comes to you with a good deal on a property for $75,000. You can write a check from your HELOC and buy it immediately.

Apply today!

In conclusion, this resource can be a powerful tool for real estate investors. By offering flexibility, lower costs, and speed, it makes investing easier and more efficient. Therefore, if you want to streamline your investing process, consider setting it up. today. With the right strategy, you can use your home equity to seize opportunities quickly and grow your wealth faster. Visit our website to explore your options and get started today.

Watch our most recent video to find out more!


HELOC: Make Real Estate Investing Easier, Faster, and Cheaper

At The Cash Flow Company, we always strive to make investing easier for you. One tool that can significantly help is the HELOC. A HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, is essential for making real estate investing simpler, faster, and more cheaper. Therefore, by opening a HELOC, you gain flexibility, allowing you to fund deals yourself or secure contracts quickly. In fact, it’s surprising that not all investors have a HELOC on at least one of their properties. The benefits are so apparent that it’s wild more people don’t use them. Let’s dive into why a HELOC is a game-changer for real estate investors.

What is a HELOC?

A HELOC, or Home Equity Line of Credit, is like a big credit card for your home. It lets you borrow against the equity in your property. This can be your own home or a rental property. To clarify, you can get a HELOC on a home with no mortgage or even one that already has a mortgage.

Why Use a HELOC for Real Estate Investing?

Using a HELOC can make your investing journey easier, faster, and cheaper. Here’s how:

  1. Flexibility: Access funds whenever you need them. You can write a check or wire money instantly.
  2. Lower Costs: Save on interest rates, fees, and other costs associated with traditional loans.
  3. Speed: No waiting for loan approval. Be a true cash buyer and grab deals quickly.

How Does a HELOC Work?

Think of a HELOC as a revolving line of credit, much like a credit card. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Get Approved: Apply at a bank or credit union.
  2. Draw Period: Use the funds for up to 10 years. You can pay it back and use it again, just like a credit card.
  3. Flexibility: Use it for down payments, purchases, or even repairs.

Examples of HELOCs in Action

Example 1:
Imagine you own a property worth $300,000 and get a HELOC for $200,000. You find a great deal on another property for $150,000. You can use your HELOC to buy it quickly, without waiting for a traditional loan approval.

Example 2:
Let’s say you own a property worth $400,000 and owe $250,000 on it. You get a HELOC for $75,000. Someone comes to you with a good deal on a property for $75,000. You can write a check from your HELOC and buy it immediately.

Benefits of a HELOC

First, Lower Interest Rates: Typically lower than credit cards and even some private loans. For example, while credit cards can have rates in the 20s, HELOCs often have rates around 8-9%.

Second, No Extra Fees: Save on appraisals, underwriting, and other processing fees. This can save you thousands of dollars per deal.

Third, Convenience: Use checks or debit cards linked to your HELOC for quick access to funds.

Why Aren’t More Investors Using HELOCs?

Many investors don’t use HELOCs because they find them confusing. But, with a bit of understanding, they can see how beneficial it can be. Even a small HELOC can cover down payments or monthly payments, making investing smoother.

How Much Can You Get with a HELOC?

The amount you can borrow depends on your property’s value and the current economy. Banks might lend up to 80-90% of your home’s value. Even if you start with a lower amount, you can always refinance later as the economy improves.

Setting Up Your HELOC

  1. Pay Down One Property: Focus on reducing the mortgage on one property to free up equity.
  2. Apply for a HELOC: Once you have enough equity, apply for a HELOC to use for future investments.

HELOC Tools and Resources

At The Cash Flow Company, we provide a HELOC questionnaire to help you determine the best options for you. Visit our website and check under the Tools section.

Apply for a HELOC today!

In conclusion, a HELOC can be a powerful tool for real estate investors. By not only offering flexibility and lower costs, but speed as well, it makes investing easier and more efficient. Therefore, if you want to streamline your investing process, consider setting up a HELOC. With the right strategy, you can use your home equity to seize opportunities quickly and grow your wealth faster. Visit our website to explore HELOC options and get started today.

Watch our most recent video: HELOC: Make Real Estate Investing Easier, Faster, and Cheaper



What is a PadSplit?


What is a PadSplit?

Today we are going to discuss the newest real estate investment concept, PadSplit! This is something that will be growing more and more popular in the near future due to affordability. By creating a PadSplit property, investors will be able to double and even triple their income off of a property.  What exactly is a PadSplit and how can it create greater cash flow?  Let’s take a closer look! 

What is a PadSplit?

