Tag Archive for: real estate investor

If you’re struggling with a low credit score, a 911 loan could help you get back on track!

A Credit Score 911 Usage Loan is essentially a non-reporting loan that pays off all credit cards, allowing your credit score to shoot upwards.

These loans act as a fast-acting antidote to your credit score usage problems. The next time your credit report generates, you should see significant improvement.

Essentially, it’s a quick fix for people who pay their bills on time.

Who Should Use a 911 Loan?

If your credit score is weighed down by a long history of late payments, this loan is not going to help you very effectively. 

These loans are perfect for people whose credit has been plagued by high usage, who need to fix their credit score FAST.

In short, here’s what you should know about a 911 Usage Loan:

  1. 911 loans pay down debt that accumulates through usage issues, not late payments.
  2. We’re an asset-based lender, so make sure you have some real estate to secure your loan.
  3. You need an exit strategy. We want to make sure you have a way of paying that loan back.

Real estate investing is a fast-moving business. It’s important to have a quick solution for an issue that could otherwise cost you thousands of dollars in higher payments or declined deals. 

How Long Before it Pays Down my Debt?

We call this a “Credit Score 911” because we understand that a low credit score can be an emergency need.

It can take as little as 2 weeks (or up to 30 days) to get this loan and see results in your credit score. The timing depends simply on when your credit cards report and when your statements come out.

You still owe the money, but now you owe it to a non-reporting entity.

Although it can be daunting to take out an unexpected usage loan, a delay of a month is far better than a long term delay where you can’t refinance or buy.


Read the full article here.

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Real Estate Investing: Points and Interest Explained

Today we are going to explain what points and interest are in regards to real estate investing. This is something that needs to be considered when you are applying for a loan in order to ensure that you get the best deal. Whether it’s a hard money loan, a private loan, a bank loan, or even OPM (Other People’s Money)? Each situation is different! It’s essential to know what works best for you. Let’s get started!

Factors to Consider

Speed of Funding

In real estate, speed can make or break a deal. Sellers prefer buyers who can close quickly with no hassle. So, you need to know which lender can fund the fastest.

Down Payment

Down payments can vary. With hard money, you might get 100% financing, but usually, you’ll need 10-20% down.

Example: If you’re buying a $300,000 property, a 10% down payment means you need $30,000 upfront.

Points and Interest Rates

Points are fees paid to the lender, usually as a percentage of the loan amount. Interest rates can range from 10% to 12% or more.

Example: On a $270,000 loan with 1 point, you’ll pay $2,700 upfront. At 12% interest, you’ll pay $2,700 monthly.

Additional Fees

Lenders may charge other fees like escrow fees, draw fees, underwriting, and appraisal fees. These can add up, especially on smaller loans.

Example: A $200,000 loan might come with $1,900 in fees, affecting your overall cost.

How to Choose the Best Loan

  1. Compare Costs: Use our free Loan Cost Optimizer tool on our website to compare lenders and see who offers the best deal.
  2. Check Funding Speed: Make sure your lender can close the deal quickly to avoid losing it.
  3. Evaluate All Fees: Look at points, interest rates, and other fees to get the full picture.


In sum, the best loan for your fix and flip is the one that costs you the least and funds on time. At The Cash Flow Company, our goal is to help you get the best lending options available. If you have a question or a deal to discuss, reach out to us. Visit our website, download our Loan Cost Optimizer, to not only compare lenders, but to also find the best deal for you.

Watch our most recent video to discover more about: Real Estate Investing: Points and Interest Explained


DSCR Loans: Does Your Rent Cover Your Costs?

Today we are going to discuss the importance of asking “does your rent cover costs” when considering a DSCR loan. Getting a DSCR loan can be both easy as well as rewarding. Let’s take a closer look! 

First and Foremost: Check Your Rent Coverage

First, ask yourself: does your rent cover all your costs? This includes:

  • Mortgage payment
  • Taxes
  • Insurance
  • HOA fees

While it’s not always necessary, by having your rent cover these costs can in turn help you get better rates as well as higher loan-to-value products. At the very least, aim to charge rent that covers your monthly payments. However, if it does, then you’ve passed the first step!

