The Benefits of a DSCR Loan


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The Benefits of a DSCR Loan

Are you looking for a loan that is easy to qualify for with good rates and a 30 year fixed term? Then we have your solution. We call it the Easy Rental Loan, but other lenders in the industry call it a DSCR loan. A DSCR is also known as a debt service coverage ratio loan, measures your ability to cash flow in order to pay your monthly costs. Before looking at the benefits of a DSCR loan, there are two key items that you need to take into consideration. Let’s take a look.

Two key items for the Easy Rental Loan are:

  1. A decent credit score
  2. A lease that covers the monthly cost of your property

The Monthly costs include

  1. Mortgage payment
  2. Property taxes
  3. Insurance
  4. HOA fee

Benefits of a DSCR Loan:

If your property positively cash flows, meaning that you make more than you spend on the property, then you can qualify for an easy rental loan. Better yet, you can still qualify for affordable, long term fixed rates with a 30 year fixed term. 

What makes the Easy Rental Loan Easy:

You don’t have to worry about submitting tax returns, being in business for two or more years, or having too many financed properties. It really doesn’t get easier than that

Contact us today!

So if you’re looking for a fast, efficient, and easy solution to fund your rental properties, then look no further. We have the easy rental loan waiting for you.

Ready to chat? Great! Our team here at The Cash Flow Company is here to help. We are eager to set you on a path that helps you make the kind of money you need to live the life you want.

Watch our most recent clip to find out more about the Easy Rental Loan.