A PadSplit is where you take a regular house that is a 3 bedroom/1 resident, and convert it to a property that has 6 to 8 bedrooms/6 to 8 residents. In doing so, individuals are renting the property by the bedroom as opposed to renting the whole house. To clarify, these bedrooms would be a suite and would have a private bathroom attached with only the kitchen being the shared space. Each bedroom can then be rented by the week, month, or year depending on individual needs. By creating a PadSplit property it creates an affordable property for investors because they are getting 2 to 3 times the rent that they would have before. Also, no need to worry about rooms not being rented. There are companies available that can help to ensure your property is full. 

For example:

Regular investment property: 4 Bedroom with 1 stream of income totalling $2,300 

PadSplit property: 6 Bedroom with 6 streams of income totaling $4,800

Affordability is key

Nowadays, more people are only able to afford $800 per month for housing. This includes young people, old people, singles, and others who are traveling for work. Families are typically the ones who want the full house, as opposed to those who are just searching for affordability. PadSplits are becoming a bigger part of the real estate community because there is such a need in the community to create affordable housing. By putting 6 to 8 units into a property, investors can then afford to buy properties where people want to live.

Is a PadSplit right for you?

We are here to help answer your questions regarding PadSplits and run through the numbers with you to see if it’s right for you. If you do it right and make your payments, you will have the opportunity to make a lot of money! Contact us today to find out more and get in before everyone else does! 

Watch our most recent video to answer the question, What is a PadSplit?


Most Small Business Owners Fail at THIS

Alex Erlich, a credit advisor and educator, is joining us today to discuss what most small business owners fail at! The main focus for today’s conversation is the importance of leveraging business credit vs personal credit. Credit and debt are not equal in any shape or form, but we have to play the game to win it. Knowing the rules of how to play will get you in the best position to win! Whether it’s the credit card game, credit game, or the leverage game, you need to create a leverage profile. Let’s take a closer look!

How to leverage business credit instead of personal credit?

So many people are putting business expenses on their personal credit. Unfortunately that is not as efficient as one might assume. 70-80% of clients are overextended on projects, and have maxed out their credit cards. Thus making it extremely difficult to be approved for additional loans moving forward without further impacting personal credit scores. In order to prevent this landslide, we need to approach business expenses more professionally and keep everything business focused. In doing so, it will prevent further strain on your personal credit, increase eligibility, and create more leverage. What exactly do we mean by leverage? Leverage is how much you are eligible for and what it looks like on paper. Leverage is the King in real estate. Having more leverage allows for more opportunities, not only your business, but for your personal life as well.  

How do we turn the focus from personal to business? 

First and foremost individuals need to acknowledge that they have a business. Surprisingly, many business owners don’t consider themselves to be entrepreneurs. From realtors, to contractors, and everyone in between, they typically consider themselves to be employees of the overwriting company. However, this mindset needs to change! They should not only view themselves as entrepreneurs, but also a representation of the brand. Another component that should be evaluated are items on your personal credit that need to be removed. This will in turn prevent you from personal liability as you continue to grow your business.

We are here to help you!

Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to set you up for success! Are you ready to start your own business but wondering where to start? Do you have personal credit cards that have business expenses on them? Contact us today to find out what you need to do in order to win in real estate investing! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more about: Most Small Business Owners Fail at THIS. 

Watch the complete interview with Alex Erlich now to learn even more! 


Real Estate 2024: Your Credit Score Matters

Today we are going to discuss why your credit score really matters. On average, we talk to 20 to 25 investors a day. Many of them are facing a number of hurdles that are not only impacting them, but their investments as well. By looking at the patterns that we have seen over the years, it allows us to better meet the needs of our clients. How can your credit score impact your success as a real estate investor? Let’s take a closer look.

Credit score obstacles.

Your credit score can often hinder your success in real estate investing. Over half of our calls are from people who have a score that is too low for them to get what they want. For example, we have a guy from Texas who is trying to get his property refinanced.  While the property is great and he has an amazing tenant, his credit score is too low for him to get the rate he needs to cash flow. By working on your credit scores and setting things up right, you can achieve the credit score you need to get what you want. 

Business credit cards.

Getting business credit cards is the #1 thing that will help you achieve your goals in real estate investing! Those who are able to get business charges off of their personal credit cards will in turn open up a lot of funding options. Struggles with credit scores is often the cause of people getting out of real estate investing. Don’t let this happen to you! 

Increasing your credit score quickly.

We have a lot of different options available to investors that will help them get their credit score back on track in a matter of weeks! 

  1. Usage loan

A usage loan is used to pay down credit cards by using a private loan. As a result of paying down the credit cards, it raises your credit score. By increasing your credit score it will then allow you to refinance and buy your next investment property. 