Example: Begin by imaging that you own a rental property. Your mortgage payment is $1,200, your taxes and insurance are $200, and your HOA fee is $100. Therefore, your total monthly cost is $1,500. However, if you charge $1,600 in rent, you are even able make a little extra.


In sum, determining your DSCR ratio you can determine if a DSCR loan is right for you. And that’s it! If you find any step challenging, don’t worry. Our team is here to help you. We’re eager to set you on a path that helps you make the money you need to live the life you want. Here at The Cash Flow Company we want to ensure that all of your questions are answered prior to purchasing a property. Contact us today to find out more! 

Watch our most recent video to find out more.


Interest rates are currently high, but they’re likely to start falling in 2024. What can you do now so that you’re prepared to build wealth when interest rates drop?

It’s important to look at the patterns of those interest rates so we can project where they’ll be over the next few years.

Real estate investing is one of the most accessible ways to create generational wealth. It takes two things to be successful:

  1. Leverage: knowing how to use other people’s money (bank loans, etc.) to turn a profit
  2. Math: know how the numbers work so you can use them to your advantage.

Even though interest rates are currently high, if we understand how to use leverage and math to our benefit, we’ll be creating wealth in no time.

Falling Interest Rates Generate Generational Wealth… If You’re Prepared.

If you buy when interest rates are high, you’re going to increase your income as rates fall by refinancing. This puts money back in your pocket. You’re also going to increase your net worth even if you don’t sell.

Refinancing when rates fall is a great way to create the income you need to begin a sustainable investment cycle. 

Also, this strategy also naturally lets you diversify lines of credit, cross liens, etc. that allow you to increase your portfolio.

Time to Buy

Here’s the bottom line: rates are going to fall, and if you buy now, you’ll build income without needing to invest in additional investments. 

This is the time to be buying investment properties.

We’re moving into a market where there’s going to be a lot of demand for properties. As rates fall, more people will be looking to buy. Get ahead of that rush, and use the dropping rates to put money in your pocket.


It’s important to keep your finger on the pulse as a real estate investor — especially if you’re serious about generating wealth. We have a weekly Investor Mortgage Report that keeps you updated on DSCRs, bank rates, private money, and market trends so you can be an informed investor.

Things change rapidly. Rates may rise through the end of 2023, but the moment they start to fall, you want to be prepared.

If you’d like to be put on the Investor Report email list, or if you have questions about how to get started as an investor, reach out to us at Mike@TheCashFlowCompany.com.


Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


A DSCR loan calculator is an invaluable tool for real estate investors.

In the investment world, rental properties are a great source of wealth. The financial potential in fixing up places to then rent out is a very lucrative model, especially in the current housing economy.

What is a DSCR Loan?

DSCR loans are specifically designed for real estate investors who hold rental properties. 

The acronym literally stands for Debt-Service Coverage Ratio which is a fancy way of saying that the loan cares about the cash flow of a property.

The great news, especially for new investors, is that accessing these loans is less dependent on personal or business income. Even if you’ve just begun a new business, qualification for DSCR depends almost entirely on the potential value and expenses of the rental property itself. 

What is a DSCR Ratio?

The DSCR ratio is a simple calculation that compares income to expenses—the cash flowing in vs. the cash flowing out—on a single property.

Essentially, a DSCR ratio of 1 simply means that the income and expenses equal each other.

The DSCR ratio measures the break-even point of your investment. So long as you bring in the same amount of money as you invest, you won’t lose anything.

However, a DSCR ratio of higher-than-1 is even better. A higher ratio means that you’re bringing in more money than you’re spending—generating cash flow and building wealth.

Raising the Ratio

You can get a higher DSCR ratio in a few ways. 

1. Be mindful of your expenses.

Especially if you’re a new investor, make sure you’re shopping around for the best deals. 

Before you buy a property, research the typical costs for the area. Is there an HOA? Will you need any specialized insurance? Typical taxes?

Knowing these things beforehand can help you make more informed decisions and keep your costs lower.

2. Set rents intentionally.

Look at the average rents in your area. Remember, the higher your income (rents), the higher your DSCR ratio.