  1. Business credit cards

We can not stress enough how important business credit cards are! By setting up business credit cards instead of personal credit cards it will help to increase your funding options. The majority of business credit cards do not report your usage. Therefore they are not hurting your DTI or your credit score. Make the change today and see the effects it can have on your credit score! 

Are you on the right path? 

Contact us today if you have any questions about how to get started in real estate investing! Do you have a property in mind? Send us the numbers and we will see if it is a good investment opportunity for you. Since your credit score and funding are such crucial pieces to your success, it is important that you know them before diving into a deal!  

Watch our most recent video to find out more about Real Estate 2024: Your Credit Score Matters.


Investor Code Red: Doing Too Many Projects at Once

Today we are going to discuss how doing too many projects at once can create a roadblock in your success. For example, we just worked with a guy who is a very successful business owner whojust got into flipping. He found 3 great properties and bought them all with our help. After finishing his first property, he gave us a call and said that he would never do that again. Unfortunately this is not uncommon in real estate investing. By biting off more than you can chew, you can quickly become overwhelmed. Don’t let this happen to you! 

Having too many projects can cost you more

By taking on too many projects at once, you can slow down the process entirely. From multiple property costs to paying contractors, investors can get too big too fast. It is important to “err on the side of caution” to prevent the “finance crunch” that often occurs. So, slow down, be realistic, and limit your losses.

Don’t focus on the unicorns.  

While there are some people who are unicorns and able to juggle multiple properties at once, they do not make up the majority of investors. The rest of us have to play by the rules and work hard in order to make money on our real estate investments. It is important to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses throughout the process so that you can set yourself up for success. 

Limit your losses

You don’t want to get into your first property and lose $40K! In order to move onto the next property, it is important that you make money on your investments. We have seen so many investors who have hit a wall because they didn’t understand escrow, the need for cash flow, or they are doing too many things. Prevent the stress and move at a pace that’s right for you.

We are here to help!

Remember, what you can do in a couple years is a lot more than what you can do in a few months. Take the time to do things correctly in order to create the generational wealth you want. This is only one of the 5 major roadblocks that can prevent you from being successful in real estate investing. Where do you start? We can help you get on the path to success! Contact us today to find out more.


Watch our most recent video to find out more about Investor Code Red: Doing Too Many Projects at Once.


Real Estate Investing Tips: Getting 100% Financing

Today we are going to focus on one of the biggest questions real estate investors have, which is how they can get 100% financing. Here at The Cash Flow Company, we talk to an average of 20 to 25 investors a day. Many of them are facing a number of hurdles that are not only impacting them, but their investments as well. By looking at the patterns that we have seen over the years, it allows us to better meet the needs of our clients. How can you get 100% financing on your next investment property? Let’s take a closer look.

How do I get 100% financing?

Everyone wants to get into real estate investing with 100% financing. However, many of them wonder how can they get the money they need for their rental property or fix and flip. While there are some lenders who offer 100% financing, they will only do so if you have already done 1 or 2 deals. To put it another way, investors who have not had the experience yet, need other lending options immediately. Many traditional lenders will only lend 80% to 90%. Become a real Real Estate Investor by building your confidence to go ask people for the money you need for your investments. By finding good deals and demonstrating your confidence, the sky is the limit to your success.

First, HELOCS:

HELOC stands for home equity line of credit. A HELOC allows you to take money out of your property or a rental property. You can then use these funds to bridge the lending gap for your next investment.

Second, Real peoples money:

Real people are those within the community who are in search of better returns on their funds. There are a ton of people out there who have $20K to $100K to invest and are looking for better returns. 

Third, Start using creative financing today:

Creative financing includes business credit cards, which can be used to fund the rehab, staging, and even a Vrbo. However, it is important to keep in mind that the credit card needs to be a business credit card at 0%, otherwise it will not be beneficial to you or your investment needs. 

Fourth, What is stacking and how can it help you reach your financing needs?

The lending journey begins with your primary mortgage company who will give you 80% to 90% financing. As a result, investors must begin the search for additional financing options in order to get up to 100% financing. Gap funding options can actually include HELOCS, family friends, real peoples money, as well as establishing a partnership. 

Are you on the right path? 

Contact us today if you have any questions on how to get started in real estate investing! Do you have a property in mind? Send us the numbers and we will see if it is a good investment opportunity for you. Nowadays funding is a critical piece to real estate investors’ success, it is important that you know your numbers ahead of time to make things easier, cheaper, and faster. 

Watch our most recent video  to learn more Real Estate Investing Tips: Getting 100% Financing.


5 Simple Steps to Starting a Successful Business

Many real estate investors and contractors wonder how they can get everything done that they need to. From setting up the EIN to naming the business, it can all be daunting. Today we are going to discuss the 5 steps to starting a successful business in order to get you on the right path quickly and easily. 