Let’s look at an example:

When rents equal our cash out, lenders may see your loan as “safe,” but it’s not making you any money. 

Instead, raising rents can help you end up with a higher DSCR ratio (and more money in your pocket).

When you raise rents, simply divide your expenses by your income (rents) to find your new ratio.

By raising rents by $200, we end up with a much better ratio (1.2) that actually creates wealth instead of simply covering expenses. 

Use Our DSCR Loan Calculator

To help you find your projected rents, expenses, and ratio, you can use our DSCR loan calculator. It’s a free, user-friendly download that will help you estimate your DSCR ratio to see if your investment property is going to break even.

Once you have an estimate for your ratio, it’s time to start looking for loans. 

Finding a DSCR Loan

Banks typically like to see ratios of 1 or higher. 

However, if you’re working with a property that might not break even, you can often still find a loan, but you might be stuck with higher rates.

You can also check out our website and inquire about the DSCR options we offer

Here at The Cash Flow Company, we scour the market to make sure we offer competitive rates and connect good people with good loans.

If you have questions or want to talk about a loan, reach out to us at Mike@TheCashFlowCompany.com.


How can your credit score impact DSCR loans in the real estate investing world?

Credit score impacts investors potentially more than anything else. Lenders will adjust the rates and terms of loans based purely on the three digits of credit score on a person’s financial records. 

Leverage is the key to successful real estate investing, and understanding the impact of credit score is a critical facet of that leverage. 

This article uses real-life examples to illustrate the difference a good credit score makes in the investment world.

How Can Credit Score Impact DSCR Loans?

Let’s look at how DSCR loans can be impacted by a low credit score using two example clients:

  • One (Person 1) has a low credit score of 660
  • The other (Person 2) has a high score of 740

We see a lot of clients looking at cash out refinancing, so we’ll look at that type of project.

What’s the Difference?

If Person 1 has a 660 credit score, not only will they likely struggle to find lenders, but 65% is about the best they could look for. This directly translates into less money out of that property.

In contrast, Person 2 with a 740 score should be able to fairly easily get 75%. The more money out, the better your leverage.

As you can see in the chart above, not only does the person with a lower credit score get less cash out, but their rate is also higher which raises their monthly payments. 

Credit Score Matters

Although at first glance, it’s tempting to just look at the monthly payments and think, “It’s not that big of a difference,” don’t fall into that trap!

The person with the higher score not only has a lower monthly payment, but because they also got a higher Cash Out % which gave them an additional $35,000 out. 

Having that good credit score makes it possible to keep cash flowing. If you’re serious about investing, your credit score matters.

Read the full article here.

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How can your credit score impact fix and flip loans in the real estate investing world?

Credit score impacts investors potentially more than anything else. Lenders will adjust the rates and terms of loans based purely on the three digits of credit score on a person’s financial records. 

Leverage is the key to successful real estate investing, and understanding the impact of credit score is a critical facet of that leverage. 

This article uses real-life examples to illustrate the difference a good credit score makes in the investment world.

How Does Credit Score Impact Fix and Flip Loans?

Let’s compare two clients: 

  • One (Person 1) has a low credit score of 660
  • The other (Person 2) has a high score of 740

These numbers are based on real clients who have approached us for loans.

What Changes?

If you look at the way the numbers worked out in the chart above, you’ll notice that the actual interest rate is the same for both clients.

Obviously credit score can impact a rate, however it’s also common for the impact to be even simpler. In this situation, the lender simply gives less money to clients with lower scores.

In this scenario, the lender only offered 85% of the purchase price to the person with the lower credit score. The person with the higher score ended up having 85% of the purchase price covered as well as 100% of the rehab costs. 

The Cost of a Low Score

If we estimate the closing costs for Person 1’s project at around $7,500 and combine that with the leftover 15% of the purchase price and 85K rehab, the cost of a low credit score starts to take shape. In our example, Person 1 will need to find over $171,000 of additional funding simply because they had a lower score.

Even when the rates aren’t affected, a low credit score is going to cost more in the long run. It’s hard to do multiple projects when you have to bring in that much money on your own. 

Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


It’s important to look ahead when preparing your loan applications in the real estate game.

In real estate investing, leverage comes from using other people’s money to generate wealth and income. 

The better your leverage, the easier and more profitable real estate investing becomes. 

But how do you find the right loans that can give you that leverage?

Before applying to various lenders, make sure you’re prepared for the basics.

Be Honest

This may seem basic, but it can be really tempting to slip in a few lies when you’re trying to get a deal. Don’t do it.

Lenders do background checks, look at credit, and generally get external confirmation for everything you tell them. Lying not only makes their jobs harder, but your lack of honesty can ruin your reputation with that lender.

Make sure you disclose if you’ve gone through bankruptcy or if you have any credit card debt. 

They will find out if you’re hiding information or stretching the truth, and you’ll get dumped to the bottom of the pile.

Especially About Your Credit Score

One of the first things lenders look at is credit score. That score can determine whether you even get considered for a loan.

It’s better to be honest about a bad credit score and have a detailed plan about how to fix it than to lie. 

If you have a bad credit score, work on fixing it before submitting loan applications.

If credit score is something you’re concerned about, there are ways to raise your score, including looking into usage loans

The better the score, the better terms a lender will offer. The better the terms, the better your leverage. 

If you have questions about raising your score or are interested in discussing a usage loan, you can contact us here, and we’ll be happy to discuss your options.

Learn More

Read the full article here.

Watch the YouTube video here:


A lot of people are afraid to make the switch to business credit cards because they’re unfamiliar. These are the three most common concerns we hear from our clients who need to make the switch to business credit cards for real estate.

1. “It’s a huge switch from my current system and is going to take forever.” 


People hear terms like “corporate credit” or “business credit card” and think it’s going to be a massive change that they’re going to need to get done at Bradstreet.

That’s not the case at all!

Essentially, you’re going to look for the same credit cards you have now—ones with 0% APR, cash back, travel miles, or whatever you like. Look for a credit card with the perks you enjoy and open it in your business’ name. 

Sure, it’s technically a “business credit card,” but you shop around the exact same way as you would for a personal card. 

2. “Business credit cards still affect my personal credit scores.” 


Here’s the great news: so long as you’re paying it off on time, your business credit card will never report on your personal credit score.

*Unfortunately, if you have a few late payments, it will start reporting. Also, there are a few business credit cards that do report on your personal score. Always read the fine print so that you can avoid these cards and companies.

Therefore, if you pick a good card and are good about paying off your balances, this shouldn’t be a huge concern. So long as you pay on time, it will never report your balances or usage. This protects your personal credit score for real estate investors which is the whole goal of getting a business credit card.

If you need help figuring out which cards are best for your business, contact us!

3. “I need to have an actual business for a business credit card.”


Yes, it’s true, but don’t panic if you’re not set up for this yet! 

You do need a business, an LLC, and a business checking account. 

If you already have a business set up, obviously making the change will be super easy. However, if you need any help getting these items in order, let us know, and we’d be happy to help.

A poor credit score is a huge inhibitor for investors. It’s worth doing a little extra work on the front end to set up something that’s going to open doors for you and fix one of your biggest weaknesses.

Read the full article here.

Watch the full video here:


Learn the meaning behind your lender’s real estate lingo so you always know what’s going on.

Real estate, like many fields, has its own vocabulary. This can make it extra challenging for people who are trying to enter the real estate investing world.

So many people come to us confused. Sometimes they don’t even know what to ask because the language is so unfamiliar.

Real estate is all about leverage. Understanding the lingo and how to calculate the most common rates will help you be money-wise and confident in your investment journey.

1. “Points”

When your lender mentions that something is “one point” or maybe “one and half points,” they’re talking about out-of-pocket cost. So what is a point in real estate investing?

“Points” are a percentage of the loan that the lender is going to charge you.

Hypothetically, let’s say your lender says your loan is a “two point” cost to you. That means they’re going to charge you 2% of the total loan amount.