What are the 5 simple steps to starting a successful business?

#1: Make sure that your personal credit is set up for success. This will look differently for each person, so be sure to focus on the areas that need improvement.

#2: Define your business by deciding what the business is and how many businesses you want.

#3:  Decide the name for your business. It does help to have a parent company with no specified direction. Not only will it simplify things for you, but more importantly it will smooth things out for the banks for future financing needs. 

#4: Create an EIN by registering the company with the secretary of state.Setting this up correctly will ensure that you are seen as a business not only to lenders, but to clients as well. 

#5: Define your goals. Be very clear with your goals! Where do you want to go with your business, how many properties do you need, do you need to buy machinery? All of these goals need to be established first and foremost when starting your business. 

You are not alone!

There are a lot of companies out there who can help you through the process of setting things up correctly. They can help you find the right bank for your needs, register for an EIN, and even complete a DBA to change the name that you are working under. Contact us today to find out what you need to do to get started and ways you can set yourself up for success.

Establishing your goals are the key to success! 

Even though we have goals as #5 on our list, it really should be first and foremost in all of your business decisions. Those who don’t have their goals established will only focus on completing a checklist, which will result in more work. Maybe your goal is to buy five more properties this year. Another person’s goal might be to scale their business so that they can bring on two more employees. No matter what the goal is, make sure that you achieve it using your company name. In doing so, you will be able to work backwards and determine the steps you need to take in order to complete your goal.

Fitting into the lending box.

Those who establish their goals in the beginning are able to create a roadmap to success. As a result they can then begin looking for banks, as well as vendors, who have the products they need to succeed. Just to clarify, vendors can include home depot, lowes, and the gas company. These are just a few of the companies that can help you build business credit if you do it correctly. It is important that you get into the charge accounts as well. This will help you to not only grow your business, but build  your business credit score as well.

Build the migration from personal credit to business credit.

Finding the right vendors can help you begin the transition from personal credit to business credit. By having business credit you will be able to open more doors that will allow you to reach your business goals. Do you need a business credit card? Contact us today to find out more! 

Play the game to win it.

Real estate investing is all about leverage. In order to be successful in this community, you need other people’s money, loans, and debt. This will allow you to buy properties, as well as fix up properties. Investors and contractors who take the time to work on their credit will be able to open more doors than they would have otherwise. It is important to remember that times have changed and will continue to do so. Those who can set things up correctly, take the steps to get there, and focus on the quickest steps will have a greater chance of winning the real estate game!

Watch our most recent video to find out more about the 5 Simple Steps to Starting a Successful Business.

Are you starting a business and not sure where to begin? Contact us today to get on the right path! 


Where to Find Gap Funding


Where to Find Gap Funding

In the past few days we have spoken with 4 clients who lost properties because they didn’t secure financing beforehand. While getting into real estate investing requires a lot of planning, it is imperative that investors set up their money correctly from the very beginning.  This often includes finding gap funding options prior too shopping for properties. Those who take the time to set things up correctly will have more opportunities than those who wait!

What is gap funding?

Gap funding is borrowing money from someone for the down payment, carry, or any money that you have to put into the deal. When you are buying a property, the first lender requires something in order to approve the loan. This could be a down payment, reserves for payments, or they may require you to do the fix up. Many investors don’t have the additional funds that are needed in order to meet the lenders requirements. Real estate investors might go out and find a family member, friend, or someone in the real estate community who can lend them that money to bridge the gap. It is important to make sure that your primary lender allows gap funding before purchasing a property. If the lender doesn’t allow gap funding, it could jeopardize the deal. 

How do you find gap funding?

There are a lot of people out there who have anywhere between $10K to $50K that they are looking to invest. By working with you, they have a chance to receive a better return on their investment. So how do you find gap funding? There are real estate groups throughout the community that provide opportunities for investors to meet. While peer investors are not often interested in diving into real estate themselves, they are interested in getting a better return on their money. While you can start by asking family and friends, many fear that it will create an awkward situation. By finding peer investors in the community who have $100K or $200K set aside, you will be able to compete in today’s market!

Ready, set, GO!

In order to be successful in real estate it is important that you find and secure funding prior to purchasing properties. Thankfully there are a lot of options out there to help investors. These include HELOCs, credit cards, and peer lending, just to name a few. Here at The Cash Flow Company we have seen people use multiple ways to get the gap covered. Those who take the time to  gather pre-approvals, will be ready to go when the next deal comes!

Contact us today to find out more about gap funding and what you need to do to get pre-approved.

Watch our most recent video to learn Where to Find Gap Funding