Real Estate Lingo Explained: Understanding Your Lender

  • Total Loan Amount: $200,000
  • Points: 2 (meaning 2% or 0.02)
  • Calculation: 200,000 x 0.02 = $4,000
  • Out-of-pocket Cost for the Loan: $4,000

The lower the points, the lower the cost; the higher the points, the higher the cost. Also, remember that the points are calculated off the loan amount, not the purchase price.

Always remember to look out for fees. Points are often only part of the upfront charges from your lender.

Make sure you ask ahead of time about additional fees, appraisals, underwriting, escrows, and escrow draws.

2. “Rate”

Lenders talking about interest rates can get very confusing very quickly.

The common real estate lingo of saying you have a “10% rate” does not mean you have a flat 10% interest regardless of how long you keep the money out.

“Rate” refers to the simple interest rate over a year, NOT your monthly interest rate.

To find your monthly interest rate, divide by 12.

Real Estate Lingo Explained: Understanding Your Lender

  • Total Loan Amount: $200,000
  • Rate: 10%
  • Calculation: (200,000 x 0.10) / 12 = 1,667
  • Monthly Interest Rate: $1,667

Essentially, if you have your loan for six months (half a year) and you have a 10% rate, you’ll end up paying 5%.

3. “Payments”

When do payments start? How much do they cost?

If you’re new to real estate investing, it’s a good idea to ask a lot of questions about payments so you know what to have in your budget before you begin.

A few terms to look out for:


Product interest always shows up after the fact (in “arrears”). Basically, your July 1st payment is going to pay all of the interest for June.

Interest accumulates over the course of a month. Then the bill shows up after.

This how all mortgages are set up. So when you’re trying to figure out your payments and when they’re due, always look ahead 30-45 days after you close for the first payment.

Payments are typically due on the 1st or 15th of the month. Check with your specific lender to make sure you know your pay period.

“Simple Interest”

Above, we showed you how to calculate your monthly interest rate based on the simple interest rate of your loan.

When you start paying off your loan, you’ll see a big accumulation of interest. If you’ve taken time to calculate your monthly rate, this shouldn’t be a surprise to you. You can multiply that monthly rate by however long your project took to find your overall interest cost.

Real Estate Lingo Explained: Understanding Your Lender

You need money to make money in real estate, but you want to know the cost ahead of time as closely as possible.

Take time to figure out these numbers up front so you don’t have any surprises.

4. “Prepayments” or “Prepay Penalties”

You’ll likely see real estate lenders use lingo like “prepays” on products like DSCR or non-QM loans.

“Prepayment penalties” are fees some lenders charge to guarantee a loan is out a certain amount of time.

Essentially, if you pay off a loan during the prepay period, the lender will charge an added fee to ensure they’re making a profit.

Prepays come in all shapes and sizes but often show up in either a 3- or 5-year period. We recommend checking out this previous post to learn more about the intricacies of prepay penalties.

In terms of types of penalties, there are straight and declining prepay options:

  • “Straight Prepay” means that you will pay an agreed-upon percentage if you pay of the loan anytime during the prepay period. For example, if you have a straight 5-year 5% prepay penalty, you will be charged 5% whether you pay it off after 1 year or 4 years.
  • A “Declining Prepay” might start with a higher percentage, but the penalty gets smaller the longer you keep the loan until it disappears altogether. The first year, the penalty might be 5%, 4% the next, etc.

It’s always a good idea to check the prepayment penalties. Sometimes you can buy them down. But you should always make sure that higher fee is actually worth it. Often the trade-off comes in the form of a higher interest rate.

Don’t fall into a trap of paying a much higher interest rate for a slightly lower prepay penalty.

Using Real Estate Lingo With Your Lender

When you’re talking to lenders, knowing the real estate lingo can help you feel confident about your deals.

When you know what points are and how to calculate interest rates, you gain leverage with the ability to negotiate professionally.

The more you understand, the better pricing and terms you’ll be able to find.

Here at The Cash Flow Company, we have a free Loan Cost Optimizer tool. This, in addition to the formulas you learned above, can help you in your real estate journey.

Knowledge is leverage, and leverage is the key to unlocking your real estate investing potential.

Reach out to us at Info@TheCashFlowCompany.com with your questions.
